These are violent attacks recorded in Africa in the first 5 months of 2018.
这些是2018年前5个月内非洲所发生的暴力袭击事件 。
Many are by groups fighting in the ongoing civil wars in South Sudan and the Central African Republic.
其中很多都发生在正在内战的南苏丹和中非共和国 。
Others are riots against governments in southeastern Africa.
剩下的则是针对非洲东南部各政府的骚乱 。
But these are different.
但这些袭击不一样 。
They’re attacks by Islamist militant groups.
发动这些袭击的是伊斯兰激进组织 。
Some claim to be branches of the Islamic State while others claim to be al-Qaeda;
Both groups are usually associated with the Middle East.
而这两个群体通常都与中东有关 。
But for the past decade, Islamist militant groups have been spreading across Africa,
where they've continued to find places to organize and launch attacks.
在那里他们继续寻找地方,组织发动攻击 。
Their success has pushed these fragile states into deeper turmoil
and it's made the region one of the most dangerous in the world.
还使该地区成了世界上最危险的地区之一 。
To understand how these terrorist groups got to Africa and why they’re so successful there,
it helps to start in Nigeria.
我们可以从尼日利亚开始说起 。
Nigeria has the biggest population and economy in Africa.
尼日利亚是非洲最大的人群和经济体 。
Wealth, industry, and major cities are mostly in the south.
内日利亚的财富、工业和主要城市大多位于尼日利亚南部 。
While the north is poor, marginalized, isolated, and home to most of Nigeria’s Muslim population.
虽然北方既贫穷,又被孤立和边缘化了,还是尼日利亚大多数穆斯林人口的家园 。
It was here that a radical Islamist group called Boko Haram took shape and turned violent in 2009.
但正是在这里,2009年一个名为“博科圣地”的伊斯兰激进组织成立了,并开始变得暴力起来 。
They started razing villages, slaughtered men and women, and kidnapped children who were forced to carry out suicide attacks.
他们开始夷平村庄,屠杀男女,还绑架儿童强迫他们进行自杀式袭击 。
The Nigerian government cracked down, but the group continued to grow.
尼日利亚政府出面镇压了该团体,但他们却变得越来越猖獗 。
In 2014, they got international attention when they kidnapped close to 300 school girls in Chibok.
2014年,他们在切布克绑架了近300名女学生,引起了全世界的关注 。
Bring our girls back! 276 are out.
把我们的女孩儿还给我们! 276出局了 。
By then, they controlled a huge swath of territory in northern Nigeria
where they imposed strict Sharia law and declared it an Islamic caliphate.
在那里实施严格的伊斯兰教法,还宣布那里是伊斯兰教的哈里发 。
In 2015 they became affiliated with the Islamic State,
which had a caliphate of its own in Iraq and Syria.
而伊斯兰国在伊拉克和叙利亚都有自己的哈里发 。
Within a few years, the group killed nearly 25,000 people,
and was on track to become the deadliest terror group in the world, eventually surpassing ISIS.
甚至有望成为世界上最致命的恐怖组织,其恐怖程度甚至可能超过ISIS 。
5 African countries backed by the US, UK, and France formed a task force to battle Boko Haram.
由美国,英国和法国支持的5个非洲国家组成了一支与博科圣地战斗的特遣部队 。
By April 2015 they'd liberated major towns and seemed to push Boko Haram out.
到2015年4月,他们解放了主要城镇,似乎就要将博科圣地赶出去了 。
But three years later, Boko Haram is still active.
但三年后,博科圣地仍然在活跃 。
The group had shifted its focus to the Lake Chad region, one of the poorest places in the world.
那时,该组织已经将重点转移到了世界上最贫穷的地区之一——乍得湖地区 。
The lake touches the borders of Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon ,
but none of the state governments have any real presence here.
但这里并没有一个真正起作用的州政府 。
This is where Boko Haram is operating.
这就是博科圣地控制的地方 。
They’ve been raiding local villages for food and capturing men to serve as fighters.
他们一直在抢劫当地村庄的粮食,并把村里的男人抓去当战士 。
In 2016, the group split into two.
2016年,该集团分成了两个部分 。
As Boko Haram’s attacks grew more and more violent,
this group, the Islamic State West Africa (ISWA), started offering protection to villages in danger.
