日期:2018-01-06 10:39



Thank you for being here again, and I want to say also congratulations to... you're married for 25 years?
That's right. To Warren Beatty. You and Warren. Hey! 25 years. 25 years.
And my parents have been married 67 years. Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine? Can you believe it?
我的父母结婚已经有67年了,老天,你能想象吗? 你觉得这是真的吗?
Unbelievable. Unbelievable. What are you going to do for the holidays? Do you have big plans, you and Warren?
We have a big Thanksgiving with all of my family, extended family.
My husband's very nice about that. So we have a big Thanksgiving. Christmas is kind of quieter, just at home with the kids.
Oh, really? Just a quiet one. And do you do a big thing, a big spread with, like, ham and things?
真的吗? 这么安静,那你们会做什么丰盛的晚宴吗? 火腿之类的?
I sometimes do a ham, but I have a very good Turkey pot pie that I make from scratch.
New York Times recipe, I highly recommend. Really? Yeah. I love a Turkey potpie. I'm a Swanson's guy all the way.
《纽约时报》的菜谱,我极力推荐,真的吗? 我也特别喜欢吃肉馅饼,我是它的代言人E=UEF9dOc)d=d#SwX;T
I grew up on those. Right? Oh, yeah. The ones with crust in the bottom. Absolutely. That's the best one. You pop them in the oven.
Oh, that's my favorite thing ever. Oh, rad. I'm coming over for Christmas.
How are the kids, by the way? They're great. I heard that you're using emojis now. Is this true?
孩子们怎么样? 他们现在都很好,我听说你正在用表情包,是真的吗?
We do use emojis on occasion. When we can get the text back from the child is the shocking moment.




But, no, we do. They just don't...they don't text back. Sometimes they don't.
我们会用表情包,他们不回短信是吗? 有时他们不回_w~#(*~Vh7Q2!jYM
Sometimes you have to use the megaphone loudspeaker emoji to get them to call back.
That's the one you use the most. Or text back. Yeah. Yep. And the hearts and the prayers, and the '70s guy?
You know the '70s guy? Yeah, yeah, I love that guy. Yeah, he's great, too, yeah. Love that guy. Love that guy.
And does Warren Beatty use... What does Warren do? You know, he does this weird thing. He likes to talk.
沃伦·比蒂用吗? 他一般怎么做? 他做事很奇怪的,他喜欢说话vj4a_vj,1dvb@do
Oh, I never heard of that. Yeah. Yeah. I got to write that down, yeah. I know, write it down...Yeah. Talk. He likes to talk on the phone.
And if you do text him, you get a heart, maybe. Really? That's it.
He's not a texting guy? He's not a texting guy. Is he a tweeting guy? No. Are you kidding?
他不喜欢写短信,不喜欢写,他喜欢玩“推特”吗? 你在开玩笑吗?
No. I had to ask just for fun. No, no. We're trying to get him to just read tweets, but he won't even do that.
He won't even do that. He just wants to talk to people, yeah. I want to get into the movie.
It's about...in the movie, you play an actress.
Do you remember your first role acting? Well, actually my first play was in the sixth grade.
你还记得你的第一个角色吗? 我的第一部剧应该是我上六年级的时候IUpwt)sVIhnc,#|u
Yeah. All right, so.... We were learning Spanish and my teacher, Mrs. Huckabee at Green School taught us to speak Spanish
by doing The Three Little Pigs in Spanish, and I was the narrator. How cool is that for sixth grade?
Do you remember any of the lines? I happen to remember the first line.
你还记得当时说了什么吗? 我还记得第一句话-SDKpIKLr0Xeg~e.UY5(
What is that? Hey, oh, my gosh! Where or what is it? Something about three little.. What is it?
是什么? 老天,是什么意思,关于三只小猪的?
Here are the three little pigs. There you go! All right, good, yeah, I need a little help on that.

  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • recipen. 食谱,秘诀,药方
  • turkeyn. 土耳其 turkey n. 火鸡,笨蛋,失败之作
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎
  • narratorn. 叙述者,讲解员
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • extendedadj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出