日期:2017-08-30 10:59



As many as 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia, so it's not much of a surprise that,
美国有六千万人深受失眠困扰 因此以下现象就不足为奇了
when Google sent us their list of the most asked questions in the English-speaking world,
"How Can I Fall Asleep" was pretty close to the top. Sixty million people!
而 我怎样才能睡着 这个问题接近榜首 六千万人!
That's weird since, y'know, it's literally impossible NOT to sleep.
这太不可思议了 你知道 不可能有人不需要睡眠
And if you're one of those people who's up in the middle of the night Googling sleep solutions
it might help you to learn a little about the science of sleep.
This is The World's Most Asked Questions. [Intro]
The first thing you should know if you're having a hard time getting some shuteye is that
你首先需要了解 你无法进入睡眠
you are wired to sleep regular hours going to bed the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning.
是因为你过于亢奋而无法在正常时间内睡着 无法每晚准时上床 以及每早准时起床
Having a regular wake-up time seems to correlate pretty highly with the ability to fall asleep consistently.
拥有规律的起床时间好像与你入睡的能力有极高的关联 一贯如此
This is because it keeps you aligned with what's known as your circadian rhythm,
your body's natural tendency to stay in sync with the cycles of day and night.
And you know what controls your body's circadian rhythm more than anything else? Light.
你知道什么是控制你生理节律的最大因素吗 是光
A lot of the help you get falling asleep comes from hormones --
they lower your heart rate and reduce your blood pressure and basically let you relax.
它们降低你的心率 降低你的血压 让你基本上放松下来
The key player here is the hormone melatonin, and it's regulated by your exposure to light.
这关键激素就是荷尔蒙退黑激素 它受你是否暴露在光下控制
In darkness, it flows freely.
在黑暗中 它大量产生
But when you're exposed to light -- whether natural or artificial -- the release of melatonin stops.
但是当你暴露在光线中 无论是自然的还是人造的 这种退黑激素的释放 就会停止
So you know what that means? No phones or laptops in bed!
你知道这代表什么吗 床上不能有手机和笔记本电脑!
The light emitted by electronics confuses your body into not knowing that it's time to sleep.
电子产品发射出的光困扰着你的身体 使其无法知道什么时间该入睡
So scientists suggest at least an hour of screen-free time before bed...though I am completely incapable of that myself.
因此科学家表示你在至少入睡一个小时前就应该远离电子屏幕 虽然我个人完全无法做到
Another obvious enemy of sleep: caffeine.
Even though you might think that cup of coffee after dinner might only affect you for an hour or so
studies have shown that caffeine consumption as much as TWELVE HOURS before bedtime is linked with insomnia.
但研究表明睡前将近十二个小时的咖啡因消耗 都与失眠有关




And even the way you think about sleep can affect your sleep patterns.
Worrying about not getting enough sleep is a common enough cause of insomnia that it has its own name, Sleep Onset Insomnia.
对于自己不能够得到充足睡眠感到焦虑是一种导致失眠的常见因素 它有自己的名字 入睡性失眠
But you know what's really weird?
A lot of the time, when we feel like we can't sleep -- we actually ARE sleeping.
在我们认为自己没有入睡的很大一部分时间里 实际上是处于睡眠中的
When scientists rouse patients in the first or second stages of sleep,
more than 60% of them say that they weren't sleeping, even though they were.
超过百分之六十的人 说他们没有睡着 即使他们睡着了
Now, of course, there's a whole class of medications that will help you sleep,
当然 现在有药物能够帮助你入睡
from antihistamines to the pharmaceuticals known as hypnotics, which include Ambien and Lunesta.
从抗阻安到以安眠药为代表的药物 包括安比恩和舒乐安定
But research has shown that while patients can fall asleep faster on hypnotics,
the effect is small, adding only about 15 minutes to their sleep times.
药物所起到的作用是很小的 只增加了十五分钟的睡眠时间
Other studies indicate that our minds are significantly more powerful than any medications.
In double-blind studies, patients who were simply told that they were taking a sleep drug
在双盲实验中 被告知服用了安眠药的病人
ended up sleeping far better than patients who were told they weren't.
So, if you want to know how to sleep, the answer is right there in your head.
因此 如果你想知道该如何入睡 答案已经很明显了
Now as part of our work answering the world’s most asked questions,
we asked you, our SciShow viewers, a few questions...and one was how many hours per night you sleep.
我们向观众提问了 一些问题 其中有你每晚睡几个小时
And it's bad news: Only 10% of you are sleeping more than eight hours per night,
但情况并不乐观 仅仅百分之十的受访者睡眠时间超过八个小时
and eight and a half is the doctor-recommended amount.
And OVER HALF of you report having trouble getting to sleep at least once per week.
And now it's time for MEANINGLESS CORRELATIONS!!!
The best sleepers for countries where we had enough data to make any sort of judgement were Saudi Arabians,
我们通过足够的数据得出结论 睡眠质量最好的国家 是沙特阿拉伯
with 76 percent reporting that they experience insomnia infrequently or never.
百分之七十六的研究表明他们鲜少经历失眠 或者说从不失眠
Most of Europe scored better than average, with The Netherlands, Russia, and Spain all sleeping relatively soundly.
大部分欧洲国家比一般国家在睡眠上得分更高 其中荷兰人 俄罗斯人以及西班牙人 的睡眠质量都相对较高
The English speakers in the US, UK, and Australia all had some of the worst scores.
而说英语的国家 比如美国 英国和澳大利亚得分最低
And, finally, unsurprisingly, our staggeringly unscientific survey reports
最后 毫不意外 我们的调查发现
that people who commonly drink coffee, soda, energy drinks or tea are all more likely to suffer from insomnia.
经常饮用咖啡 苏打水 能量饮料和茶的人往往更容易 经历失眠
Thanks for watching, and special thanks to Google for sharing their most asked questions with us.
感谢大家的观看 特别感谢谷歌对我们关于热搜问题的分享
Of all the fascinating questions in the world, which do you want answered most?
在所有引人注目的问题里 你最想得知哪个答案
Let us know on Facebook or Twitter or in the comments down below
告诉我们 在脸书 推特或者下方的评论区
and we will answer the best questions in a new video at the end of the month.
我们将会 在每月末更新的视频中回答最棒的问题
Don't forget to use the hashtag #WMAQ and stay tuned for more videos this week.
别忘了带上标签#WMAQ 敬请期待本周更多视频
