日期:2017-11-20 07:23



Now Brie, you do a thing really about this morning, which I think is really interesting.
布里 你每天早上都会做一件事 我觉得很有趣
You do this. You have a deck of cards and tell everybody what you do with these cards.
你拿着这些卡片 告诉大家你会怎么做
Ooh, these are great.
These are spirit animal cards.
And I like to do them every morning because you can get a sense of where you're at.
我每天早上会做一次 来给我的一天以指引
What your spirit animal is for the day.
Kind of give your brain a way of looking at the world differently.
Maybe notice more squirrels if you pull the squirrel card.
比如你拿到一张松鼠卡 你今天就可能看到几只松鼠
You can think winter is coming.
想 啊冬天要来了
You pick a card and you go oh that will be my spirit animal today.
选一张卡 想这就是我今天的精神动物了 是这样吗
That is me today.




What sort of spirit animal do you think you are, Billy Bob Thornton?
比利·鲍勃·松顿 你猜你的精神动物是什么
A rabbit. Nice.
兔子 不错啊
So shall we do it now and find out which spirit animal we are? OK.
那我们现在开始 找到各自的精神动物吗 好
I put good energies into this.
Do we have to hold hands or anything?
We don't need to hold hands.
Good. Didn't want to. Didn't want to.
好的 反正我也不想
So I just pick a card.
Pick the one that you're feeling.
The one that I'm being drawn towards—That will be that one.
I wish you the best of luck.
OK. I picked it. I am a crab.
好 我选了一只螃蟹
Which says show your emotions and regenerate love.
上面写着保持热情 去爱别人
Can we see the picture?
Look at that. Beautiful!
看看 多好啊
My worry is if I regenerate love, I ain't going to be the only crab around.
我担心的是 如果我去爱别人 我就不会是唯一的一只螃蟹了
All right, so Billy Bob, which one are you being drawn towards?
好 比利·鲍勃 你看的是哪一张
Let me go up under here. This one here. OK. Nice.
下面这张 这张 好
Oh, perfect.
Wow. That is pretty bizarre.
哇 好奇怪
Because the movie that I'm here to promote—
It didn't matter which card that was, he knew he was bringing it back to the movie. Absolutely. Yeah.
反正不管是什么卡 他总是要扯到电影上去的 没错
There is actually one of these in the movie.
Because Bill Ji a llama, everybody.
Let's show the card. Just here. There you are.
给大家看看这张卡 看骆驼
It says let courage lead you to seek support and overcome a fear of intimacy.
上面写着 让勇气指引你寻求帮助 克服对亲近他人的恐惧
Wow, sounds kind of like A.A. or something.
哇 听起来像是戒酒协会之类组织的宣传语
Why is there a llama in your movie?
He is not there long. You'll see.
骆驼出现的时间不长 之后你就知道了
OK. OK. Jack. This is great. I'm a chameleon.
好吧 杰克 到你了 这个不错 是一只变色龙
You are a chameleon. So do I hold the card? OK, Brie, get ready.
变色龙 卡给我吧 好 布里 准备
What did it say, Jack?
杰克 你的卡上面写什么
I can see your ambition. Oh, yes, very me.
我看见你的野心 嗯 是我本人了
With patience until it is time to make your move.
时机成熟之前 保持耐心
Oh, there you go. OK, Brie, what do we think? All right. Here we go.
好 布里 开始吧
Oh! Oh! Bat.
哇哇 蝙蝠
You're a bat!
That means you're going to be in the next Batman movie! Oh, my god!
意思是你要出演下一部《蝙蝠侠》电影 天
The movie that I'm here to promote—
The movie that you're here to promote is called room and bats live in rooms!
你今天要宣传的的电影名字叫做room and bats live in rooms
This is huge! This is huge!
厉害了 太厉害了
