What do you think of when you hear the word “war?” Is it this? Or maybe this?
Well, there’s a different type of war you may have heard a lot about recently.
话说,大家最近可能听了很多关于另外一种战争的信息 。
Trade war worries igniting.
人们担心的贸易战终于就要爆发了 。
Is the trade war back on? Trade war. Trade war. Full-blown trade war.
贸易战又重演了吗?贸易战 。贸易战 。全面的贸易战 。
The “weapons” in a trade war are everywhere.
贸易战的“武器”可以说是无处不在 。
It's the food you eat. The train you ride to work.
你吃的食物,你上下班乘坐的地铁 。
And the laptop you’re probably watching this video on.
还有你现在可能正在用来观看我们这期视频的电脑,都是贸易战的武器 。
As a consumer you're probably consuming imports.
作为消费者,您可能正在用一些进口产品 。
If we have a trade war and we start slapping tariffs on all of those imports, the bill is going to be higher.
如果我们发动贸易战,开始对所有这些进口产品征收关税,那么账单就会更贵 。
If the world relies so much on trade, what is a trade war and why do countries get caught up in them in the first place?
Alright, global trade can be a dry topic so let’s jazz this up a little bit.
好吧,全球贸易这个问题可能会比较枯燥,所以我们还是来点儿爵士乐吧 。
To avoid any spoilers, let’s say it’s season one of Game of Thrones and both the Tyrell and the Lannister kingdoms manufacture… googly eyes.
为了避免任何剧透,我们姑且就把它当成是《权游》的第一季,提利尔和兰尼斯特的王国都制造......活动眼睛 。
The Tyrells then start to subsidize googly eye manufacturing in their kingdom.
接着,提利尔开始对自己王国内的活动眼睛制造行业发放补贴 。
That basically means that the Tyrells are paying at least part of the cost of manufacturing, reducing the cost for buyers.
这基本上意味着提利尔支付了部分制造成本,降低了消费者的购买成本 。
The Lannisters are understandably upset — why would anyone want to buy their more expensive product?
兰尼斯特人理所当然就很难过 - 谁会想买他们的贵的?
They could try and negotiate with the Tyrells or they could choose to impose tariffs:
taxes on imports that raise the cost of those goods.
关税就是对进口商品征收的会提高进口产品销售成本的税 。
Which in this case, would punish the Tyrells.
在这种情况下,提利尔人就等于受到了惩罚 。
With the tariffs in place, if the Tyrells tried to export goods to the Lannisters, they’d have to pay an extra tax.
随着关税的到位,如果提利尔人试图向兰尼斯特人出口货物,他们就必须支付额外的关税 。
The Tyrells could then impose tariffs of their own.
提利尔人自己也可以征收关税 。
Now if this disagreement goes back and forth and escalates with even more tariffs, that would be considered a trade war.
如果这种分歧反复出现,并且愈演愈烈,导致关税越来越高,就会引发所谓的贸易战 。
But trade wars aren’t fiction and there’s more than one way they can start.
然而,贸易战并不是虚构的,爆发的方式也不一而足 。
One possibility is you want to keep out countries import so that your domestic competitors have an edge.
一种可能性是希望阻止进口产品,为国内的竞对产品创造优势 。
The second possibility is if there's a country that is doing something that you don't want them to,
you can use a tariff as a way of inflicting a degree of pain, of economic pain on that country.
你可以用关税来对该国造成一定程度的痛苦,一定程度的经济阵痛 。
And you say until you change your evil ways I'm going to make it hurt.
然后告诉他们,除非他们停止继续作恶,否则你就要给他们点颜色看看 。
Okay, so who “wins” a trade war?
One way to think about who “wins” a trade war is looking at which country has more targets to choose from.
考虑谁是贸易战的“赢家”的一种方式是看哪个国家选择的余地更大 。
The more goods you ship to another country, the more vulnerable your goods are to punishing tariffs.
