It flew in the face of conventional wisdom, which was huge enthusiasm for the cool new technology of that age, which was the X-ray machine.
这对于这一观念是很大的冲击,尤其是对于当时的新科技X光机器的巨大热情 。
And it flew in the face of doctors' idea of themselves, which was as people who helped patients, they didn't harm them.
而且对于医生对自己的看法也是巨大的冲击,因为他们都是想帮助病人的,而不是想害他们 。
Nevertheless, Alice Stewart rushed to publish her preliminary findings in The Lancet in 1956.
不过,Alice Stewart还是很快将她最初的发现在1956年的The Lancet杂志中发表了 。
People got very excited, there was talk of the Nobel Prize,
and Alice really was in a big hurry to try to study all the cases of childhood cancer she could find before they disappeared.
Alice也很着急,她想去研究她能找到所有的儿童癌症的资料,在他们消失之前 。
In fact, she need not have hurried.
事实上,她并不需要那么急 。
It was fully 25 years before the British and medical -- British and American medical establishments abandoned the practice of X-raying pregnant women.
过了整整25年之后,英国和美国医学界才禁止了给孕妇做X光检查 。
The data was out there, it was open, it was freely available, but nobody wanted to know.
数据都是开放的,很容易获得,但是没人想知道这一点 。
A child a week was dying, but nothing changed. Openness alone can't drive change.
每周都有一个小孩在垂死挣扎,但就跟啥都没发生一样,开放性无法带来改变 。
So for 25 years Alice Stewart had a very big fight on her hands.
25年来Alice Stewart做了很大的斗争 。
So, how did she know that she was right?
Well, she had a fantastic model for thinking.
她有一个极佳的思考模型 。
演讲简介:大多数人自然而然地回避矛盾,但是Margaret Heffernan为我们展示的,好的怀疑精神对于进步是很关键的
。她为我们证明了(有时候通过反直觉的方式)为什么最好的伙伴不是志趣相投的人,以及好的研究,团队,人际关系,以及商业如何允许人们去怀疑和争执的 。