We never stop hearing about how the internet's in the cloud.
But really, it's in the ocean. About 300 undersea fiber optic cables are responsible for 99% of international data traffic.
但它其实是在海里:99%的国际网络通讯靠的都是海底的将近300条光缆 。
It's basically the same way we connect to each other in a single country, except under water instead of underground.
这些连通各个国家的光缆就和连通同一国家不同地区的光缆一样,只不过它们是安装在海里的而不是在地底下 。
They transmit PewDiePie from Europe to America and they connect stock traders in New York and London.
PewDiePie的视频从欧洲传到美国靠它们,连通纽约和伦敦的股民也要靠它们 。
And these cables, placed by private companies, are the backbone of the internet, but if you held one in your hand it'd be no bigger than a soda can.
这些光缆,由民营企业负责安装,就是互联网的支柱,但放到大家手里也就易拉罐大小 。
There are just a few layers of protection from the water, including petroleum jelly (yes, your internet is covered in Vaseline).
They're vulnerable to earthquakes, at least a few times, confused sharks have bitten them.
这些光缆不仅容易受到地震的破坏,被它们弄糊涂了的鲨鱼也咬过这些光缆 。
But many cables are beneath sea life, because in some places they go as deep underwater as Mount Everest is high.
不过,很多都是埋在海洋生物生活范围之下的,有些甚至埋在了深度相当于珠穆朗玛峰高度的深海 。
Ships lower a plow that digs a tiny groove in the ocean floor, lay in the cable, and it's naturally buried by sand, thanks to the ocean's current.
铺设光缆时,海船放下犁头在海床上挖一个浅沟,把光缆放进去,海浪就会自动带来泥沙盖住光缆 。
And that process -- it's both stunningly simple and mindblowingly complex -- is responsible for making the internet a truly global network.
而正是这个过程——既简单得让人难以置信,又复杂地令人瞠目结舌——为真正实现互联网的国际化奠定了基础 。
It's an idea that's audacious and crazy, and you think that it has to be cutting edge. And it is.
But it's also been going on for 157 years.
但这一工作已经开展了157年了 。
Electric telegraphs have been around for a long, long time.
电报已经有很长很长一段历史了 。
Experiments in the early 1800s connected two ends of a garden, using a clock that revealed letters,
十九世纪初的实验用一个会显示文字的钟表连通了一个花园的两端 。
then they moved on to two neighborhoods, to help signal trains, and then multiple cities, thanks to the network of railroad lines.
接着他们连通了两个社区帮助同步火车时刻信息,后来又实现了城市与城市的连通,幸好有铁路 。
Underwater "submarine cables" were an obvious next step. So they played around.
在水下铺设“海底光缆”已经势在必行 。所以他们就在海底玩起了光缆铺设 。
Instead of petroleum jelly, the first ones were coated with exotic tree sap to protect them from the water.
为了保护光缆免受海水侵蚀,最初光缆外涂的并不是凡士林,而是某种奇异的树液 。
And though the undersea cables came in spurts -- one of the first ones was knocked out of commission by a fishing boat --
and by 1858 they reached around the Atlantic and across the world.
到1858年,光缆已经遍布大西洋乃至世界各地 。
And that's how it's kind of gone since, laying cables that circle the earth's oceans.
在世界各地的海底铺设光缆这一操作就这么一直持续到了现在 。
The cables are unwound from the back of a ship, sink to the ocean floor, and the world is connected in speeds measured in milliseconds.
如今,光缆再也不会被船刮坏沉到海床上了,我们也已经有了毫秒级别的高速国际网络 。
There are ideas to bring the internet above sea level.
如今已经有了很多将互联网光缆挪到海面以上的设想 。
Along with cell phone towers, there's internet beamed from Facebook satellites to Africa and balloons lifted by Google.
除了手机信号塔,Facebook的卫星已经能将互联网信号发射到非洲,谷歌也放飞了能够发送网络信号的气球 。
But for speedy international travel, undersea cables are still where companies like Facebook and Google place their bets.
然而,要获得快速的国际网络信号,海底光缆仍旧是Facebook和谷歌等公司主要的依靠 。
That's because the best way to create the cloud is still by going under the sea.
因为海底光缆仍是创建云网络最好的方式 。