Squeaks, that is some beautiful art. Look at all those colors you used!
吱吱,那是一些漂亮的艺术品 。看看你用过的那些颜色!
I'm trying to draw a flower garden, and I'll need to use lots of different colors to do it.
我想画一个花园,需要用到很多种不同的颜色 。
I'll need to use one color at a time, like this. Hmmm … I think it gonna take a while.
我需要一次使用一种颜色,像这样 。嗯,我觉得这需要一段时间 。
Oh, you're right! It might go faster if I use both hands at the same time.
噢,你说得对!如果我双手同时画,可能会快些 。
Let's try it. I don't think this is going very well, Squeaks!
我们试一下 。吱吱,我觉得效果并不好!
My right hand is much better at drawing than my left hand.
我的右手比左手画得好很多 。
Even just holding the crayon in my left hand is uncomfortable.
即使只是拿着蜡笔,我的左手也不舒服 。
So it was a good idea, Squeaks, but I don't think it's going to work for me.
所以,吱吱,这个主意不错,但我觉得它不适合我 。
It's hard for me to color with my left hand because I'm right-handed, I'm a righty.
我很难用左手画画,因为我是右撇子 。
Most people have one hand that's better at doing things like writing, drawing and picking things up.
大多数人都是有一只手更擅长做事,比如写作、画画和捡东西 。
We call this their handedness.
我们称其为利手 。
Since I'm right-handed, when I go to pick up a crayon, I naturally want to use my right hand.
因为我是右撇子,所以我在拿蜡笔时,习惯上想用右手 。
When I use my left hand, I'm kind of clumsy, and I can't control it as well as I want to.
当我用左手时,有点儿笨手笨脚的,不能随心所欲地控制它 。
Most people are right-handed like me, but about one in every ten people is left-handed, a lefty.
大多数人都像我一样是右撇子,但每十个人中就有一个左撇子 。
Someone who's left-handed might throw a baseball or use a paintbrush with their left hand, instead of their right.
左撇子可能用左手投掷棒球或使用画笔,而不是用右手 。
There are even a few rare people who can use both hands really well!
These people are ambidextrous, which just means they're skilled with both hands.
这些人双手灵巧,这意味着他们擅长使用双手 。
Only about one in every 100 people is ambidextrous, so it's pretty special.
每一百个人里只有一个双手皆灵巧的人,所以相当特殊 。
That's a good question, Squeaks!
He wants to know why most people are righties.
它想知道为什么大多数人是右撇子 。
Well, scientists still aren't sure, although they do have a few ideas.
嗯,科学家们还不能完全确定原因,但他们有几个观点 。
One idea is that it has a lot to do with our brains.
一个观点是这与我们的大脑有关 。
Your brain controls everything your body does,
and different parts of your brain control different parts of your body.
大脑的不同区域控制着身体的不同部位 。
In general, the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body,
and the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body.
左脑控制身体的右半边 。
Yeah, it is weird, Squeaks, that each side of your brain controls the opposite side of your body!
But that's just how we're wired. Earlier, we talked about how most people are right-handed.
但这就是我们的奇怪方式 。早些时候,我们讨论了大多数人是如何使用右手的 。
So which side of the brain would be in charge of moving their right hand?
You got it! The left side of your brain controls the right hand.
你答对了!左脑控制右手 。
But that's not all the left side of your brain does.
但这不是左脑的全部工作 。
It's also in charge of helping you talk.
它还负责帮助你讲话 。
When you talk, you're making small, careful movements just like when you write or color.
你在说话时,正在做一个小心的小幅动作,就像你写字或涂颜色时一样 。
You're just moving your mouth and tongue instead of moving your hand.
你在移动你的嘴和舌头,而不是移动手 。
So scientists think that it's easier for the left side of the brain
to just be in charge of both talking and those harder small movements like writing,
which is why so many people are right-handed.
这就是大多数人是右撇子的原因 。
But people who are left-handed or ambidextrous are just as good at using their hands as right-handed people are!
但是,左撇子或双手灵巧的人同样能像右撇子那样擅长使用手 。
Their brains are just organized in a way that might not be as simple.
他们大脑的组织方式可能不那么简单 。
Another idea is that which hand you use more comes from your parents.
另一种观点是你用哪只手更多来源于父母 。
Lots of things about people can come from their parents,
like, what they look like, the color of their eyes, how tall they are … you name it!
Well, which hand you use might be another one of those things.
用哪只手可能是其中之一 。
Scientists still aren't sure how exactly this connection works,
but if lots of people in your family are left-handed, you're more likely to be a lefty, too,
although you could still be a righty!
So most people might be right-handed because it's easier for one side of your brain to control both talking and writing,
and which hand you use might come from your parents.
你使用哪只手可能来源于你的父母 。
But there's still a lot we don't know about how our brains work!
I'm not sure when scientists will figure out everything about handedness.
我不确定科学家们什么时候能弄清楚利手的所有事情 。
We'll have to keep researching, and see what we can all find out together.
我们必须继续研究,看看我们能一起找到什么 。
If you want to do some research yourself,
you can try testing the handedness of your family by having everyone write with their left and right hands.
可以让每个人都用左手和右手写字,以此来测试你家庭的利手性 。
Are there more left-handed or right-handed people in your family?
Is anyone ambidextrous?
Squeaks and I will do some more research, too, by finishing up our artwork.
我和吱吱通过完成我们的艺术品也要做更多研究 。
We'd love to hear about your research results!
If you'd like to share with us, have a grown-up help you to leave a comment below,
or send us an email tokids@scishow.com.
或发邮件至kids@scishow.com 。
Thanks! We'll see you next time, here at the Fort!