You know that feeling when you learn about something,
and then you just want to learn more and more and more?
就会想要知道得更多 。
Squeaks and I have been feeling that way ever since we started learning about owls.
We want to learn as much as we can about them,
so today we thought we'd try and find the answer to one simple question about them:
what do they eat and how do they eat it?
And there's one fun and fascinating way to learn what owls eat: by cutting open an owl pellet.
有一个了解猫头鹰饮食的有趣方法,那就是切开它的食团 。
What's an owl pellet?
Well, when we talk about how an animal eats, we're talking about their digestive system.
当我们讨论动物怎么吃东西时,就会谈到它们的消化系统 。
Digestion is how your body turns your food into energy.
消化就是你的身体把食物转化成能量的方式 。
Owls eat small animals like rodents, rabbits, shrews, and sometimes even other birds.
猫头鹰吃小动物,比如啮齿动物、兔子、鼩鼱,有时也吃其他鸟类 。
That's how they get their energy.
这是它们获取能量的方式 。
But, unlike us, owls don't cook their food or cut it up with a knife and fork.
但猫头鹰与我们不同,它们不会烹饪食物或用刀叉把食物切开 。
They can't even chew because they don't have any teeth!
So how do you think owls eat their prey?
That's right, Squeaks, they eat it whole!
They might use their beaks to break it up a bit before they swallow it,
but when an owl eats something, it just gulps down the whole thing.
但它会把食物全部吞进去 。
They even swallow the parts of food that they can't digest.
甚至连它们不能消化的那部分也吞下去 。
We don't eat bones or teeth or hair or feathers
because, well, that doesn't sound very good, but also because it wouldn't do us any good.
因为这听起来不好,而且也没好处 。
We can't digest those things, so our bodies can't turn them into energy.
我们消化不了这些东西,所以身体不能将它们转化成能量 。
And that's true for owls, too. They can't digest bones, teeth, fur, or feathers.
猫头鹰也一样,它们也不能消化骨头、牙齿、毛发或羽毛 。
So what does an owl do with all those parts that we would leave on our plate?
Well, all birds have a special part of their digestive system called the gizzard,
and it helps them either break down their food, like how we chew, or filter out what they can't digest.
它能像我们咀嚼一样帮助它们分解食物或过滤掉它们不能吃的东西 。
In owls, their gizzard filters out all the things that they can't digest.
猫头鹰的的砂囊过滤掉所有它们不能消化的食物 。
This way, they swallow the parts that are good for them,
and they hold the other stuff like bones and fur in their gizzards.
把骨头毛皮等物质留在砂囊里 。
But what does it do with all the stuff that it can't digest?
Their gizzard compacts or squishes it together into a little pellet.
它们的砂囊把东西压缩或挤压成一个小食团 。
And when the gizzard is full, the owl regurgitates it or spits it up.
当砂囊装满时,猫头鹰就会把它吐出来 。
That little glob of bones and fur and other stuff is an owl pellet!
If you know where to look, you can sometimes find them in the woods or other places where owls nest.
如果你知道去哪儿找,有时可以在树林或猫头鹰筑巢的其他地方找到 。
Scientists love to find and study owl pellets because they can show them exactly what an owl has eaten.
科学家们喜欢发现和研究猫头鹰的小食团,因为它们能准确表明猫头鹰吃了什么 。
So, are you ready to see what an owl has eaten?
Great! We have a few owl pellets here, and we're going to dissect them.
棒极了!我们这里有几个猫头鹰的食团,正准备解剖它们呢 。
Dissection is a way to learn about something by cutting it open.
解剖是通过切开物体来了解它们的一种方法 。
So let's start with this one and see what this particular owl ate.
所以我们先从这颗开始,看看这只特殊的猫头鹰吃了什么吧 。
We ordered our owl pellets from a science lab,
and they sent us this bone chart with it so we can identify what we find.
他们还给我们送来了这个骨骼图,这样我们就能确定自己的发现了 。
Here's my dissection kit, and I'm going to carefully cut into this one.
这是我们的解剖工具,我要小心地切开这个食团 。
Alright, let's see what they ate. Woah, cool! Huh, what is this?
好了,让我们看看它吃了什么吧 。噢,好棒!嗯,这是什么?
I'm going to compare it to all these bones on my chart, and it looks like the pelvic bone of a shrew.
我要把它和骨骼图上的所有骨骼进行对比,它看起来是鼩鼱的腰骨 。
Alright, let's do this! What is this one?
Let's compare it! It looks like it might be a scapula of a mole.
我们比较一下!它看起来像是鼹鼠的肩胛骨 。
Alright, let's go for another one. Oh, here we go.
我们再切一块 。开始吧 。
Guys, I found something really cool.
伙计们,我发现了有趣的东西 。
This is a jaw bone, and you can actually see the front teeth right there
and then all the tiny little molars right there. That's awesome.
然后是所有的小臼齿 。非常棒!
If that was the jaw bone, I bet...
There's more of it right here. Squeaks, look at this.
这里还有更多 。吱吱,看这个 。
Guys, it's the skull of a rodent.
伙计们,这是啮齿动物的头骨 。
You can see its teeth right there, and these are where his eyes were.
你可以看到它这里的牙齿,这些是眼睛的位置 。
Wow, guys, so this owl ate a lot of things.
哇,这只猫头鹰吃了好多东西啊 。
But we know that it ate a rodent because we found a rodent skull.
我们知道它吃了一只啮齿动物,因为我们发现了一个啮齿动物的头骨 。
And we also know they ate a shrew because we found a shrew pelvic bone, and also a mole scapula.
我们也知道它吃了一个鼩鼱,因为我们发现了一个鼩鼱的腰骨,还有一个鼹鼠肩胛骨 。
And now I'm curious what these other pellets have inside of them.
现在我对其他的食团很感兴趣 。
Should we keep dissecting, Squeaks?
Sounds good! Thanks for joining us,
and a big thank you to Google Making Science for helping us make these episodes.
我们也非常感谢“Google Making Science”对本节目的大力支持 。
We're going to keep at it, and we'll post some pictures of what we find on our Facebook and Pinterest pages.
我们会继续解剖,并把我们的发现拍照放到脸书和拼趣网页上 。
And in the meantime, if you have topics that you just want to learn more and more about, let us know!
Grab a grown-up and send us an email to kids@scishow.com.
找个大人帮忙或发邮件至kids@scishow.com 。
And we'll see you next time, here at the fort.