Five: Mirissa.
If you're looking to holiday in a tropical paradise,
Mirissa just might be the answer to your dreams: swaying coconut palms,
beautiful golden sand beaches, days spent rocking away in a hammock.
金黄色的沙滩,还有舒适的吊床 。
It doesn't get much better than this.
没有什么比这些更让您魂牵梦绕的了 。
This crescent-shaped piece of paradise is famous for having the most stunning sunsets and sunrises in Sri Lanka.
美蕊萨呈月牙形,它还是斯里兰卡欣赏日出日落最好的观赏地 。
There are no luxury resorts to mar the landscape,
so it's just you, the beach, and quiet during the day.
所以只有沙滩,你和宁静祥和的气氛 。
The pace picks up at night.
但晚上的节奏要快一些 。
Mirissa is the largest fishing port on the south coast and is a good place to go dolphin and whale watching.
它还是南部沿海最大的渔港,也是欣赏海豚和鲸鱼的好去处 。
Four: Polonnaruwa.
The terms "beauty" and "beast" usually go together well,
except at Polonnaruwa where beauty goes better with "ruins."
但波隆纳鲁瓦是个例外,这里的“美丽”和“古迹”更相得益彰 。
The second oldest kingdom in Sri Lanka,
Polonnaruwa is known for the ruins of this ancient garden city.
这里拥有古代花园城市遗迹 。
The 12th century ruins are some of the best preserved in the country.
这片十二世纪的文明古迹是斯里兰卡保存最完整的遗迹之一 。
Polonnaruwa was a place where traders of exotic goods mingled with worshippers in the many temples.
波隆纳鲁瓦可谓是古玩市场,还有许多前来祭拜的信教者 。
Start your tour of Polonnaruwa at the Archaeological Museum,
then proceed to the massive (50 buildings) Royal Palace with its well-preserved audience hall.
之后是皇家宫殿(约50处建筑),还有保存完好的大殿 。
The stunningly decorated Sacred Quadrangle is another must-see here.
还有装饰精美的佛舍遗址,它也是必看景点之一 。
Three: Kandy.
Kandy, the second largest city in Sri Lanka,
is the gateway to the Central Highlands and its tropical plantations that grow both tea and rubber.
也是前往中部高地的门户,这片热带“植物园”出产茶叶和橡胶 。
If you're driving from Colombo,
you'll pass by rubber plantations on a road that is considered one of the country's most scenic.
你会看到路边的橡胶林,这片种植园可谓是康提的一道风景 。
The last capital of the ancient kingdoms,
Kandy is home to the Temple of the Tooth Relic, one of the most sacred Buddhist temples in the world.
这里有著名的佛牙寺,它是全球佛教圣地之一 。
A major, colorful festival involves taking the tooth relic around the city.
这里还会举行遍及全市的盛大游行活动,宣传佛牙寺 。
Movie buffs may be interested to know Kandy was a chief location in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
电影迷一定知道康提还是电影取景地,这里是《夺宝奇兵2》《夺宝奇兵3》的主要拍摄地 。
Two: Galle.
Galle's most famous attraction is its 17th century fort built by Dutch colonists.
高尔最著名的景点要数军事堡垒,由荷兰殖民者在十七世纪建造完成 。
Sitting on a promontory overlooking the Indian ocean,
the fort is known for its architectural style.
这座堡垒最著名的要数它的建造风格 。
Galle is considered a prime example of a fortified city.
高尔是防御城市的典范 。
The fortress is not just another pretty place, however;
today the fort houses courts and businesses.
它还拥有了法院和企业 。
Galle is becoming known as an arts colony and its expat community,
about a third of the city's homes are owned by foreigners.
大约三分之一的家庭是外国人 。
Other top sights include a natural harbor,
Sri Lanka's oldest lighthouse, a maritime museum, a key Shiva temple and the Jesuit built St. Mary's Cathedral.
斯里兰卡最古老的灯塔,海洋博物馆,湿婆庙宇,以及耶稣会士建造的圣玛丽教堂 。
One: Sigiriya.
Wannabe archaeologists need to put Sigiriya on their list of must-see places to visit in Sri Lanka.
考古迷将斯基里亚列在了斯里兰卡必去胜地之一 。
This ancient city is built on a steep slope, topped by a plateau almost 180 meters (600 feet) high.
这座古城建在一处陡峭的斜坡之上,山上是近180米高的高原 。
This plateau is known as Lion's Rock as it oversees the jungles below.
这片高原叫做“狮子岩”,它俯瞰下面的整片森林 。
Access to the site is through staircases and rooms emanating from the lion's mouth.
进入这片区域需要进入“狮子口”中的楼梯和房间 。
You'll also see ponds, gardens and fountains. Pretty cool!
你还会看到池塘、花园和瀑布 。壮观雄伟!
Locals consider the site the eighth wonder of the world.
当地人称之为世界第八大奇迹 。
This ancient rock fortress dates back to the third century BC when it was a monastery.
这块巨石可以追溯到公元前三世纪,曾经这里有一座修道院 。
It was later turned into a royal residence.
之后改为了皇家府邸 。