In 1999 a tiny little independent film called The Blair Witch Project was released.
就在1999年,独立电影《女巫布莱尔》一开始只是一部小成本电影 。
And it went on to be this smash hit.
不料,电影上映后轰动一时 。
It made $250 million dollars worldwide.
该电影在全球斩获了2.5亿美元的票房 。
It also got rave reviews. Even from Roger Ebert.
对该电影的评论也是好评如潮,美国第一影评人Roger Ebert也不例外 。
He called it “an extraordinarily effective horror film”
他曾评论该电影是一部“无比逼真的恐怖电影” 。
It was actually one of the most successful independent films ever made.
事实上,该电影也是有史以来最成功的独立电影之一 。
Riding on this success, its sequel, Book of Shadows: Blair Witch II was released just a year later.
继该电影成功之后,一年后,该电影的续集《女巫布莱尔2:影子之书》也上映了 。
It was like universally hated by every single critic.
结果,基本上没有一个影评人不讨厌这部续集 。
Someone called it "a club footed vomit launch of teen horror cliches"
It was bad. Really bad.
那确实是个烂片,很烂很烂的烂片 。
And it got us wondering what are the best and worst sequels of the past 20 years?
我们不禁会想,过去20年最好和最烂的续集都有哪些 。
So anytime you google search a film, you’ll immediately be presented with it’s metacritic rating.
只要上谷歌搜索一部电影,第一条就是该电影在metacritic上的评分 。
You have all these movie critics all around the united states and they use different systems to review movies.
这些影评人来自不同的地方,他们用来评分的系统也不一致 。
Metacritic normalizes these rankings on a 1-100 scale,
putting more weight on critics with more clout.
影响力越大的影评人的影评越被看重 。
Zachary, my colleague here, was given a data set of 13,000 films from Metacritic
and found every movie with a sequel since 1996. That's 532 films total.
从1996年以来每部有续集的电影都有,一共是532部 。
We wanted to know like what were the films that did really really well at the first time around
and then just totally changed the second time around.
但第二次烂得一塌糊涂的那些电影 。
In other words, the biggest disappointments.
换句话说,就是那些最让人失望的电影 。
That’s where films like Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 comes in.
也就是《女巫布莱尔2:影子之书》那样的电影 。
So the original got a score of 81 points.
第一部《女巫布莱尔》在Metacritic上的得分是81分 。
You know if you don’t believe in the Blair Witch then why did the hell you bother to come?
I thought the movie was cool.
因为我感觉那部电影还不错啊 。
The sequel got a score of 15 points. The 66 points less.
该片的续集的Metacritic得分只有15分,比第一部少了66分 。
Or take Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the first Mandarin language film nominated for Best Picture.
我们再来说说首部提名奥斯卡金像奖的华语影片《卧虎藏龙》 。
It went on to win Best Foreign Language film.
该片还荣获了奥斯卡最佳外语片奖 。
Well, 16 years later, Netflix released a sequel, in English.
然而,16年后,Netflix为该片拍了续集,影片语言变成了英语 。
The orginal got a score of 93.
第一部《卧虎藏龙》的得分是93分 。
The sequel? So unfortunately it fared much worse.
续集呢?非常不幸,续集的评分比第一部低得多 。
Too much blazing flame! It got 47.
与你无关!只有47分 。
So on the flip side you have films that did really poorly the first time around
and somehow miraculously did better when they were made into a sequel.
但在后来的续集中却奇迹般地好转了 。
This is like a really small contingent of all the sequels we looked at.
但在我们所考察的所有这些带续集的电影中,这类电影非常非常少 。
Less than 25 of the 532 films were improvements.
一共532部,只有25部电影的续集是在往好的方向发展 。
Outside of movies like The Dark Knight and Kill Bill vol 2,
most of these movies were tremendously bad to begin with.
这类电影第一部大都非常烂 。
Like for instance Garfield got a score of 27.
比如《加菲猫》的第一部就只有27分 。
Awe good boy! See I knew you could do it if you put your mind to it.
好孩子!我就知道,只要你用心 你就能做到
It’s not that hard to improve on that.
这样的分数要想提高也不是什么难事 。
Like Garfield Part 2 got 37 which is still pretty bad.
《加菲猫2》虽然得了37分,但还是很烂 。
You are not bad, I'm sure, You've noticed that.
你不差的,我相信,你自己也知道的 。
The worst ones fall into 1 of 3 categories.
Metacritic上最烂的影片可以分为三类 。
It’s either a horror, comedy, or action film.
要么是恐怖片,要么是喜剧片,要么是动作片 。
So I wanted to see is that just a bigger indication of how critics rate those movies.
所以,我就在想,影片的类型是否是影评人评分时最重要的标准 。
What I did is like I looked at a randomized selection of 200 films from every single genre on metacritic.
所以我就从Metacritic的每个影片类型里随意选出了200部电影 。
And then averaged out the score for each genre.
然后算出了每个影片类型下影片的平均分值 。
This chart reveals that the genres with the worst sequels also fair pretty badly amongst critics in general.
从这张图我们可以看出,续集总是扑街的影片类型一般也不大受影评人的喜欢 。
Despite all of this, Hollywood loves making them.
So much so that this year alone an unprecedented 37 sequels will be released.
数量之多,今年一年就有37部好莱坞续集电影要上映 。
The reason? Money.
为什么?圈钱呗 。
The average sequel makes 8x the average original release.
一般而言,续集的票房是首部影片票房的8倍之多 。
That’s $160,000,000 dollars over the $20,000,000 original.
好莱坞首部影片的票房平均在2000万美元,续集的票房平均就是1.6亿美元 。
Grown Ups, the Adam Sandler movie which was rated an abysmal 30% on metacritic received 270 million dollars worldwide.
亚当·桑德勒主演的喜剧《长大后》,评分只有30的烂片,票房却达到了2.7亿美元 。
Its sequel, which somehow dropped 11 points still managed 247 million dollars worldwide. It was a box office hit.
该片的续集,评分虽然只有19分,国际票房也有2.47亿美元,甚至还成了票房冠军 。
Audiences literally had no reason to give Grown Ups 2 a chance. And yet they did.
这样的烂片,完全不值得观众为其贡献票房 。但他们还是贡献了 。
Roger Ebert famously said No movie executive was fired because he greenlit a sequel....
在评论该片时,Roger Ebert说了那句名言:没有一个电影制作人会因为出一部续集就被开除……
But movie critics despair of sequels as betraying a lack of imagination and originality.
但影评人对续集已经不抱希望了,觉得续集往往不仅缺乏想象力,还缺乏原创性 。
If you have any doubts about how true that is? give Grown Ups 2 a whirl.
要是你不信,看看《长大后2》你就知道了 。