英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第597期:"读懂天意"《预见未来的人》《懒汉与上帝的计划》
日期:2017-10-31 10:04


1. The man who could see the future
篇一 能预见未来的人

A man who lived a long time ago believed that he could read the future in the stars. He called himself an Astrologer and spent his time at night gazing at the sky. He was always busy worrying about the future. Villagers often came to him, hoping to get to know from him what their future would be like.
One evening he was walking along the open road outside the village. His eyes were fixed on the stars. He thought he read in the stars that the end of the world was near. He got lost in his thoughts about this future of the world. As he was looking at the stars he walked on, without looking down. Suddenly, he fell into a ditch full of mud and water.
He was sinking into the muddy water, and angrily trying to claw his way out by scrabbling at the slippery sides of the hole. Unfortunately, he failed each time in his efforts to climb out this way. He realized soon that he was unable to crawl out and, fearing for his life, he started screaming for help. His cries for help luckily made the villagers run to the hole.
As they pulled him out of the mud, one of them said, "You pretend to read the future in the stars, and yet you fail to see what is in front of your feet! This hopefully teaches you that you may need to pay more attention to what is right in front of you, and let the future take care of itself." "What use is it," said another, "to read the stars, when you can't see what's right here on the earth?"
Moral: We all want our future to be bright and happy, but the time doesn't stop for anyone. Each tomorrow turns into today, your present is also a part of your future. There is always a tomorrow to look forward to and improve, but you can't go back to yesterday. So, maintain the balance in your life in the present, while you work for a better tomorrow.
寓意:我们都希望自己的未来变得光明、幸福,但时间不会因任何人而停下脚步。 每个明天都会变成今天,你的现在也是你未来的一部分。明天总是用来期待和改进的。因此,我们应当在我们现在的生活中寻找平衡,同时为了一个更美好的明天而付出努力。


2. The Lazy Man and the God's Plan
篇二 懒汉与上帝的计划

Once upon a time, there was a very lazy man who would always look for an easier way to feed himself. One day, while he was searching for something to eat, he saw a fruit farm. He looked around and didn't see anyone guarding the fruits on the trees, so he quickly decided to steal some. But as soon as he walked into the farm and began to climb a tree, a farmer saw him and started coming at him with a stick, and wanted to catch him. The lazy man saw the farmer, got afraid and ran towards a nearby forest to hide himself.
After some time when he felt it was safe to come out of the forest again. While walking through the trees, he saw a wonderful scene. He saw a fox. It had only two legs, but it was still happily crawling around. The lazy man thought, how can this fox stay alive in such a condition?! The fox can't run, how is he able to feed himself or protect himself from the threat of other animals?
Suddenly, he saw a lion coming towards the fox with a piece of meat in his mouth. All the animals ran away and the lazy man climbed in a tree to save himself. The fox however, stayed there alone, because it didn't have the ability to run. What happened next, surprised the lazy man. The lion left a piece of the meat that was in his mouth behind on the ground, for the fox!
The lazy man felt happy seeing his god's play. He thought his god, who is the creator of all, always has a plan set, to take care of what he created. He felt that his god must have had something planned for him too. So, he left that place in the forest, and sat down somewhere, alone, waiting for someone to feed him too. As time passed by, he kept looking at the road, waiting for his food. He waited there for 2 days without any food! Finally, he couldn't bear his hunger and started to walk away.
He met an old sage on his way. He told everything that had happened to the sage. The sage first gave him some food and water. After consuming everything he had received, the lazy man asked the sage, "oh wise one, the god had shown his mercy to the crippled fox, but why was the god so cruel to me?"
The old sage said, with a smile: "True that the creator has a plan for everyone. You are obviously a part of his plan. But Son, you took his sign in a wrong way. He didn't want you to be like the fox. He wanted you to be like the Lion".
Moral: Often we misunderstand things that happen to us. Life has given everyone the strength and ability to play a certain part on earth. Try to see the positive side of situations and keep imagining yourself in a strong role; a position in which you can help others in need. Don't always choose the easiest way to achieve something. Make a right choice.

  • sagen. 圣人,哲人 n. 鼠尾草,蒿属植物 adj. 贤明
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • misunderstandv. 误解,误会
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • clawn. 爪,钳,螯,爪状物 v. 抓,撕
  • crawlvi. 爬行,卑躬屈膝,自由式游泳 n. 爬行,匍匐而行
  • slipperyadj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • scenen. 场,景,情景