Top 10 Richest African Countries 2016.
Everybody has desire to travel some beautiful places or countries of the world,
so in this vast Universe Africa is known as one of the beautiful continents,
therefore this has also some richest countries as that of other European or Asian countries,
these are called so far as richest because soil of some of these countries is rich in oil producing.
由于许多国家盛产石油,所以这里有许多富裕国家 。
So this continents is second largest in the world with respect to area after Asia which is biggest in the Universe,
therefore about 54 countries are located in this region but as talk about population, this is also most populated too.
非洲有大约54个国家,但要说其人口,这里也是人口众多 。
But there are many poor countries too in this continent in spite of large natural resources,
so there is so much weak policy to utilize these resources
so lot of work is required to maintain level of education and economics like that of countries in this list.
人们需要花费更多精力来平衡教育和经济水平,富裕国家也同样需要如此 。
Ten: Algeria.
This Country is officially known as People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
which is located in North Africa on the coast of Mediterranean,
as talk about the area of this country, so it is also tenth largest country in the world
because of its area which is 2,381,741 Square kilometers.
国土面积位238万1741平方公里 。
Because of its development, this is now known as second largest producer of oil in the world,
therefore so far known as richest country of the world.
所以也是全球最富有国家之一 。
So income per capita of this country is also increasing nicely that is 7500 dollars,
its capital is Algiers which is also largest as well as most populated city of the country,
as Algeria is consist of 48 provinces and known as one of the biggest Islamic country.
该国共有48个省,也是面积最大的伊斯兰国家之一 。
Nine: Namibia.
Another rich and progressive country of Africa is Namibia which is so far known as Republic of Namibia officially,
so this is located in the beautiful southern part of the continent,
its one border which is Western border meet with Atlantic ocean, this is also called as richest African country,
because this is also one of the biggest supplier of small minerals of all kind in every almost country.
因为它是全球最大的矿产供应国,它为几乎所有国家供应各类矿产 。
So this country has good level in respect of income per capita that is 8200 dollars,
this help country to progress lot in the fields of education with respect to other countries of Africa,
it was initially part of South Africa but this country gained independence from that country in 1990 but able to maintain its economy.
它原属于南非,但在1990年从南非独立,经济发展独立后依然可以维持在较高水平 。
Eight: Tunisia.
Beautiful country Tunisia which is an important country Africa present at in the northern part of Africa
so far northern border is completely surrounded by Mediterranean Sea,
this country is called as richest country of Africa because of tourism, manufacturing
and most important industries of mining for this country is most famous all over the world.
以及最为重要的采矿业,这里的采矿业可谓远近闻名 。
Therefore income per capita of this country is about 9900 dollars which is magnificent to see
because country is making progress and called as developing area,
initially was the part of France but got independence from that country in 1956,
its capital name is Tunis from which name of the country is derived so there was revolution came in this country in recent years in 2011.
首都为突尼斯市,来源于国家名称突尼斯,2011年突尼斯曾发生革命 。
Seven: Libya.
One of the most beautiful countries of Africa which is also situated in the northern part of Continent,
officially called as State of Libya, also surrounded by Mediterranean sea,
with respect to area it is fourth largest country of African while 16th largest of the world and also one of biggest Islamic country.
说到国土面积,它在非洲排名第四,在全球排名第十六,同样也是面积最大的伊斯兰国家之一 。
While like of other countries of Africa this is also biggest producer of oil in the world
therefore called as richest country of Africa and due to trading to oil considered as one of prosperous countries in this region,
so income per capita of this country is about 11500 dollars,
its capital as well as largest city in Tripoli which has one sixth population of the country.
首都的黎波里是最大城市,该城占总人口的六分之一 。
Six: South Africa.
Popular country for travelers of the world is none others of South Africa
because this country is also famous for its historical incident,
officially known as Republic of south Africa, as with respect to area of this country,
it is known as 25th biggest country in the world, so total population of South Africa is 53 Million.
它在全球排名第25位,总人口为5300万 。
This country is known as upper middle country therefore has mixed economy so far called as richest country of Africa
therefore income per capita of this area is 11914 dollars because country has developed with great paced,
as interesting thing about this country is that there are 11 official languages in this country which is highest in any country of the world.
最有意思的是,该国有11个官方语言,是官方语言数量最多的国家 。