Answer the phone.
I will be out of the office until Monday February 18th.
I'm going to hang up and try this again.
You've reached the voicemail of Patient Priceline.
I will be out of the office until February 18th. Please leave me a message.
Everyone's out of the office.
大家都没上班 。
All agents are currently busy with other customers.
客服正忙 。
Currently, all of our operators are busy.
I'm sorry, extension 59 didn't answer.
抱歉,59号客服无应答 。
No music this time? I just have to sit her on hold with no music.
这次连铃声都没有?我还得坐在这儿干等着 。
I'm just trying to see if I can get a number.
我只是想了解一下相关费用的大致数目 。
You will not get a copy of that until after the procedure. Ok.
数目的话要手术后才能拿到 。哦 。
Do you have that information though in terms of like how much certain items cost?
no, um they will not present the cost until after.
不知道,术后他们才会给 。
So there's literally no way for me to discover what the cost is until after I buy it, is that right?
We do not keep that information on hand. Everything is processed after.
我们手边没有相关的资料,所有的价格都要术后才知道 。
Certainly that information exists in your hospital system somewhere.
你们医院某个部门肯定有相关的资料啊 。
The itemized copy, all of that information is done after the procedure, not before.
消费清单,所有相关的信息都要术后才会做出来,术前是不会做的 。
I haven't heard a single number from anyone about how much anything costs.
去医院生孩子到底要花多少钱,问了这么久,没有一个人告诉我一个数据 。
This is actually starting to become frustrating. Ok
真心感觉无力吐槽 。就这样吧 。
Finally, after two weeks and thirty phone calls, I got ahold of a pricing consultant from the hospital where Isabel's going to give birth.
终于,在两周之后,也就是我打了30个电话之后,我终于找到了Isabel即将待产的医院的一名价格顾问 。
I finally just got a call back from a pricing consultant and I wasn't able to record it because she called me out of the blue.
刚才她终于给我回电话了,但我没能录下来,因为她这个电话打得是在是太突然了 。
She had taken down all my insurance information and was able to run it through her system and come up with an estimate quote.
她记下了我保险相关的信息,然后用系统算出了一个报价 。
And finally for the first time in two weeks, I heard a number.
两周以来我终于第一次听到了一个数据 。
She said that I would be paying $347 for my wife's birth.
她说我妻子去医院生孩子我们需要支付347美元 。
She wasn't able to give me a breakdown of what that meant or any items specifically.
她完全没有给我解释这个数据是怎么来的,都有哪些项目 。
She was able to only give me that number.
她只是给了我一个数目 。
And when I pushed on certain items she said she frankly didn't know.
当我执意要问她具体项目的费用时她说她真心不知道 。
Apparently prices in a hospital are beyond even a pricing consultant.
显然,即便是价格咨询专员也不了解医院的价格 。
And then one day, this happened.
接下来的某天发生了这样一件事 。
I think Izzy may be going into labor.
我感觉Izzy马上就要生了 。
Here we go.
我们走吧 。
I forgot about healthcare prices for a moment
and watched my amazing wife go through a night of painful labor.
看着我了不起的妻子一晚上饱受生产的痛苦 。
She was the hero of the night and at the end of it, we had a new member of our little family.
她是那晚的英雄,最后我们家填了一个新成员 。
Oliver was born with no complications and a two day stay in the hospital.
Oliver非常健康地出生了,出生后在医院待了两天 。
All very typical.
一切都很正常 。
Well, I got the bill back in the mail. The insurance negotiated a lower...
喔,我刚收到账单了 。保险公司协商出了一个更低的……
So the bill that came to us... So the bill that came to...
We got the final bill back and the hospital charged sixteen thousand dollars.
我们已经拿到了最终的账单,医院报价是一万六千美元 。
The negotiated price with the insurance company was eight thousand dollars.
保险公司谈下来的价格是8000美元 。
They covered 90% of it and sent us the bill for $841 dollars.
他们付了90%,寄给我们的账单是841美元 。
That's 500 dollars more than the pricing consultant quotes me for a typical, uncomplicated birth which is what Isabel had.
这比医院的价格顾问报给我的一般顺产的费用高出了500美元 。Isabel也是顺产的 。
Our healthcare system suffers from a big problem which is that there's huge variation in costs.
我们国家的医疗系统有一个很大的问题,那就是医疗费用浮动太大 。
But what seems to be the bigger problem is that us consumers have no tools to find out where we fall in that pricing variation.
但更大的问题似乎是我们消费者没有办法知道我们的费用最终会落在这个浮动区间的哪个位置 。
The hospital down the street could be a fairly cheap hospital or it could be an extremely expensive one,
it could be 10 time more expensive than the cheap ones.
可能比便宜的贵上10倍 。
You have no idea and there's no way to tell.
但你根本不知道它贵还是便宜,也没有办法了解到 。
And hopefully someday this will change.
但愿将来这种情况能得到改善 。
But in the meantime, we got a really cute baby out of this whole thing. So, I'm not complaining.
但是,在这个过程中我们得到了一个非常可爱的宝宝,所以,我不会吐槽 。
Thank you for for calling the patient Priceline.
At this time we are assisting other callers. But your call is important to us.
当前客服正忙,但我们也很重视您的电话 。
Please speak clearly and leave your name and tellphone number where you can be reached and someone will return your call within....
请告知您的姓名和电话,稍后会有人回复您 。