日期:2017-08-28 09:49



More than one and a half billion people use the internet every day, and they search for just about everything you can imagine.
每天都有十五亿以上的人使用英特网 来搜索一切你能想到的事情
We're all about that curiosity here at SciShow.
Which is why we've worked with Google and YouTube to answer ten of the most popular questions searched for on the internet.
所以我们联合谷歌和YouTube回答 网上热搜的前十大问题
This is The World's Most Asked Questions.
Today's question is apparently on a lot of people's minds: How much water should I drink in a day?
今天的问题应该很多人都想知道 那就是:我每天应该喝多少水
Well, it's helpful to keep in mind that you basically ARE water -- it's your body's principal chemical component.
我们要知道人体内大部分都是水 这是人体基本的化学成分
The average adult is made up of about 65% bodily fluid.
And you are that way, because pretty much all of your body's major systems depend on water to function.
之所以会这样是因为人体的各个系统 都要依靠水来发挥作用
Water regulates your body temperature and dissolves minerals and nutrients, and helps carry oxygen to your cells.
水能平衡体温 溶解矿物质和营养 帮助细胞运输氧气
Your body is what chemists call an aqueous solution -
all the chemical reactions that happen inside of you that make you you happen in water.
But still, exactly how much you need depends on who you are, and what you're up to.
Your age and weight and diet and level of activity, and even what kind of climate you live in,
你的年龄 体重 饮食 运动 甚至气候
all affect your hydration requirements.
If you're running marathons in August, for example,
例如 八月时你在参加马拉松赛跑时所需的水分
you're obviously going to need a lot more water than if you're reading on the couch all day.
But, OK, you're looking for a number. I get that.
但 好吧 你们想要知道一个具体的数字 我明白了
You probably heard a lot of them, so you're asking Google.
或许你们听过许多说法 所以在谷歌上提问




And the guideline you've probably heard is that you should drink eight, 8-ounce glasses, or about 1.9 liters of water per day.
你们所看过的建议应该是每天八杯八盎司的水 或每天1.9公升的水
And no one's really sure where that advice came from -- even though everyone, up to and including doctors, has repeated it.
并没人真的知道这建议从何而来 就算是再三研究的医生也不确定
But according to the Institute of Medicine, the average woman should consume 2.7 liters --
但根据医学研究所表明 女性平均每天消耗2.7公升
that's 91 ounces -- of water a day, and men 3.7 liters, or 125 ounces a day.
也就是91盎司的水 而男性平均每天消耗3.7公升 也就是125盎司的水
Now, they point out that you actually get about 20% of your daily water intake from the food you eat --
他们指出 人体每天摄入水分的20%来自于饮食
more than that if you're eating a lot of fruit and vegetables --
but still, the so-called "eight by eight" approach might not be enough to supply the other 80%.
但这种"八杯水"的方法也并不足以支持 另外的80%
In the end, it's best to use your common sense, and to listen to your body.
最后 最好了解我们所需水分的方法就是自我感觉 听从你的身体
It's a good idea to keep your eye on your pee -- you want it to be a light yellow color
观察尿液也是个好方法 最好就是浅黄色的
-- but really, just drink when you're thirsty, and don't overthink it. Really, don't overthink it.
但口渴就喝水吧 别想太多 真的 别想太多哦
According to the results of our non-scientific SciShow survey, 67% of you drink three or more glasses of water per day,
根据我们非科学的科学秀调查表明 67%的人每天至少喝三杯水
but those of you who said you have no idea what you're doing here on earth are more dehydrated than the rest of the people.
而这部分人中那些不知道自己 究竟在地球上在干什么的人比其他人会更觉得口渴
So maybe just relax, drink a glass of water. You'll figure it out.
所以放松 喝杯水 你就会明白了
Of all the fascinating questions in the world, what question do you want answered most?
Let us know on Facebook or Twitter or in the comments below and we will answer the best questions in a new video at the end of the month.
在脸谱网 推特或者下方评论留言 月末下期的视频中我们会回答最好的那个问题哦
And don't forget to use the hashtag #WMAQ and watch the other videos this week.
