What does Heath Ledger terrorizing Gotham, Daniel Day-Lewis ill-advisedly bragging, “I've abandoned my child.”
希斯·莱杰在哥潭市制造爆炸和屠杀,丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯冒失地自夸,“我连孩子都扔下了 。”
and Leonardo DiCaprio getting mauled by bear, all have in common?
They each used method acting to prepare for their role.
这三位演员在理解自己的角色时都使用了体验派的表演方法 。
Heath Ledger isolated himself for weeks to portray the Joker's chilling psychosis.
Daniel Day-Lewis spent months in character before filming even began.
丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯在开拍之前就已在自己的角色里生活了好几个月 。
“If I say I'm an oil man, you will agree.”
“如果我说我是做石油生意的,你也会信的 。”
And Leonardo DiCaprio really went into the woods and got mauled by a bear. Kidding.
莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥则真的深入丛林,真的被熊攻击了 。开个玩笑 。
He ate raw bison liver instead.
但他真的吃了生的野牛肝 。
Each of these performances received an Oscar but unless we're actually told about the extreme lengths these actors went to, there's no way for us to know.
这些表演都收获了奥斯卡,然而,要不是有人告诉我们这些演员有多拼,恐怕我们就无从知道 。
Which begs the question: if Leonardo DiCaprio really eats raw bison liver and nobody is around to see it, does he still get the Oscar?
Needed to be done because we were striving for authenticity.
我需要那么做,因为我们力图拍得真实 。
Modern method acting is based on a system developed in the Soviet Union as a way to structure training for actors.
现代的体验式表演发源于前苏联训练演员的一种表演系统 。
The system provides a framework for actors to understand their characters, by drawing on their own experiences and imagination.
该系统里有一个框架,让演员通过自己的经历或者想象,理解他们的角色 。
Many method actors take this to an extreme, pushing themselves to live as if they really were their character.
许多体验派演员为此走了极端,逼迫自己生活在角色里 。
But are intense method acting performances really better?
If you just look at the numbers, the Academy seems to think they are.
从体验派表演获奖的概率来看,评委们似乎是这么认为的 。
Since 1951 there have been 132 Oscars awarded for Best Actor and Best Actress
and 59 have gone to actors with some training in method acting.
And 33 of these Oscars specifically went to actors who used method acting techniques to prepare for the role.
这59座里又有33座归了用体验派演技理解角色的演员 。
But there's more to method acting than just winning Oscars.
然而,除了赢得奥斯卡,这种表演方法还要更重要的意义 。
There's been this kind of evolutionary dynamic between watching an actor just for who they are,
their screen presence, their persona, versus how they inhabit or interpret a character.
有一个动态的演变过程 。
Take Tom Cruise, for example.
Whether he's fighting a mummy, fighting Morgan Freeman, or fighting the shogunate, it's impossible to see Tom Cruise as anyone but himself.
不管他是在和木乃伊打斗,和摩根·弗里曼打斗还是和幕府将军打斗,我们都只能看到他本人的形象 。
Does Tom Cruise even know the names of the characters he's playing anymore?
What is your name? This creates a problem for actors. They become captives to their star personas.
你到底是谁?这就给演员带来了一个问题:他们被自己塑造的成功形象禁锢住了 。
Look at Leonardo DiCaprio for another example.
我们不妨再来看看莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的例子 。
Despite being nominated five times as an actor,
"Jamie Foxx in Ray."
“获奖的是,《雷》中的杰米·福克斯 。”
He didn't actually win an Oscar until 2016.
直到2016年才真正获奖 。
And he won for what happened to be his most intensive method acting role.
而为他赢得金像奖的恰好是他最具体验派演技的角色 。
I don't know who goes through the stronger emotional roller coaster really, and physically: your character or the audience. Me.
不知情绪波动比较大的是你塑造的角色还是观众呢?那肯定是我啊 。
So taking on ambitious method acting performances can help actors be taken more seriously.
总得来说,呈现充满抱负的体验派表演技巧能够让观众更重视演员的表演 。
But there might be a more cynical reason behind method acting's popularity.
然而,体验式表演之所以大受欢迎,背后可能还有一个颇具讽刺意味的原因 。
Really have seen method acting become a marketing tool.
我们的确可以看到体验式表演也已经沦落为营销手段了 。
It doesn't matter how good your performance is, unless you have a really good behind-the-scenes story to accompany it.
若非有一个很好的幕后故事来给你的演技增色,演得好不好其实并不重要 。
Hollywood is a business and businesses need marketing.
好莱坞也是生意,生意就离不开营销 。
When Daniel Day-Lewis goes on Oprah, he gets to promote his movie while also highlighting his own work as an actor.
丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯上奥普拉节目的时候,他不仅宣传了自己的电影,还强调了自己作为演员的付出 。
"I've begin to hear a voice. Kind of a fingerprint of the soul." "Fingerprint of the soul", very good.
“我开始听到某个声音,感觉就像受到了灵魂的点拨一样 。”“灵魂的点拨”,说得好 。
There's no way for actors to show us all the work that goes into a role, so they have to tell us instead.
演员无法向我们展示他们为角色付出了多少,除非他们自己告诉我们 。
"My reaction to eating that piece of meat is right up on screen."
“吃完那块肉我真的就是电影里那种反应 。”
But that doesn't mean method acting is all about marketing, either.
但这并不意味着体验式表演只是为了营销 。
After all, it helped Leonardo DiCaprio go from this "Open your eyes." to this.
毕竟,这种表演技巧让小李子从“可以睁开了”这种表演上升到了这种表演 。
It really caught on in terms of transforming the appreciation of an actor,
from being someone we just enjoy watching on screen, to being someone who really is consummate in their craft,
who works tirelessly to do justice to their character and serve the role as best as they can.
认识到他们为了阐释,为了能够最好地呈现自己塑造的形象付出了不懈的努力 。
Actors that have pursued intense method acting routines have created some of the most memorable performances ever.
那些追求高度体验式表演的演员的确为我们呈现了有史以来最难忘的表演 。
And to be fair to Leo, if I ate raw bison liver, I would tell people too.
同时,在这里我要为小李子说句话,如果我为了表演吃了生的野牛肝,我也会选择告诉观众的 。