?OK, you ready? Yeah.
好了,你准备好了吗?准备好了 。
I was raised to be Generic. Born that way.
我被当做普通人来培养,生来就如此 。
But on the third day in the second quarter, I’m starting to think it’s not who I really am.
但到了第二季度的第三天,我开始意识到那并不是真正的我 。
I diagnose the things the computers can't see.
我诊断电脑看不到的事物 。
The moods they don’t understand just yet.
比如当前电脑还无法理解的情绪 。
Usually it’s to help sell things.
我的工作通常都是为了促销产品 。
But sometimes you glimpse a person in that reflective surface, who seems a little bit like you.
但有时你从这个角度去看一个人的时候,你会发现他和你有共同之处 。
My name is Suzy Jackson, and I am a narrator of audiobooks.
我是苏西·杰克逊,我是一名有声读物配音工作人员 。
Is that what we call ourselves? I’m like, I don’t know — audio...audio voiceover artist?
But I mean, we’re talking about audiobooks, so...
As I’m reading, any time a character pops up, I’ll underline their name.
读书的时候,书中每出现一个新人物,我都会划出来 。
"Very good," Dr. Snoot says. I didn't notice her behind me.
"非常好,"斯努特医生说,我没发现她就在我身后 。
She feels like a grandmother — I don’t have one, but I've read about them in books.
她给人一种奶奶的感觉……我没有奶奶,但我在书里看过 。
"Onto the next one."
“下一个 。”
One trick that I’ll do, I’m trying to find if I have a place...Here.
我的一个技巧就是,我看看能不能找个地方……就这儿吧 。
Let’s say there’s a sentence that says “she whispered” at the end.
比如有一个句子末尾有“她悄声说道” 。
So I need to know that before I start.
那我在读之前就要先知道这一点 。
So I’ll underline it while I’m preparing the book. See, I’ll draw an arrow to it.
And so then I’ll catch it before I’m saying it.
这样我就能提前注意到这里 。
So there is, it’s this weird mental trick of staying really present, but also kind of also reading a little bit ahead.
所以,我的技巧就是把注意力集中在当前文句,同时提前预览 。
After Dr. Snoot walks away, I fall into a daze until Kenneth hits me on the shoulder,
Rita and Adelaide bouncing next to him.
丽塔和阿德莱德则弹到了他旁边 。
"Addison," he says, sniffing a little and pushing his hair behind his ears.
“艾迪森,”他一边轻蔑地说着一边把头发别到耳后 。
"Do you want to go look at it again?" "I'm supposed to work. I have thirteen cases to diagnose before break four."
“你还想去看吗?”“我该干活了 。在第四次休息之前我还有诊断十三例 。”
Rita grabs me by the shoulders. "Come on daydreamer, let's go."
丽塔抓着我的肩膀,“走吧,空想家 。”
I start to follow them, Adelaide chattering the entire time.
我跟着他们走了,阿德雷德一路上都在说个不停 。
Did you hear...so that’s what happens. You’re like,
你听见……就是这样 。明明录得好好的,
and now my esophagus made some strange bubbling sound, so we stop and pick up.
突然我的食道就会发出一些奇怪的声音,就不得不停下来重新接着录 。
Adelaide chattering the entire time. That might be her greatest skill.
阿德雷德一路上都在说个不停 。她最拿手的可能就是这个了 。
I guess it's something about people from her district.
我猜她们那儿的人都是这样 。
"So anyway, I was screening this guy who was totally non-operator."
“好吧,反正我那时就是在扫描一个绝非操作人员的家伙 。”
"Very aggressive. And he started hitting a vending machine and I realized — I knew him when I was five!
"他好凶的 。然后他就开始锤一个自动贩卖机,我突然意识到……我五岁就认识他了 。"
Before they made me an operator.
那个时候我都还没当操作人员 。
“He ate a lot of glue.”
“他吃了很多胶水 。”
"She'd keep going, but we stop. Standing in front of us, we see it
“她还想说下去,但我们停下了脚步,因为我们看见 它了,就在我们前面 。
A funny drawing scrawled on the wall.
一幅歪歪扭扭地画在墙上又很好笑的画 。
I wrote down the characters in the book, and I noted on my paper what I knew about them:
that Dr. Snoot was like a grandma, that Kenneth was nerdy, that Rita was always in control, that Adelaide was feisty.
比如斯努特医生就像一个奶奶,肯尼思像个书呆子,丽塔一直有很强的把控能力,阿德莱德则比较活泼 。
I felt like I knew the energy of it.
我感觉我能把握每个角色的能量 。
It says “Kilroy Was Here” underneath.
画的下方写着“克洛伊在此” 。
And then underneath that, there's another word.
在这句话的下面还有另外一句话 。
“Vox?” Kenneth says, his voice catching on the x.
“声意……?”肯尼思说,他的声音停留在了最后一个字母上 。
Rita laughs. "Is that even how you say it? It could be Vos."
丽塔笑了,“你都这么念吗?也可能是失忆啊 。”
"I know what it means," I say. "Voice."
“我知道是什么意思,”我说 。“是声音的意思 。”
To me the voices aren't as hard as committing to the story and doing it for hours and hours, hours and hours on end, like that.
对我来说,声音倒没有一直朗读,连着朗读好几个好几个小时困难 。
Stamina is more difficult than coming up with slight variation of vocal quality to distinguish characters.
比起为了区分不同的角色而做的声色的变化,体力的支撑才是最困难的 。
Whether I’m reading aloud to kids or whether I’m reading on my own,
the experience has changed a bit since I’ve been narrating.
自从我开始配音以后,读书的感觉就不一样了 。
I think in terms of just storytelling...what makes good storytelling, what I've learned,
is to respect that story and respect the audience that's listening to the story.
要尊重作品,尊重听这本书的听众 。
You aren’t necessarily only going to be narrating the style or genre of books that you yourself might choose to read on your own.
你朗读的不一定就是你给你自己挑选的风格或流派的作品 。
So I think there is something to respect that story and and the audience for that story.
所以,尊重作品,尊重作品的受众是很重要的 。
“Voice,” I tell the group again. “The one thing that can never be generic.”
“就是声音的意思,”我重复道,“声音是唯一不会大众化的东西 。”
I don’t know if I’ve done alien voices, but I’ve done in the sci-fi world a lot of creatures.
我也忘了我有没有给外星人配过音了,不过我配过很多科幻作品里的角色 。
“Can you do a pizza order as a dragon?” Oh, sure.
“I’ll take a large cheese with extra pepperoni.”
“我要大份披萨,多加香肠 。”
It’s so weird, it’s so weird what I do. Yeah. I'm frightened.
感觉好怪啊,怪吓人的,嗯 。反正我被吓到了 。