日期:2017-09-04 13:36



Over 1.5 billion people use the internet every day, and they search for pretty much anything.
超过15亿人每天上网 他们在网上查找很多东西
Like "Why are barns red?" and "What's up with gluten?"
We here at SciShow are all about fostering curiosity.
这里是科学秀 一个培养好奇心的地方
That's why we've worked with Google and YouTube to answer ten of the most popular questions searched on the internet.
这是我们和Google YouTube合作 回答最受欢迎的十个问题的原因
This is The World's Most Asked Questions. Today's question: What is love?
这是世界上问的最多的问题 今天的问题是:什么是爱?
It's the kind of thing that keeps poets and philosophers up at night, but science actually has a pretty good explanation for it, too.
这是使诗人和哲学家在晚上感到困惑的问题 但科学 其实也对这个问题有很好的解释
Actually, several explanations. And the answer might change depending on what kind of scientist you ask.
更确切的说 好几个解释 这个问题的答案取决于你问什么类型的科学家
A biologist would say it's all about reproduction, and the evolution and survival of a species.
生物学家会说这就是一个物种的繁殖 演变和延续
A psychologist may go on about our need for togetherness and acceptance.
But possibly the best way to understand love is through chemistry. Brain chemistry.
但是可能化学才是理解爱的最好方式 脑化学
Although the heart is our symbol of love for some reason, when it comes down to it, love is all about the brain.
尽管心是爱情的象征 但归根结底 爱只和脑有关
We know this because we can actually see love in action in brain scans.
我们之所以知道这件事是因为 实际上我们能通过脑部活动的扫描看见爱
And you know what? It looks an awful like a brain on cocaine.
你知道吗? 一个热恋中的人的脑袋看起来就像吸了毒一样
As a person first falls in love, at least a dozen different brain parts light up to release powerful chemicals --
当一个人陷入初恋时 脑中至少有十二个不同的部分亮起 并释放强大的化学物质-
hormones and neurotransmitters -- that trigger feelings of excitement, euphoria, bonding, and butterflies.
荷尔蒙和神经传递素-这激发了 兴奋 狂喜 结合 忐忑的情绪
Research also shows that the kind of unconditional love between a mother and child activates slightly different regions of the brain.
研究也表明母亲对孩子那种无条件的爱也点亮了 脑中略微不同的地方
Early romantic love and attraction, what you might call passion,
早期的浪漫爱情 相互吸引或者是你称为热情的东西
is all about flooding the brain's reward systems in a tsunami of feel-
就是给脑中的感官系统 带来了一场充满愉悦感的海啸
good chemicals like adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
肾上腺素 去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺等物质涌入脑中
This is why a brain on intense new love looks a whole lot like a brain on coke --
adrenaline and norepinephrine amp up your heart rate and get you all restless, while those dopamine drips leave you feeling euphoric.
肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素使得你心跳加速 焦躁不安 同时多巴胺又使得你感到愉悦
These chemicals light up your brain's pleasure centers, lowering your pleasure thresholds,
这些化学物质点亮了你脑中的快感中心 降低了你的笑点
and making it easier to feel good about... everything.
Interestingly, this kind of passionate new love is also marked by lowered serotonin levels,
有趣的是 这种充满热情的新的爱情也伴随着更低的血清素水平




similar to those found in people with obsessive-compulsive disorders --
which may help explain those 30 texts your infatuated new lover sent while you were in the shower.
这也许能够解释 你热恋中的情人为什么会在你洗澡的时候给你发30条短信
Eventually, most of these more intense, obsessive components of new love settle down into a deeper,
最终 一段新的恋情中剧烈的 痴迷的成分会沉淀成
calmer form of love associated with attachment and bonding.
充满忠诚的更深层次 更冷静的爱和羁绊
Here your brain chemistry starts changing again, and hormones -- like oxytocin and vasopressin -- take over.
这时你脑中的化学物质由开始变化了 荷尔蒙例如后叶催产素和后叶加压素 取而代之
Their mission, like Al Green's, is to get you to stay together.
就像Al Green歌中唱到的 它们使得你们呆在一起
You may have heard of oxytocin, the so-called the "cuddle hormone."
你可能听说过后叶催产素 也就是所谓的"拥抱荷尔蒙"
It gets released during orgasms, and for women during childbirth, and it helps cement bonds between people.
它在性高潮时释放 在妇女分娩时产生 而且它能够 帮助人们巩固关系
And you can think of vasopressin as the monogamy hormone.
And you know what's taught us more about it than anything else?
Prairie voles, one of the very few mammals that mate for life.
After mating, a male vole's brain gets flooded with vasopressin, and essentially gets hooked on his mate forever.
在交配之后 一只雄性土拨鼠的脑中充满了后叶加压素 基本上 会对它的伴侣永远忠诚
The two then have lots of sex, and all that tiny boot-knocking keeps the vasopressin flowing.
然后这两只土拨鼠有很多次交配 所有这些交配行为把叶加压素传递下去
When researchers gave voles a compound that suppressed the effects of vasopressin,
the pairs quickly fell apart, losing their devotion to each other.
土拨鼠夫妇很快分开了 失去了对彼此的热爱
So, while in the poetic sense, love may always be something of a mystery,
所以 在诗歌中 爱可能总是神秘的
from the scientific view, it is within the realm of comprehension.
但是从科学的角度看 爱在理解范围之内
But what about you? How are the love lives of the SciShow viewers?
你怎么想的? 科学秀的观众朋友们的爱情生活是怎样的?
Well, of our survey takers, people within the ages of 51 and 60 are the most likely to have been in love.
在我们的调查对象中 51岁至60岁的人们 最有可能得到爱
People who got their energy most from exercise were also more likely to have been in love.
On the other hand, people who said they got their energy from food were less likely to have been in love.
另一方面 那些说他们从食物中获得能量的人不太可能 得到爱
Of all the fascinating questions in the world, what question do you want answered most?
在世界上最迷人的问题中 你最想回答的是哪一个?
Let us know on Facebook or Twitter or in the comments down below,
请在Facebook Twitter上参与评论
and we will answer the best questions in a new video at the end of the month.
我们会 在下月底的新节目中问答其中最好的问题
And don't forget to use the hashtag #WMAQ and stay tuned for other videos this week.
不要忘了带上标签#WMAQ哦 敬请期待这周的另一个节目

  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • hormonen. 荷尔蒙,激素
  • survivaln. 生存,幸存者
  • surveyv. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视 n. 调查,纵
  • essentiallyadv. 本质上,本来
  • passionn. 激情,酷爱
  • realmn. 王国,领域
  • curiosityn. 好奇,好奇心
  • euphorian. 幸福愉快感
  • evolutionn. 进化,发展,演变