Voice 1: Today's Spotlight is on World Mental Health Day 2007. On October 10 people all around the world will join together. They will work to educate people about mental health issues. They will aim to improve treatment and care for people who already suffer from mental health issues. They will try to remove prejudices, or bad ideas about mental health that people have. They will try to help the people of the world to understand mental health issues.
声音1:今天的重点报道节目聚焦2007年世界精神卫生日 。10月10日这天,世界各地的人们团结在一起 。他们共同努力,教导人们有关精神健康问题的知识 。他们的目标是改善患有精神健康问题的人的治疗并关怀他们 。他们将努力屏除他人对精神健康的偏见或不好的想法 。他们将努力让世界各地的人们理解精神健康问题 。
Voice 2: This year people all around the world will concentrate on a single theme or idea for World Mental Health Day. This year's theme is "Mental Health in a Changing World: The Impact of Culture and Diversity".
声音2:今年,世界各地的人们将聚焦世界精神卫生日的单一主题或理念 。今年的主题是“变化世界中的精神卫生:文化和多元性的冲击” 。