At the end of World War II, the Soviets were holding Berlin under siege.
二战接近尾声时,苏维埃围困了柏林 。
In order to save millions of people from starvation, the US Allies devised a plan to airlift in food.
为了拯救数百万人民于饥饿,美军制定了一项空降食物的计划 。
One American pilot decided to take it a step further.
一名美国飞行员决定再往前一步 。
He delivered candy.
他送了糖果 。
My name is Gail Halvorsen, but I'm known as the Berlin Candy Bomber.
我叫盖尔·哈尔沃森,但大家都叫我“柏林糖果投弹手” 。
I didn't think that the airlift would last very long,
so I thought, I'd better get a movie in of this operation before they send me home.
所以我就想,在他们把我送回去之前,我最好还是把这次行动拍下来为好 。
One day, while filming the planes taking off and landing,
Gail became aware that there were some young children watching him.
他突然意识到一些年幼的孩子正看着他 。
He went over to talk to them, and after a while, he realized,
“Dummy, don't you know kids like chocolate?”
And I knew that they had not had chocolate in the stores in Berlin for two years.
我发现柏林的商店已经两年没卖过巧克力了 。
And I reached in my pocket, and all I had was two sticks of Wrigley's Doublemint gum.
我伸进口袋,只剩下两片箭牌口香糖了 。
I broke the two sticks in half, gave it to the kids.
我把它们撕成四份给了孩子们 。
And the kids with half a stick tore off the wrapper into thin strips and passed it to those without gum.
孩子们把包装纸撕成细条,分给没有吃到口香糖的孩子 。
Those who had received the wrappers put it at their nose and smelled a piece of wrapper.
那些拿到包装纸的孩子便把它放在鼻子上,闻包装纸的味道 。
Inspired by their generosity, he decided that next flight, he would drop them chocolate and candy via parachute from the plane.
孩子们慷慨的举止感动了盖尔,他决定在下次飞行时用降落伞给他们空投巧克力和糖果 。
They said, "How do we know what airplane you're in?"
And so I said, “When I come over the airfield, I'll wiggle the wings of that big airplane.”
我说:“我飞过机场的时候会摆动我那架大飞机的翅膀 。”
They said, "Oh, great."
他们说,“噢,那太好了 。”
True to his word, the next day Gail began to drop the packages.
盖尔没有食言,第二天他便开始投那些包裹了 。
What started with just two sticks of gum eventually turned into 23 tons of chocolate.
刚开始的两片口香糖最终变成了23吨巧克力 。
From then on, I was known in the press and all the kids in Berlin, “that's Uncle Wiggly Wings.”
从那以后,我便在柏林的媒体和孩子们中间出名了,“那是翅膀摇摇叔叔 。”
And in case you wondering if the Candy Bomber still has a sweet tooth,
Oh, yeah, I still eat chocolate.
嗯,当然有了,因为我现在还吃巧克力呢 。
I like dark chocolate.
我特别爱吃黑巧克力 。