literature n.文学 interpret literature 理解文学作品
monologue n.独白
seminar n.研讨会
tackle v.应付 tackle the difficult problem 对付难题
linear a.线性的
chronological a.按时间顺序
unfold v.展开 the story unfolds chronologically
insight n.洞察力
dilemma n.困境 solve the dilemma 解决困难
1.It is awesome. 很棒
2.You wouldn’t tackle Joyce in an intro class. 在入门课上都不太能应付Joyce的文学作品
3.I’d like to give my first year students a taste of Joyce’s style. 我希望我一年级的学生能感受一下Joyce 的风格。
4.All the stories in the collection are written in stream of consciousness. 书中所有的故事都用意识流的写法。
5.The stories are told through an inner monologue, as opposed to dialogue. 故事以内心独白的方式展开,而不是对话的形式。
as opposed to 与…截然相反
6.It’s such a privilege, spending an entire term diving into a single body of work. 用整个学期去深入研究一个作品真的是很奢侈。
dive into 钻研
7.The students bring so much insight to the classes. 学生们有很多深入的见解。
8.Students need to get a strong foundation in literary theory and criticism. 学生要有很好的文学理论和文学评论基础。
9.I’m working on my schedule for next term, and I’ve got room for one more course. 我在选下学期的课程,我还有上一门课呃时间。
work on the schedule 制定计划,进行日程安排
10.The professor lets the student in the room.教授允许学生上这门课
11.I’m sure that I can keep up. 我确定我能跟上
12.Couldn’t you make an exception?能破例一次吗?
13.In our intro class, you are reviewing the basics, like plots, setting and character and getting your first real exposure to different literary. 在我们的入门课里,你们只是学习一些基本知识,比如情节,背景,人物以及真正开始接触不同的文学类型。
14.The only way to appreciate Joyce’s novels is by studying a variety of authors. 能够欣赏Joyce 的小说的唯一的办法是学习研究不同的作者。
15.The course will build on your current knowledge base.这门课适合你目前的水平。