Welcome to English in a Minute!
Writing on a wall could be illegal.
To see the writing on the wall
I can't believe they've canceled Apartment of Cards. I was really enjoying that series!
真不敢相信他们取消了《纸牌屋》 我还觉得挺好看的呢
Why?! Why?! I'm not surprised. What do you mean?
为什么 为什么 我倒没什么惊讶的 什么意思
How could you have known about that? Even the cast didn't know!
你不可能提前就知道啊 连演员们都不知道
I didn't know either. But the main actor has been in the news a lot, and not for good reasons.
我也不知道 不过主演经常上新闻 都是负面的
I saw the writing on the wall.
The expression "to see the writing on the wall" refers to a sign or warning.
"to see the writing on the wall"是指一种迹象或警告
When you say this, you suspect that sometning bad is going to happen.
如果你这么说 就说明你怀疑有不好的事要发生了
It comes from a Bible story, in which mysterious writing on a wall warns that a king's rule is about to end.
这个表达来自圣经中的故事 一面墙上写着神秘的文字 称国王的统治就要结束了
And then it happens.
And that’s English in a Minute.
以上就是今天的《一分钟英语》栏目 。