American Sniper is currently one of the most popular movies in the country.
《美国狙击手》是美国目前最受欢迎的电影之一 。
It's about the life of Chris Kyle, the sniper with the most confirmed kills in American military history.
电影讲述的是美国军事史上最致命的狙击手克里斯·凯尔的故事 。
It focuses on his life, his failures, his successes, and the trauma that he experienced as a soldier.
主要讲述了他的生活,他的失败,成功,以及他作为一名军人经历的创伤 。
But viewers of the movie may be surprised at the way that it talks about the Iraq War in general.
然而,观众或许会对本片触及伊拉克战争的方式感到惊讶 。
From the very beginning of Kyle's military career, it's about a response to terrorism.
从军旅生涯一开始,凯尔就一直在和恐怖主义做斗争 。
He joins the military after we see the bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
美国驻肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚大使馆被炸后,他从了军 。
And we see his and his wife Taya's stunned reaction to 9/11.
在影片中,我们看到他和他的妻子塔亚对9/11的反应都十分震惊 。
But then bam.
但接下来来了个转折 。
Shortly after that...
"I just got the call, boys. It's on!"
“我接到了电话,小伙子们 。战争已经打响了!”
Kyle's at war in Iraq.
凯尔卷入了伊拉克战争 。
There's no intervening time spent on George W.Bush, weapons of mass destruction (WMD), or Saddam Hussein.
直接跳过了乔治·华盛顿,大规模杀伤性武器和萨达姆·侯赛因等问题 。
The implication that the viewer gets is that the invasion of Iraq was a logical response to 9/11.
这样一来,观众就会误以为美国入侵伊拉克是对9/11事件的合理回应 。
Of course, that's not actually what happened.
当然,事实并非如此 。
We know that after 9/11, the US invaded Afghanistan, were Al Qaeda actually was.
我们知道,在9/11之后,美国先是入侵了阿富汗,也就是基地组织的所在地 。
The decision to invade Iraq came as a result of a preexisting political project that members of the Bush administration had
and was sold on the pretense of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
伊拉克境内存在大规模杀伤性武器只不过是这个项目打的幌子 。
"The main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction.
“我们当时进入伊拉克的主要原因是我们以为他们有大规模杀伤性武器 。
It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of --
but I also talked about the human suffering in Iraq.
但我也提到了伊拉克境内人民的疾苦 。
And I also talked the need to advance a freedom agenda. "
以及推进自由议程的必要性 。”
In the movie's narrative, there's no intervening time between the American invasion and Kyle fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq.
在电影的叙述中,美国入侵伊拉克和凯尔在伊拉克打击基地组织之间没有任何时间间隔 。
"He's trained by bin Laden. He's loyal to bin Laden. His name is Zarqawi.
“他是本·拉登一手培养出来的,对本·拉登十分忠诚 。他的名字叫扎卡维 。
Now this asshole is right now the crown prince of Al Qaeda in Iraq. "
现在,这个混蛋已经成了基地组织的二号人物了 。”
That leaves viewers with the impression that the Iraq War was against Al Qaeda at the outset
and that America had invaded Iraq because it had become a hotbed of Al Qaeda operations.
美国入侵伊拉克是因为伊拉克已经成了基地组织行动的温床 。
The reverse is true.
反之亦然 。
Al Qaeda in Iraq grew out of the American invasion.
伊拉克的基地组织是从美国的入侵中成长起来的 。
It was weak and wasn't even Al Qaeda in Iraq when the invasion happened.
美国刚进入伊拉克时,它们的实力还很弱,甚至都算不上基地组织在伊拉克的分号 。
Its leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, correctly assessed that the US invasion would allow him to build up his group.
领导人扎卡维正确地判断出,美国的入侵将帮助他建立起自己的组织 。
Eastwood wanted to make a movie about one guy.
伊斯特伍德想拍一部关于一个人的电影 。
He didn't set out to make a movie about the Iraq War.
他没打算拍一部关于伊拉克战争的电影 。
The problem is, though he himself is anti-war, he ended up letting the film get wrapped up in Kyle's perspective.
问题是,虽然他自己是反战的,但他最终让这部电影变成了凯尔的视角 。
You want these motherfuckers to come to San Diego or New York? We're protecting more than just this dirt.
“你想让这些婊子养的来圣地亚哥或纽约吗?我们保护的可不仅仅是脚下的这片土地 。”
While it's easy to go sit at a movie, especially one that tries hard not to shove politics in your face, and appreciate it as simply a movie about heroism, this movie isn't just that.
虽然去电影院看场电影容易,尤其是去看一部努力避免当面向你推销政治,只当它是一部讲述英雄主义的电影来欣赏的电影,但这部电影不止于此 。
It's a movie that's going to leave viewers with a false perception of what happened.
这是一部会让观众对事实产生误解的电影 。