Today at the Fort, we're blowing bubbles!
This is an official summer fun alert!
If you've had a chance to blow bubbles at school, or in your backyard,
then you know that it can be really fun to make them and to pop them!
And they're also a pretty cool way to learn some science!
First, let's practice blowing bubbles!
To blow bubbles, you need two things: bubble liquid, which is mostly made of soap and water,
and the stick you blow the bubbles out of, which is called the wand.
和把气泡吹出来的泡泡棒 。
I'll dip my wand into the bubble liquid and blow.
我把泡泡棒浸到泡泡液里,然后吹气 。
But not too hard! If I blow too hard, then I'll blow the liquid right out of the wand.
吹得时候不要太用力!如果用力过猛,会直接把液体从泡泡棒上吹下来 。
So I need to blow a steady stream of air through the bubble liquid, nice and slow...
And I get a bunch of bubbles!
Bubbles are just a really thin layer of soap and water around a pocket of air.
泡泡就是一层薄薄的包裹着气袋的肥皂水 。
If we could cut a bubble in half and look at it really closely, we would see that the bubble is actually made up of layers.
如果我们把泡泡一分为二,仔细观察的话,会看到泡泡确实是一层一层的 。
There's a layer of water between two layers of soap. It kind of looks like a sandwich!
两层肥皂之间是一层水 。这看起来有点儿像三明治!
The soap layers are like the bread of a sandwich, and the water is like the sandwich filling.
肥皂层像三明治的面包层,水像三明治的填充物 。
The layers of the bubble surround the air inside the bubble, and keep it inside.
泡泡的水层把空气包裹在里面,逸不出来 。
Water without soap doesn't make bubbles very well, because water likes to stick together.
只有水,没有肥皂,气泡不会很好,因为水喜欢粘在一起 。
Water's made up of lots of little tiny pieces, or particles, so small that you can't even see them. But they're there!
水由许多分子或小颗粒组成,它们非常小,肉眼看不到 。但确实存在 。
These particles are attracted to each other, meaning that they're pulling toward each other like magnets. So they stick together!
这些水分子相互吸引,这意味着它们会像磁铁一样相互拉近 。所以就粘到一起啦!
For example, check out this insect!
以这个昆虫为例 。
It can walk on top of this pond because the particles that make up the water in the pond are all attracted to each other.
它之所以能在池塘上面走是因为水分子相互吸引 。
They stick together so much that the insect can walk on the water without falling in!
它们粘得非常紧密,以致于昆虫在水上走却掉不下去 。
The little particles in water are pulled together so strongly that they can't spread out into a thin bubble with air inside.
水分子之间的引力非常强,以致于它们扩散不到包裹着空气的薄薄气泡里 。
If we try to blow a bubble with plain water,
the water in the bubble would just pull back together into a water droplet!
气泡里的水会相互吸引,重新凝成水滴 。
But when you add soap, it helps the water spread out without being pulled back together,
By making that soap-and-water sandwich. And then you get bubbles!
通过制作水——肥皂的三明治,你就会得到泡泡 。
There's something else special about bubbles.
泡泡还有一些其他的特殊之处 。
Bubbles can be lots of different sizes, from super tiny to gigantic.
泡泡有很多型号,从迷 你到巨无霸 。
But have you noticed that they're all the same shape?
That's right, they're round! Just like the wand we use to blow the bubbles.
对了 。它们都是圆的 。就像我们吹泡泡用的泡泡棒一样 。
What would happen if we used a wand that was a different shape? Like this one!
如果我用不同形状的泡泡棒会怎样?就像这个 。
That's right, it's shaped like a diamond.
你说得对,它的形状像钻石 。
So, what do you think will happen when I blow bubbles from this diamond-shaped wand?
Squeaks think that they'll be diamond-shaped?
Let's try and see what happens.
我们试试,看看会怎样吧 。
When I dip the wand into the bubble liquid and blow...the bubbles are still round!
Even though the wand I blew the bubbles from wasn't round.
即使我用的泡泡棒不是圆的 。
It's round because of that water layer, the filling of the bubble sandwich.
圆泡泡是由水层即泡泡三明治的填充物造成的 。
Even though the soap helps the water spread out into a bubble by making the particles in the water less attracted to each other,
they're still a little bit attracted to each other.
但它们之间仍有微弱的引力 。
And when the water particles pull on each other around the air inside, they give the bubble its round shape.
当水分子在空气周围相互吸引时,泡泡就成圆状了 。
So even if our wand has corners, the attraction in the particles that make up water pull those corners out,
and give us a nice round bubble every time.
给我们一个完美的圆形泡泡 。
I guess you like popping, Squeaks! Me too!
But do you know why they pop?
If something breaks the attraction between the water particles that make up the bubble's water layer,
like Squeaks' nose or my fingertips, the air is able to get out, and the bubble pops!
如,吱吱的鼻子或我的指尖,空气就会逸出,泡泡就破了 。
It's a lot like popping a balloon with something sharp.
这很像用尖锐的东西戳破气球 。
When you poke a hole in a balloon, the air gets out and the balloon pops.
你在气球上戳了一个洞,空气逸了出来,气球就破了 。
When you touch a bubble with your finger, you're basically poking a hole in the bubble.
你用手指碰泡泡时,基本上就在泡泡上戳了一个洞 。
So do you want to pop some more bubbles, Squeaks?
OK, let's head outside and blow some more bubbles!
Thanks for joining us!
If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button!
And we'll see you next time! Here the Fort!