My love of kites started about 20 years ago.I taught math for 35 years.
我喜欢风筝喜欢了将近20年了 。教数学教了35年了 。
I just combined the two to try to reach all of my students.
我就把这两者结合了起来,用这种办法去跟我的学生接触 。
I figured, why not take this whole math lesson outside?
Maybe, just maybe, they would see the relationship.
也许,我是说也许啊,他们就能明白这两者之间的关系了 。
My name is Winfred Randolph Lowe, but in Delray on the beach when I'm flying my kites, they call me Randy The Kite Man.
我叫Winfred Randolph Lowe,但我在德尔雷海滩放风筝的时候,大家都叫我“放风筝的兰迪” 。
I started flying kites 20 years ago.
20年前我就开始放风筝了 。
I bought my first kite, and I never looked back.I fly my kites as much as possible.
买了第一个风筝之后,我就再也没有回过头 。一有机会我就会去放风筝 。
I have about 60 or 70 kites.
我差不多有六七十个风筝了 。
On any particular given day, you can paint the sky with sea creatures, whales, scuba divers.
在任何特定的日子里,你都可以用海洋生物、鲸鱼啊潜水员等形状的风筝给天空增加一抹色彩 。
You're not only looking at the kite, but you're looking at the strings.
放风筝的时候不仅要留意风筝,还要留意系在风筝上的线 。
There's math there, and you can do something with it.
这里面就涉及到了数学,我们就可以用数学知识来放风筝 。
Kites are geometric figures, kites are triangles.
风筝是几何图形,而且都是三角形的 。
And that is one of the things that I tried to take advantage of.
我就是通过利用这一点来放风筝的 。
Instead of doing it in the classroom at desks, we take them out in the field.
我们不在教室的课桌上学数学,我们把学生带到户外学 。
Pythagorean theorem is a formula used to determine sides of triangles.
毕达哥拉斯定理是用来求三角形边长的公式 。
If we want to use Pythagorean theorem on a beach as we're trying to fly a kite,
and we let the kite go and it travels up the line, better known as the hypotenuse.
把风筝放出去,让它沿着直线往上飞,这条线也就是斜边 。
If we draw a line from the top of the kite down to the bottom, that's side A.
从风筝的顶部往地面作一条垂线,就是我们的边A 。
If we draw another line from that point, back to where we let the kite go, that would be side B.
连接地面上的这一点与我们放风筝的位置,就是边B 。
So by plugging those numbers into the triangle,
we have just figured out how long our string is from where we are standing to the top of the kite.
就能算出从我们所在的位置到风筝顶端风筝线的长度 。
There's your answer.
答案出来了 。
We could do fractions, common denominators, uncommon denominators, the more complicated the numbers are, the more math there is.
我们还可以用风筝来计算分数,常见分母,不常见分母,数字越复杂,用到的数学知识就越多 。
I retired six years ago.
六年前我退休了 。
We get a lot of families that come on Delray Beach, and they have kids, and I teach math.
来德尔雷海滩的家庭很多,他们都带着各自的孩子,我就教孩子们数学 。
I tell them, "See that right there? We can do a math problem with that,you know?"
我就跟他们说:“看到那个风筝了吗?我们可以用它来算解决数学题噢 。”
And some kids understand, "Oh yeah, we did that in school."
有的孩子真的能听懂,还跟我说“啊, 真的耶,我们在学校里学过这个 。”
Nowadays, they see it.
他们现在明白了 。
But for a lot of the younger kids, it gets them thinking, too.
对于很多年龄还较小的孩子来说,也是能给他们一些启发的 。