Voice 1: And culture influences how people choose to use and respond to mental health treatment. Some cultures may treat mental illness as a particular disease - like depression, schizophrenia, or bulimia. They especially concentrate on the signs of these disorders. Then they try to cure just these particular disorders in the patient. Other cultures may treat a mental disorder by treating the many different parts of the person's whole life.
声音1:文化也对人们选择使用和回应精神健康治疗的方式产生影响 。一些文化可能按照抑郁症、精神分裂症或贪食症等疾病之分来治疗精神疾病 。他们尤为关注这些障碍的特征 。然后他们会试图治愈患者的这些特定障碍 。其他文化则可能通过处理人们整个生活中的多个不同部分来治疗一种精神障碍 。
Voice 2: There are many more cultural differences than these. It takes time and effort to get past these differences. And for mental health treatment to be effective, people must first deal with differences in culture.
声音2:除此之外还有很多文化差异 。克服这些差异需要时间和努力 。要想让精神健康治疗奏效,人们必须首先解决文化差异 。
Voice 1: There are groups around the world that are already making a difference in this area. They set an example of good cross-cultural care. The Center for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims in Belgrade, Serbia is one good example.
声音1:全世界有很多组织在这一领域发挥作用 。他们为优质的跨文化治疗树立榜样 。塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的酷刑受害者康复中心就是个好例子 。