您运往一个国家的货物越多,您的货物就越容易受到关税的影响 。
So some economists would say that the country which ships fewer goods to the other has an advantage — and can outlast the other in a big clash.
所以一些经济学家才会说,向另一方输出货物更少的国家占有优势地位 - 并能够在大型冲突中坚持更长的时间 。
Trade wars can also boost the fortunes of countries that stand outside the fray.
贸易战还能让那些站在旁观者位置的国家大赚一笔 。
In the 1930s, the US enacted the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
20世纪30年代,美国颁布了“斯姆特 - 霍利关税法案”,
which put into place steep, sweeping tariffs on imports as a way to protect American workers and industries.
该法案对进口产品一律实行了严格的关税制度,以此保护美国工人和美国的工业 。
Canada and some European countries put up tariffs of their own, launching a trade war.
加拿大和一些欧洲国家便提高了自己国家的关税,贸易战由此爆发 。
Some of these countries then abandoned the US as a trading ally and took their trading elsewhere.
随后,一些国家甚至脱离了与美国的贸易伙伴关系,将目光转向了其他国家 。
Soviet Russia, a country not involved in the trade war, ended up gaining trading partners as a result of Smoot-Hawley.
期间,没有参与这场贸易战的苏联反而收获了贸易伙伴 。
So sometimes countries not involved in a trade war can benefit from one.
也就是说,有时候,没有参与贸易战的国家反而可以从贸易战中分一杯羹 。
But, as is the case with most wars, trade wars are harmful for almost everyone involved — particularly for poorer consumers.
然而,正如大多数战争一样,几乎所有的贸易战参与者也都是受害者 - 较贫穷的消费者受到的伤害尤其大 。
Rising prices in a trade war can have ripple effects.
贸易战中价格的上涨可能会产生连锁反应 。
When people have to spend more money on basics like clothing, it means they have less money to spend on other goods and services.
当人们在衣服这种基本生活资料上花的钱越来越多时,他们花在其他商品和服务上的钱就会越来越少 。
And that can dampen the pace of the economy.
如此以来,经济增速就可能受到影响 。
Traditionally when you've looked at trade protection, you often put higher protection on goods that are consumed by poor people.
贸易保护传统的做法是提高对穷人消费的商品的保护 。
There are economists who have documented that systematically you tend to find higher tariffs on things like low-end clothing, shoes, sugar,
which play a disproportionate role in the spending of people who are less was well off.
而这些商品在不那么富裕的人群的消费中占了重大比例 。
In April, President Trump unveiled a list of over 1000 Chinese exports — things like aircraft parts, TVs, and medical devices —
今年4月,特朗普总统公布了一份1000多种中国出口产品的清单 - 包括飞机零件、电视和医疗设备等 -
that he planned to place tariffs on, as a way to to punish Beijing for restricting US investment in China and for stealing American intellectual property.
计划对这些产品征收关税,以惩罚中国限制美国在华投资并窃取美国知识产权的行为 。
The very next day, China struck back, unveiling its own list of US exports that it planned to place tariffs on.
次日中国就对特朗普的行动做出了反击,中国公布了自己计划征收关税的美国产品清单 。
Since then, Trump has threatened another round of tariffs, with China ready to respond with its own additional tariffs.
那以后,特朗普威胁要发动新一轮关税制裁,中国也准备以自己征收额外关税作出回应 。
The whole situation is starting to look a lot like a trade war.
如今,整个局势已经很像贸易战了 。
Countries disagree on fair and unfair trade practices all the time.
一直以来,世界各国对公平和不公平的贸易做法都各执一词 。
But there’s something unique about Trump’s approach to it:
the unpredictability, the wild threats, the disinterest in even pretending to play by the rules.
他的方式不仅充满了不可预测性,他采用的是狂野的威胁,甚至连假装配合游戏规则的兴趣都没有 。
Trump isn’t just destabilizing trade relations with China or any other country he threatened—
he’s destabilizing the entire global system of trade.
他还打破了整个全球贸易体系的稳定局面 。