Ta-prohm isn't the most impressive ruin in the world.
塔普伦并非世界上最令人印象深刻的废墟 。
It's not even the most impressive in the neighborhood.
连周边最令人印象深刻的废墟都算不上 。
Angkor wat sits only a couple miles away and it's the largest religious monument ever built.
因为距离它几英里远处就有吴哥窟,后者则是有人类史以来最大的宗教纪念碑 。
But Ta-Prohm is more human scale and it has merged with nature once the humans left.
然而,比起吴哥窟,塔普伦显得更人性化,在人类离开以后则逐渐与大自然融为一体 。
It's original name was Raja Vihara -- the royal monastery -- and was dedicated to the Buddhist personification of wisdom.
塔普伦废墟原名Raja Vihara--即皇家修道院-- 是一座供奉佛教智慧之神的寺庙 。
But it is a new place now, silk-cotton trees and strangler figs have merged with the carved rocks to create new structures.
如今这里已经变了模样,木棉树和绞杀榕与雕刻的岩石融为一体,形成了新的格局 。
The temple was built 1000 years ago around 1186, just after Angkor wat, during the golden age of the Khmer empire in what's now Cambodia.
寺庙建于1000年前的1186年左右,紧跟着吴哥窟的步伐,那时正值高棉帝国,也即今日的柬埔寨的黄金时代 。
The Khmer controlled most of southeast Asia, and the capital city Angkor was the biggest urban center in the world before the industrial revolution.
高棉人控制了东南亚的大部分地区,首府城市吴哥堪称工业革命之前世界上最大的城市中心 。
And they had incredible technology to support such a large congregation of humans.
他们有着惊人的技术,维持着庞大人群的生息 。
Southeast Asia gets heavy rainfall in one season, and a lot less in another,
so the Khmer built water management systems like huge reservoirs, canals, channels and dikes that allowed them 3 harvests a year.
于是,高棉人铺设了大型水库,运河,渠道和堤防等水资源管理系统,实现了作物一年三熟 。
It might have been the best technology at the time.
这一系统可能算得上当时技术的最高水平 。
And they built these temples at their peak.
在帝国鼎盛时期他们修建了这些寺庙 。
Khmer empire ruler Jayavaraman VII, who also built Angkor Thom nearby, is the man credited.
寺庙的修建应当归功于高棉帝国的统治者加亚瓦尔曼七世,在附近修建吴哥城的也是他 。
But a man's name doesn't really capture the true size of the project.
然而,一个人的名字并不能真正反映这些的实际规模 。
And then about 200 or 300 years later, the society collapsed.
大约二三百年后,高棉帝国土崩瓦解 。
It wasn't all at once, or for one reason.
然而,冰冻三尺非一日之寒,帝国瓦解的原因也不止一个 。
But one reason archeologists and ecologists hypothesized was that environmental factors, otherwise known as climate change, overwelmed those amazing water management systems.
不过,据考古学家和生态学家推断,其中一个原因是环境因素,即气候变化,那么了不起的水资源管理系统也显得不堪重负 。
Drought and then floud would have destroyed them.
摧毁他们的是干旱,洪涝灾害 。
Then a young PHD student named Mary Beth Day spent about 6 years digging and found evidence for the theory in the form of sediment records in the reservoir.
后来,一位名叫Mary Beth Day的年轻博士生花了大约6年的时间进行挖掘,终于在水库的泥沙中找到了这一说法的证据 。
The ruling class abandoned this place, they moved south.
统治阶级遗弃了这个地方,搬到南边去了 。
and then for four or five hundred years the forest merged with Ta-prohm until it was 're-discovered'.
之后的四五百年,塔普伦逐渐被森林淹没,直到它被“重新发现” 。
It's a beautiful place, but haunting: what hundreds of thousands people would be living here if the city had survived?
It should give us pause.
这里会让人陷入沉思 。
Our civilization is a collaboration with nature.
我们的文明与自然共存亡 。
A giant structure must sway with the wind and roll with the earthquakes, or else it will surely, quietly, fall.
巨型建筑也必须随着风和地震一起飘摇,否则必然在无声中倾颓 。
Hollywood films often depict the destruction of urban centers.
好莱坞电影经常讲述城市中心的毁灭 。
The crisis comes at once, either in the form of monster we can bind together and fight, or as nature unstoppable,
危机,要么是逼迫我们携手反抗的怪兽,要么是势不可挡的自然灾害,总在瞬间爆发 。
but in reality, our biggest cities have died before. This one did.
然而,实际上,我们的一些大城市早已经历过死亡之灾,吴哥就是一例 。
It just happened over a longer period of time.
只不过过程要比电影里长 。
The rain falls, the roots grow, and nature eats what we built.
雨水冲刷,树木生根,大自然静静地吞噬我们的成果 。
The best technology of that time wasn't enough.
在自然面前,最先进的科技也显得力不从心 。