I've been called a rock star botanist, because I do roping, cliff climbing, hiking miles and miles and miles, but that was where the plants were.
大家都叫我“岩石上的明星植物学家”,因为我要背着绳子爬山崖,跋涉无数英里,但那里才是那些植物生长的地方 。
There is this huge extinction crisis going on in Hawaii, and my caring about the plants is really what is driving me.
夏威夷的植被正面临巨大的绝种危机,对它们的关注让我在这个岗位上一待就是这么多年 。
Everything OK?
Well my name is Steve Perlman, and I do work for the plant extinction prevention program in Hawaii.
我是史蒂夫·普尔曼,我在夏威夷植被灭绝预防小组工作 。
Our program focuses on the plants that are extremely rare in Hawaii, that have less than 50 individuals left in the wild.
我们主要关注夏威夷那些数目极为稀少,全球范围内余数也不超过50株的植被 。
This is a crater of Mount Wai'ale'ale, the rainiest spot on earth,
and then in this special spot, there are several species of plants that are only known from this area and nowhere else.
这里生长着一些在其他地方找不到只有这里有的一些植被 。
What we'll do, is try to make seed collections of these really rare species that are going extinct.
我们所做的就是收集这些濒危的稀有植被的种子 。
This is the cyanea asarifolia, they're extremely rare.
这个是cyanea asarifolia,这种植物极其稀少 。
I'm bagging the immature fruit right here, so that we can come back and get seeds later.
我们把还没成熟的果实给它用袋子套起来,过段时间再来取种子 。
Field botanists these days are really having to push the limits to get to a lot of our plants.
如今,田野植物学家只能不断探索新天地,才能找到植物了 。
The rocks are slippery, it's sometimes muddy, and very steep, there are no trails, people rarely come back here.
这些山石很滑,有的地方很泥泞,又非常陡,还没有路,因为很少有人会回来这里 。
This is the lysimachia iniki, nowhere else in the world does this thing grow.
这个是lysimachia iniki,全世界只有这里才有 。
About 40 plants or so are known, and that's it.
我们找到的只有40株左右,就剩这些了 。
And we only can get it when it washes down the cliffs in heavy rains and storms.
而且只有在大雨或风暴来临这些草被从悬崖上冲下来才能见到 。
There is a wonderful feeling, to go into these remote areas and then successfully locate plants.
能够到这些偏僻的地方找到这些植物感觉很棒 。
This plant is beautiful and unique, they've evolved in the Hawaiian islands.
这种植物既漂亮又独特,它们就这么一直在夏威夷生长进化 。
You're out there with a plant that has only one or two of the plants left in the wild,
you're really, really feeling the emotion of what that's like,
you go and visit those plants many times, it's often becomes like your family.
你会反复去照看它们,像家人一样呵护它们 。
It has been a really strenuous career, I'm turning 70 years old next month, and I still love the work that I do.
这份差事真的很累,而且下个月我就70了,但我依然热爱这份工作 。
I think I'd probably be bored just hanging around the house,
and I don't like to watch much TV or things like that, so I wanna keep doing this work and not retire.
我也不喜欢看电视之类的,我想继续做这份工作,不要退休 。