To understand leap year you have to know this one fact: Earth rotates 365.24219 times during one full orbit of the sun.
要了解闰年,你得知道一个事实:那就是,围绕太阳周转一次,地球的自传次数为365.24219次 。
That's right, a year is not 365 days. It's 365.24219 days.
没错,一年不是365天 。而是365.24219天 。
Which means our 365-day calendar is off by a quarter of a day, or about 6 hours, every year.
这也意味着我们标着一年365天的日历每年都少算了四分之一天,也就是6个小时左右 。
It's pretty annoying.
怪烦人的 。
Julius Caesar thought so too.
尤利乌斯•凯撒也是这么想的 。
Back in 45 BC, he came up with a solution:
For three years, we ignore that extra quarter of a day,
then every four years, we add those four quarter days together and stick an extra day at the end of February.
到了第四年,再将这四个四分之一天加在一起,放在二月底 。
Without that leap day, the gap between the calendar year and the true year would gradually increase.
如果没有闰年,日历上的一年和真实的一年之间的差距就会越来越大 。
After 100 years, the calendar would be about 25 days off.
100年后,日历就会少25天左右 。
So why does this matter?
Billions of years ago something smashed into earth and knocked its axis about 23 degrees.
数十亿年前,有东西撞到了地球,将地球的轴线撞歪了23度左右 。
And thus were born the seasons.
四季就这样诞生了 。
Winter when we're tilted away from the sun and summer when we're tilted toward it.
当我们转到背离太阳的一面时就是冬天,而转到面临太阳的一面就是夏天 。
And we're used to these seasons lining up with our calendar.
而且我们已经习惯了这些季节与我们的日历相一致了 。
It's handy for all sorts of record-keeping.
因为这样做各种记录都会很方便 。
But without leap year, our calendar would become disconnected from the seasons.
然而,如果没有闰年的话,我们的日历就会与季节脱节 。
After 700 years or so, Christmas would show up in the middle of summer.
而且约700年后,圣诞节就会出现在夏季 。
We'd have Thanksgiving in the spring, St. Patrick's Day in the fall, and Labor Day in the winter. Chaos!
感恩节则会出现在春季,圣帕特里克节秋季,劳动节冬季 。那岂不是乱成了一团!
It's still not a perfect system though.
然而,我们现在的日历系统也并非无可指摘 。
Leap year actually overcorrects slightly, so every 100 years we skip a leap day,
but that puts the calender slightly behind again, so we skip skipping leap day every 400 years.
但这样一来日历就会稍稍落后,所以我们每400年就重新添加一个闰日 。
And even still, after a few thousand years we'll be off by a day.
尽管如此,几千年后,我们的日历和回归年之间还是会差一天 。