Just like Squeaks, I love riding on wheels. But my ride of choice is my bicycle!
When I'm on my bike, I can go farther and faster than when I'm walking. Plus, it's super fun!
我骑车时,可以走得更远更快 。而且,骑车很有趣!
But I remember when I was first learning how to ride a bike.
但我仍记得第一次学习骑自行车的时候 。
It was kind of hard to figure out how to keep this wobbly thing, with just two wheels, from falling over.
我很难弄清楚如何保持这种摇晃的两轮车不倒 。
And a few of you have been wondering about the same thing!
Violet recently wrote to us and asked, "How does a bike keep going without falling over?"
Well, when a bike is standing still, it can't stay up on its own, right?
You have to use a kickstand to keep it from toppling on its side.
你必须使用支架来防止它倒向一边 。
But when you're riding the bike fast enough, like my friends Jack and Noah here,
it can stay up, no kickstand needed!
它不用支架就能立着了 。
Why? The secret is in the balance!
Whether you know it or not, you are an expert at staying balanced.
不管你知不知道,你都是保持平衡的专家 。
When you're walking, rollerblading, biking, or even just standing still, you're balancing.
当你走路、滑旱冰、骑自行车,甚至只是站着不动时,你都是平衡的 。
And you're naturally good at keeping yourself in balance, too.
你也天生擅长保持平衡 。
Say you're walking down the sidewalk and your friend comes up and gives you a nudge to one side.
假如你走在人行道上,你的朋友过来把你推到了一边 。
If they push you to the right, you'll automatically put your foot out to the right.
如果他把你推向右边,你会自动把脚伸到右边 。
Without even thinking about it, you prevent yourself from falling,
by keeping the top of your body in line with your feet, which keeps you in balance.
你不用思考就能防止自己不摔倒 。
And the same is true when you're on your bike!
In order for your bicycle to stay upright, you have to keep the bike in line with the wheels.
为了使自行车保持直立状态,你必须使自行车与车轮保持一致 。
And you do that by steering it!
It might feel like you're moving in a straight line most of the time,
but you're actually making tiny corrections all the time using your handlebars,
to keep both you and your bike all lined up.
来保持自己和自行车一致 。
If the bike leans just a little bit to the right, you steer a bit little to the right.
如果自行车向右倾斜一点儿,你就向右转一点儿 。
But then the bike might lean a bit to the left, so you turn a teeny bit to the left, too.
但随后自行车可能会向左倾斜一点儿,所以你也向左转一点儿 。
Every time you steer the bike in the direction it's leaning,
you're bringing the weight of the bike, and you, back on top of the wheels.
你都把自行车和你自己的重量压到了车轮上 。
To help you picture what you're doing when you're riding a bike, let me give you another example.
为了帮助你想象你骑车时正在做什么,我给你举个其他的例子 。
Have you ever tried to balance something tall and skinny, like a baseball bat upright in your hand?
When you try to balance it, the bat will lean to one side.
当你试图平衡它时,球棒会向一边倾斜 。
And when it does, you move your hand to the same side to bring the bottom of the bat in line with the top.
That helps keep it upright...at least for a second.
这有助于球棒保持直立......至少一秒钟 。
When you steer your bike, it's like moving your hand to get back under the tilting baseball bat.
当你操控自行车时,它就像移动你的手一样在倾斜的棒球棒下来回移动 。
Now, keeping your bike in balance can be hard sometimes.
保持自行车平衡有时可能很难 。
When you're first learning how to ride, it definitely takes a while to figure out.
你第一次学骑车时,一定得花一段时间才能弄清楚 。
But even you more experienced bike-riders know
that you're kind of wobbly when you start pedaling at the beginning of a ride.
当你开始踩踏板骑行时,也会有点儿摇晃 。
Since you're going slowly at first,
you need to swerve around a little to keep the bike lined up until you can gain some speed.
你需要稍微转点儿弯来保持自行车一致,直至加速 。
So, this brings up another question: Why do you need to be going fast to stay in balance?
Well, when the bike starts to lean over, you have to act fast to keep it in balance.
当自行车开始倾斜时,你必须迅速采取行动保持它的平衡 。
If your bicycle's moving too slowly, you can't turn quickly enough to get it all lined up again, and keep it from falling.
如果你骑的太慢,你就不能快速转弯使它再次保持一致、防止它摔倒了 。
Learning how to ride a bike can be tricky.
学习如何骑车可能很棘手 。
You have to teach yourself how to work with the bike to help keep it upright.
你必须自学如何使自行车直立 。
But now you know that when you're steering,
you're not just pointing your bike in the direction you want to go, you're also keeping it balanced!
不只是把自行车指向你想去的方向,你也在保持它的平衡 。
You may start out wobbly at first, but once you get going it's as easy as, well...riding a bike!
Thanks for joining us today!
If you have a question about... anything,
let us know by getting a grown up to help you leave a comment
or sending us an email to kids@thescishow.com
或发邮件至kids@thescishow.com 。
And we'll see you next time!