We've all been there. You're lying in bed trying to get to sleep but your brain won't let you:
Was I supposed to do laundry today? Is my boss mad at me? Why can't I remember what a hypotenuse is?
Just as you're about to nod off, you realize it's past 2:00 in the morning.
就在你开始打盹的时候,你才发现已经是凌晨两点了 。
Insomnia is a common condition, affecting 1/3 of the adult population.
失眠是一种普遍症状,三分之一的成年人都受失眠困扰 。
And if you've had it for over a month, you may have acute insomnia. If it's been more than six months, it may be chronic.
如果你失眠超过一个月,那么你或许患有急性的失眠 。如果你失眠超过六个月,那么就是慢性失眠 。
Lack of sleep can make everything in your day just a little harder.
缺乏睡眠会让你这一天过得比较艰难 。
It can come from a variety of factors, including environment, chemicals, illness and age.
失眠可以由多种原因引起,包括环境、化学药品、疾病和年纪 。
Fortunately, according to the American Academy of Sleep, there are eight drug-free tricks to getting a good night's sleep.
不过还好,根据美国睡眠医学学会,有八种无需借助药物的方法能够帮你睡个好觉 。
1. Stimulus control therapy.
1. 刺激控制疗法 。
This involves retraining yourself to associate your bedroom with sleeping only.
By going straight to guys when you're tired, perform other activities like reading and watching TV elsewhere.
疲劳时,直接去卧室睡觉,而看书、看电视等活动在其他房间进行 。
So as to not make other associations that might keep you up.
不要将卧室和其他影响睡眠的活动联系起来 。
2. Relaxation training.
2. 放松训练 。
By slowly tensing and releasing your major muscles, you can make yourself feel much more comfortable,
plus occupy your mind while you're lying in bed.
还能在你躺在床上时,让你无法再想别的事情 。
3. Sleep restriction.
3. 睡眠限制 。
If you're not sleepy, get up keeping the lights and TV off
and go to another part of the house until you're tired enough to go back to bed.
去其他房间转转,直到你困意十足要去睡觉 。
4. Cognitive behavior therapy or CBT.
4. 认知行为疗法(CBT) 。
The behavioral portion is these last few and the cognitive portion is learning more about your condition from sources
such as the National Sleep Foundation to figure out how best to use them.
5. Paradoxical intention.
5. 矛盾疗法.
Have you ever tried to stay up late only to be unable to stop nodding off?
If you try and make yourself stay awake, you can beat insomnia with irony.
如果你试着让自己保持清醒,你可以利用这种矛盾疗法来治疗失眠 。
6. Biofeedback
6. 生物反馈 。
We're imaging pinpoints your muscle tensions
so you understand fully how to make yourself comfortable when you're falling asleep.
这样你就能够完全理解如何在睡眠时让自己的感到舒适 。
7. Regular exercise.
7. 定期锻炼 。
As long as it's done at least three hours before, exercise can help you sleep both better and longer.
睡前三小时锻炼可以帮助你睡得香甜 。
8. Just waking up at a regular time.
8. 在固定的时间醒来 。
If you can keep your body clock round and clean, it'll keep your sleeping deep and regular.
如果你遵照身体生物钟,这将让你睡眠深沉 。
Have you ever had insomnia? Are you up late now watching this? If so, feel free to give these methods a try.
你有失眠困扰么?你是不是在熬夜看我们的这期视频?如果是,请尝试一下这些方法 。
Also, we'd like to thank our sponsor BetterHelp, an affordable online counseling platform.
感谢我们的赞助商BetterHelp,BetterHelp一个平价在线咨询平台 。
If you're interested, use our link in the description below.
如果有兴趣,可以通过我们下方的链接进行查看 。
We get a part too, so that means more funding for Psych2go if you use the service.
我们也有参与,所以如果你使用这个网站,就意味着我们也能得到资助 。