日期:2018-04-15 19:28



Hey there! Welcome to Life Noggin.
Today is an awesome day. I get to froclick through the forest with Professor Cuddlesworth here and enjoy all this beautiful nature!
Seeing this little guy sniff the ground and jump at the wildlife has me wondering: How do dogs experience the world? Well first off, how do they see?
It was thought in the past that dogs could only see something similar to those old black and white movies, but now we know that they can see some color, just not the same way humans do.


To understand dog's vision more, it's important to know that dogs only have two types of cones in their eyes, while my human friends have three.
These two types of cones allow them to differentiate yellow and blue, compared to human eyes that can have over 6 million cones, made up of blue, green, and red.
We can get an idea of what dogs see by looking at humans that have red-green color blindness.
They would have a hard time differentiating between the colors of red and green, making it difficult to find a Red Delicious apple in a field of Granny Smiths.
My dog's not even trying to find this Apple. He's still attempting to kill the squirrel. You were a good squirrel killer, aren't you?
Anyways, I always hear how good a dog's nose is, but just how good is it? Well, it turns out quite a bit!
Dogs have noses that can have hundreds of millions of olfactory sensors, while humans have about 5 million!
That comes in handy when Grandma makes her famous pie from those apples that we've mentioned earlier.
There are so many smells that you humans are missing out on. It's so sad. Also a new study has helped reveal why dogs and humans might coexist so well.
Researchers found that structural variants in two genes contribute to extreme scalability in dogs.
What's interesting is that these genes have also been previously implicated in the behavioral phenotypes of people with Williams syndrome.
Williams syndrome is a multisystem congenital disorder that is distinguished by hypersocial behavior.
Affected individuals usually have outgoing personalities and tend to take extreme interest in others.
These findings suggest that there are commonalities in the genetics behind canine tameness and Williams syndrome in humans.
Now if we can just figure out why this guy can't seem to get along well with anyone, we'd be fine.
Did you eat all the leftovers in the fridge?! Dang it Triangle Bob, bad boy! So if you were a dog for a day, what would you do?
Let me know in the comments section below! So dogs are super important, but what if all the cats on earth died? If you want to know the answer, check out this video!
Well, one study shows that, over a ten-year period, cat owners were 30% less likely to die from a heart attack compared to non-cat owners.
As always, my name is Blocko. This has been Life Noggin. Don't forget to keep on thinking!

  • syndromen. 综合症,典型表现
  • blindnessn. 失明;无知;[军]盲区
  • squirreln. 松鼠,松鼠皮毛 vt. 储存
  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • disordern. 杂乱,混乱 vt. 扰乱
  • distinguishedadj. 卓著的,尊敬的 动词distinguish的过