February 19th 1945, We've got cities and pricks, all up along the beach, and dozens of marines are around each one of them.
1945年2月19日,我们占领了城市,全部都在海岸沿岸,每处地方都派遣了多名陆战队队员 。
In the final months of World War II, Some 30,000 US marines begin landing at Iwo Jima.
二战的最后几个月,约3万名海军陆战队队员登陆硫磺岛 。
That's where they fight a month-long battle to seize the western Pacific island from Japnanese forces.
历经一个月,美军从日军手中抢夺了这片西太平洋岛屿 。
1942, Also during World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt adopts a controversial policy on a America's home front.
1942年还是二战,美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福对后方施行了一项备受争议的政策 。
He gives the US military authority to relocate and detain Janpanese-Americans as well as Janpanese nationals living in the US.
美军有权重新安置和扣留日裔美国人,以及居住在美国的日本籍人 。
More than four decades later, the government apologizes for the policy and pays money to surviving Janpanese-Americans.
四十年多后,政府对此道歉,并向幸存的日裔美国人进行赔偿 。
1473, Nicolaus Copernicus, the astronomer who concluded the Sun, not the earth is at the center of our Solar system, is born in Poland.
1473年,天文学家哥白尼出生在波兰,他提出了日心说而非地心说 。
1940, The tears of a clown when there's no one around.
1940年,小丑的泪水,四下无人 。
Singer-songwriter Smokey Robinson, one of the voices who shapes the Motown songs of the sixties is born in Detroit.
唱作人史摩基·罗宾逊出生在底特律,罗宾逊主宰了60年代的摩城唱片 。
Today in history, February 19th. Bryant Thomas, the Associated Press.
以上是2月19日《历史上的今天》,美联社布莱特·托马斯为您播报 。