We all remember feeling a sense of separation anxiety when we were kids.
我们都记着孩童时期的那种分离焦虑感 。
Whether it would be your parents dropping you off at school or having your favorite stuffed animal taken away from you.
不论是你的父母把你仍在学校还是把你最心爱的动物玩具拿走 。
We only got a sense of relief when the person or thing that was taken away is brought back.
只有当被带走的人或物又回来了,我们才会感到一种解脱感 。
This is the beginning of attachment theory.
这就是依附理论的开端 。
The separation anxiety can continue into adulthood like when you get anxious about having your cell phone taken away.
分离焦虑可以延续至成年时期,比如手机被拿走时的焦虑 。
But why do humans behave like this?
Psychologists have labeled the reason behind these early childhood anxieties as attachment and have explored human connection through parent - child bonding.
心理学家将这些早期童年时期焦虑的原因标注为一种依附,并通过父母-孩子关系纽带来探究人类关联 。
Daniel Goleman states that attachment provides the glue that keeps not just a couple but a family together
and caregiving as the impulse to look after offspring so our children can grow up to have their own.
也提供一种看护,作为照顾下一代的动力,这样我们的孩子才得以成长并形成自己的依附 。
The early stages of childhood are the most crucial in development.
童年早期阶段是成长最关键的时期 。
This time in a child's life is when they have experiences that shape how we relate to other people.
在这段时期,孩子们的经历造就了孩子与他人的联系 。
Having a healthy relationship with the child's parents is key in his development.
发展孩子与父母间的健康关系是成长中的关键 。
It is hard in some families though for the child to get a sense of attachment to their mother.
在一些家庭中,孩子很难获得与母亲之间的这种依附感 。
There are a few reasons for this: sometimes the mother has Post Partum Depression and withdrawals from the baby
or there's a lack of resources that makes the family less ready to focus on building an attachment.
或者是因为缺乏资源,因此家庭没有准备好专注于建立一种依附 。
A study done by Mary Ainsworth called ''Strange Situations'' in which she put a parent and a child between the ages of 9 to 18 months in a room.
玛丽·爱因斯沃斯做了一项被称为“陌生情境”的研究,她将父母与一个9到18个月大的孩子安置在一个房间内 。
She would then bring in a stranger. While the child was preoccupied with the stranger, the parent would leave.
然后她会再把一个陌生人带入房间 。趁着孩子一心想着这个陌生人时,这位父母离开了房间 。
Afterwards the child would react to the missing parent and said parent would come back.
之后,孩子会对父母的离去做出反应,并说父母还会回来的 。
Ainsworth hiked 3 types of attachement - secure, anxious-avoidant attachment and anxious-ambivalent attachment.
爱因斯沃斯将依附分为3种类型—安全型依赖、焦虑-回避型依赖以及焦虑-矛盾型依赖 。
A fourth type of attachment was introduced later on by Ainswroth's colleague Mary Main.
第四种类型是之后由她的同事玛丽·麦提出的 。
She brought on the disorganized, disoriented attachment.
她提出了混乱型不安全依恋 。
This is when a child avoids their parent or caregiver but is also clingy.
这是指孩子回避他们的父母或看护者,但是这也是一种粘附 。
When the parent or caregiver leaves and comes back, the child looks dazed and disoriented.
当父母或看护着离开又回来时,孩子会感到混乱且不安全 。
Our attachment style with our parents or caregivers growing up plays a huge role in how we live our lives today.
我们和父母或看护者之间的依附类型对我们现在如何生活有着重要作用 。
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