Apart from habitat displacement and communication changes,
there's also evidence that boat noise simply stresses these whales out.
还有证据表明,船只产生的噪音还会让这些鲸鱼倍感压力 。
After the September 11th attacks, researchers in Canada's Bay of Fundy compared underwater noise levels during a period of reduced ship traffic to the stress-related hormone levels in the right whale population.
911袭击事件发生后,加拿大芬迪湾的研究人员对通航船只较少时水下的噪声级别与露脊鲸鲸群体内与压力相关的激素水平进行了比较 。
They discovered a 6 decibel noise decrease in the bay after 9/11,
which correlated to lower baseline levels of stress related hormones.
而同一时期,露脊鲸与压力相关激素的基线水平也有所下降 。
Effects like this go all the way down the food chain.
这种反应出现在了排在这种鲸鱼之下的整个食物链中 。
A 2017 study found that there were two to three times more dead zooplankton after a day of blasts from a single airgun.
2017年的一项研究发现,一支气枪开枪一天,死亡的浮游动物数量就会增加两到三倍 。
And the larvae of krill, which whales rely on for food, were totally destroyed.
磷虾幼虫,鲸鱼主要的食物来源,则被悉数毁灭了 。
In April 2017, Donald Trump signed an executive order to open offshore drilling in the Atlantic.
2017年4月,唐纳德·特朗普签署了一项行政令,同意在大西洋投放海上钻井 。
It directed the Interior Department to consider allowing seismic exploration by 5 companies that had been blocked under the Obama administration.
该行政令要求内政部考虑允许原本被奥巴马政府禁止的5家公司在大西洋进行地震勘探 。
It's getting widespread pushback in Congress —
特朗普的这一举措在国会引起了轩然大波 -
there's a bipartisan House bill and Democrat-led Senate bill to ban seismic testing —
因为众议院两党联合法案和民主党牵头的参议院法案都明令禁止这一勘探活动 -
but if those authorizations go through, companies could be conducting seismic testing in the Atlantic by Fall 2017.
然而,如果这些勘测得到了批准,2017年秋季,企业就可能已经在大西洋进行地震勘探了 。
So… is there any good news? Yes, there is.
那......有什么好消息吗?嗯,有的 。
In 2014, the International Maritime Organization adopted guidelines for reducing commercial ship noise levels
with things like noise-muffling propellers and insulated engines — though they're not mandatory yet.
如规定使用消声螺旋桨和绝缘发动机 - 尽管这些措施目前还没有强制执行 。
A year later, the US Navy agreed to limit sonar testing —
一年后,美国海军同意控制声纳测试 -
which has been linked to whales stranding themselves on beaches in habitats near Southern California and Hawaii —
following a lawsuit from environmental groups.
此前,环保团体对他们提出了诉讼 。
And in June 2016, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration laid out an Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap.
2016年6月,国家海洋和大气管理局制定了海洋噪声战略路线图 。
It's the start of a 10-year plan to assess the human impact on underwater sound and the measures required to reduce it.
从而开启了一项十年计划,旨在评估人类对水下声音的影响以及降低这种影响需要采取的措施 。
Seismic surveys can work better, too.
地震勘测也是可以更好地发挥作用的 。
Norway has started multi-client surveys, so that seismic data from a particular area is only collected once.
挪威已开始进行多客户调查,以便来自特定区域的地震数据不会被重复收集 。
US authorities are considering a similar process.
美国当局也正在考虑类似的措施 。
The ocean is huge, we've explored less than 5 percent of it so far.
海洋很大,到目前为止,我们探索的范围还不到整个海洋的5% 。
So it's easy to forget that what we do on the surface affects everything down below.
所以,我们很容易忘记,我们在海面上做的事情影响着海面以下的所有生物 。
But like plastic, chemicals, and waste, noise pollutes our oceans.
然而,不止是塑料、化学品和垃圾,噪声也在污染着我们的海洋 。
Understanding that is key to doing our part to protect it.
只有明白了这一点,我们才能尽到保护海洋的职责 。
Thank you so much for watching, we loved doing this collaboration with Twenty Thousand Hertz.
非常感谢大家收看本期视频,能够和《2000赫兹》栏目一起来做这期节目我们感到非常荣幸 。
They create super highly produced podcasts that tell stories all about sound.
他们是一档水准非常高的播客栏目,讲述的都是关于声音的故事 。
If you enjoyed this video, you should absolutely go check out their podcast on the exact same topic.
喜欢本期视频的朋友,一定不要错过他们栏目里关于这一话题的内容 。
You can find that and subscribe at applepodcasts.com/20k."
大家可以在applepodcasts.com/20k网站上找到这些内容并订阅他们的频道 。