这个群体,即西非伊斯兰国(ISWA),便开始保护处于危险中的村庄 。
They also provided stability and even water supplies to a region collapsing under a food crisis, in exchange for a tax and recruits.
他们还为在粮食危机下崩溃的地区提供稳定甚至供水,以换取税收和新兵 。
In the absence of a strong central government --
在没有强大的中央政府的情况下 -
they’ve moved further into Nigeria and Niger
where they've launched attacks of their own and are officially affiliated with the Islamic State.
在那里自己发动攻击攻击,正式加入伊斯兰国 。
Exploiting and terrorizing locals in ungoverned areas has become a successful strategy, keeping these militant groups active.
利用、恐吓没有政府管辖的地区的当地人已经成了一项成功的策略,为此这些激进组织才得以保持活跃 。
But it doesn't stop here.
但它并没有就此满足 。
The strategy is being used by terrorists all across the continent.
整个非洲大陆的恐怖分子都在用这一策略 。
Lake Chad is part of the Sahel; a narrow band of territory that stretches across north-central Africa.
隶属于萨赫勒的乍得湖是横跨非洲中北部的一小片土地 。
The conditions that make Lake Chad ideal for Boko Haram and ISWA extend across this whole region.
使乍得湖成为博科圣地和西非伊斯兰国的理想之地的条件覆盖了乍得湖整个地区 。
The population is mostly Muslim and vulnerable. Ethnic conflicts are rampant. Food is scarce. Poverty is rife.
那里的人口主要是穆斯林,大多都很弱势 。民族冲突猖獗 。食物稀缺 。满目贫穷 。
And most importantly, there’s almost no presence of a government .
最重要的是,这里几乎没有任何政府的影子 。
Islamist militant groups have been filling these spaces at a staggering pace.
伊斯兰激进组织以惊人的速度填补了这些空白 。
7 years ago Islamist militant groups took over northern Mali
and declared it a caliphate for 10 months before a French military intervention drove them back into the desert.
宣布那里为他们的哈里发,这一统治持续了10月之久,才被法国军事干预将他们赶回了沙漠 。
Today, they’ve banded together and are affiliated with al-Qaeda.
今天,他们已经联合起来,还投靠了基地组织 。
A group called ISGS broke away and is now affiliated with the Islamic State.
一个名为ISGS的组织转投了ISIS 。
This part of Mali remains ungoverned and violent 7 years after the intervention.
即使是法国干预后的7年时间里,马里的这个区域仍然没有政府管辖,并且仍然很混乱 。
Both of these groups are fighting for various militias in the conflict.
在这场冲突中,两个群体都在争夺各种民兵 。
Meanwhile, both are also attacking foreigners,
包括2018年的法国大使馆和2017年在尼日尔的美国特种部队伏击 。
including the French Embassy in 2018 and the 2017 ambush of US Special Forces in Niger.
比如2018年袭击了法国大使馆,2017年袭击了尼日尔的美国特种部队 。
Fox News is learning that 12 US soldiers, mostly Green Berets,
were ambushed by a larger force of ISIS-linked militants.
遭到了兵力更强的ISIS武装分子的伏击 。
Islamist militant groups are finding success in other ungoverned spaces as well.
伊斯兰的武装分子也在其他未被管辖的地区取得了成功 。
ISIS claims to have launched 10 attacks in 2018 in Libya, where a civil war has raged since 2011.
伊斯兰国声称,2018年他们已经在利比亚发动了10起袭击事件,而利比亚2011年以来一直都是内战肆虐 。
In Somalia, an ISIS-affiliated group split from al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda group.
在索马里,一个隶属于ISIS的团体与基地组织的青年党分道扬镳 。
It’s made this whole part of Africa one of the most dangerous places in the world.
让非洲的这整个地方成了世界上最危险的地方之一 。
The US and France have both stepped up their presence with several military bases across the Sahel.
美国和法国都加强了在萨赫勒地区的几个军事基地的投入 。
But drone strikes and Special forces alone are not the solution to the Islamist terrorism in Africa.
但无人机袭击和特种部队本身并不能解决非洲的伊斯兰恐怖主义问题 。
As long as there are places with poverty, conflicts, and no government terrorists groups will be here.
只要有地方有贫困,冲突,没有政府,恐怖分子就会渗透到那里 。