Voice 1: But the Marmaray project is facing an interesting problem. While digging, engineers have uncovered an ancient sea port. What exactly did they find? Will they be able to complete the job? Today's Spotlight is on the Marmaray Project of the Bosphorus Straights.
声音1:但是马尔马雷计划面临着一个有趣的问题 。工程师在挖掘时发现了一个古代海港 。他们到底发现了什么?他们能完成工作吗?今天的重点报道节目就聚焦博斯普鲁斯海峡的马尔马雷计划 。
Voice 2: The idea of the Marmaray Project is to connect the two sides of Istanbul. Part of the connection structure will be above ground. Part of it will be a tunnel under the ground. And the last part will be a tunnel under fifty-eight metres of water—under the Bosphorus Straights. Each part will be connected to create one structure.
声音2:马尔马雷计划的构思是连接伊斯坦布尔的两个区域 。部分连接结构设在地上 。部分为地下的隧道 。最后一部分是博斯普鲁斯海峡下58米深的隧道 。每个部分将连接在一起,以组合成一个结构 。
Voice 1: Engineers are making the tunnels out of concrete and steel. There will be eleven parts connected to each other under the water. The engineers are building these parts on land. When they are ready, they will sink the parts. Then they will connect them together to create the tunnel. The tunnel under the Bosphorus Straight will be one thousand three hundred eighty-seven metres long.
声音1:工程师用混凝土和钢建造了隧道 。水下将有11个部分互相连接在一起 。工程师将在陆地上建造这些部分 。在准备好以后,他们将把这些部分沉入水下 。然后他们会把所有部分连接在一起,组建成隧道 。博斯普鲁斯海峡下面的这条隧道将达到1387米长 。