After he got home from a trip to the car wash, a six-year-old in Massachusetts called 911 to report a crime.
从洗车店回来后,马萨诸塞州的一名六岁的小孩回家拨打了911报警电话 。
The perpetrator was his father.
犯罪者是他的父亲 。
The criminal act? Dad ran a red light. Even though he was ratted out by his own kid, the father talked his way out of a ticket.
犯罪?爸爸闯红灯了 。尽管被自己的孩子揭发,但这位父亲还是以自己的一套说辞逃过了罚单 。
A grandfather labeled his three-month-old grandson a terrorist.
一位祖父给他三个月大的孙子贴上恐怖分子的标签 。
A question on the visa waiver to get into America asks Britons if they've ever engaged in "espionage, sabotage or genocide."
英国人免签证进入美国被问及是否从事“间谍、破坏或种族灭绝 。”
In filling out the form for his grandson, Paul Kenyon inadvertently checked yes. After explaining the mess to the American embassy,
保罗·肯扬在为他的孙子填写表格时,无意中签下了“是” 。在向美国大使馆解释后,
some Kenyon family members missed their flight to Orlando because they had to wait for the baby's visa to arrive in the mail.
凯尼恩的家人错过了飞往奥兰多的航班,因为他们不得不等待孩子的签证邮件 。
1. engaged in 从事于;忙于
He is engaged in making gifts,keeping an eye on the children and recording what they have done.
他在一年中的其他时间里忙于制作礼物和监督孩子们的行为并记录下来 。
2.visa waiver 免签证明
You must apply for a visa unless your country participates in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) and your visit will take fewer than 90 days.
除非贵国参加了免签证计划(Visa Waiver Program)而且您的访问时间不超过90天,否则必须申请签证 。
3.filling out 填写
Also, for those of you who plan on filling out your bookshelves with some of these, here is a handy chart on how to open a new book.
同时,对于你想用来填充你书架的那些书,这里有一个方便的图表来说明如何打开一本新书 。
4.inadvertently 非故意地,无心地
In the sections that follow, I show you a few simple unit tests that ensure that you do not inadvertently change the serialization format of your serializable classes.
在本文后续各节中,我将为您展示一些简单的单元测试,这些单元测试能确保您不会不经意地更改可串行化类的串行格式 。
5.terrorist 恐怖主义者
The terrorist demanded money from the child's parents.
恐怖分子向孩子的父母勒索钱财 。
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