Total solar eclipse, the first seen coast-to-coast across America in nearly a century.
全日食,近一个世纪以来第一次能在大西洋岸和太平洋岸都能看到的全日食景观 。
This one's called Double Trouble.
这种玩法叫“难上加难” 。
The United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
This will be the day that the United States resigned as the leader of the free world.
自今日起,美国将不再是自由之邦 。
When you work your entire life to create something and you see it gone, it's very difficult. It's very hard.
一辈子的精力都花在了这个地方,突然就没了,感觉真的很难受,很难接受这个事实 。
Hurricane Irma is now the most powerful storm ever recorded in the open Atlantic Ocean.
艾尔玛飓风是泛大西洋地区有史以来最强劲的飓风 。
Two days after Hurricane Maria, all of Puerto Rico is still without power and may have no electricity for months to come.
艾尔玛飓风过去才两天,波多黎各全岛仍没有通电,未来几个月可能也通不了 。
A powerful earthquake has just struck Mexico City.
就在刚才,墨西哥城发生了强烈的地震 。
So many everyday citizens running in to help.
许许多多普通市民纷纷前来救援 。
As I'm sure you can imagine we are devastated and we are still processing all of this.
我敢肯定,我们是遭受了巨大的损失,但即便有这些灾难,我们依然没有停止前进的脚步 。
It all started with Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and since then the floodgates have opened.
好莱坞制片人Harvey Weinstein性侵丑闻一石激起千层浪
We tried to find one place where women were safe so we Googled sexual harassment Antarctica,
and we found this article from five fucking days ago.
结果竟然找到了五天前的这样一篇文章 。
I'm like, hold on, what about the President?
Listen, ok? If you got your thang thang out and she got all her clothes on, you're wrong. You're in the wrong.
听我说,好吗?如果你把你的枪掏出来,她却没脱衣服,那你就错了,大错特错 。
Devastating 7.3 magnitude earthquake has rocked the Middle East overnight.
强度高达7.3级的地震袭击了美国中部,一夜之间将那里夷为平地 。
Hundreds dead along the board of Iran and Iraq, an urgent search for survivors now.
成百上千人在伊朗和伊拉克边境死亡,紧急搜救幸存者的行动正在开展 。
Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag,
to say get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out. He's fired. He is fired.
This is a protest about whether or not the country has fulfilled its promise of equal protection under the law to all of its citizenry
and that conversation is one no one wants to have.
他(特朗普)那样的言论是没人想听的 。
More than 300 people were killed in what seen as the worst attack in Egypt's modern history.
埃及发生了现代史上最惨无人道的袭击,死亡人数多达300多人 。
It's the first time that the militants target worshippers inside a mosque.
这是好战分子首次将枪口对准在清真寺里祷告的人 。
More than half a million Rohingya refugees have left Myanmar for Bangladesh,
fleeing what the United Nations has called a quote “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”.
这一逃亡别联合国称为“教科书般的种族清洗 。”
President Robert Mugabe has resigned.
总统Robert Mugabe已经辞职 。
Today, it's victory. It's victory in our hearts, it's victory for our children.
今天是一个胜利的日子,是我们切身感受到的胜利,我们为孩子们争取到了胜利 。
This has been an incredible mission, an incredible spacecraft, and you're all an incredible team.
这是一次了不起的征程,你们的飞船了不起,你们的团队也很了不起 。
I'm going to call this the end of mission. Project manager off the net.
我宣布,探索任务圆满结束 。
You know, now that a professional wrestler's our President, anything is possible.
You know that statement anything is possible used to have a positive connotation?
Anything is possible. Now we're all like anything is possible.
就是“一切皆有可能” 。现在,这句话得这么说,“一切皆有可能”
Hey and one last thing.
嘿,最后再说两句 。
I just want to say: anything is possible Vox video fans. Anything. Happy New Year. Peace.
我只想说,Vox的粉丝们,一切皆有可能,一切皆有可能 。新年快乐!再见 。