10 Cheapest Places to Live in the US.
There are a wide range of options when it comes deciding where to live in the US.
如果想在美国安家,这里有许多供您选择的好去处 。
Some people prefer to stay close to where they grew up.
许多人喜欢住在童年生活过的地方 。
Others may venture further away to find affordability.
而还有一些人喜欢远走他乡,寻找适合自己的廉价住所 。
There are other factors, such as climate, cost of living and job opportunities.
影响因素有很多,比如气候、生活费以及就业机会 。
Other things which weigh into finding the cheapest places to live also include:
the local economy in general, property taxes and general living expenses,
as well as the crime rate.
当然还有犯罪率 。
Here's what was found to be the cheapest places to live in the US
based upon overall desirability and cost of living.
选择标准是受欢迎度和生活开销 。
One: Fayetteville, Arkansas.
The college town of Fayetteville has been listed as the fourth and fifth cheapest place to live
by the Council for Community and Economic Research in recent consecutive years.
这是“地区和经济研究委员会”所做出的排名 。
Forbes rated it one of the "Best Places for Business and Careers."
《福布斯》称这里是“最佳商业和就业地区”之一 。
It's the third-largest city in the state and home of the University of Arkansas.
它是阿肯色州第三大城市,阿肯色大学就在该城 。
WalMart's headquarters is nearby and the superstore giant is a major player in the local economy.
沃尔玛总部也在附近,它在当地经济发展中占据了重要地位 。
The low property taxes, averaging around 3,000 dollars per year,
also contribute to the lower cost of living.
所以生活开销不高 。
The average home price is 228,200 dollars and the average rent on a two-bedroom apartment is under 600 dollars.
平均房价为22万8200,两居室公寓的出租价格也还不到600美金 。
The overall cost of living is 15.4 percent less than the rest of the country.
生活开销比美国其它城市要低15.4% 。
U.S.News and World Report ranked it the third "Best Place to Live"
and one of the "Best Places to Retire" in 2016.
它也是“最佳养老地”之一 。
Two: Harlingen, Texas.
Harlingen is the cheapest place to live in the United States,
according to the Council for Community and Economic Research.
这是“地区和经济研究委员会”做出的排名 。
It's located in the Rio Grande Valley about 30 miles from the coast.
它位于里奥格兰德河谷,距离海岸大约30英里 。
The population is almost 75,000 and the cost of living is 18.4 percent less than the national average.
人口约为7.5万,生活开销比全国平均还要低18.4% 。
The average home cost is 229,558 dollars, and the median income is 34,096 dollars.
平均房价为22万9558,平均收入为3万4096 。
Unfortunately, the low costs come with another set of problems.
然而,较低的生活费用也带来了许多问题 。
Harlingen has a higher poverty rate than the state or national average.
这里的房产税较全国平均值要高 。
About a third of the population lives below the line.
约三分之一人口生活在贫困线以下 。
One factor contributing positively to the local economy are the retirees
who live in the area for part of the year, taking advantage of the mild winter.
他们部分时间都会生活在此,为的是享受这里温暖的冬天 。
There is no state income tax.
这里不用上缴州所得税 。
Home property taxes average around 3,500 dollars per year.
每年的房产税大约在3500美金 。
Three: Memphis, Tennessee.
Memphis is the largest city in Tennessee.
它是田纳西州最大城市 。
It's famous for the music scene and its impact on blues music.
这里是音乐的海洋,孟菲斯对布鲁斯音乐的影响很大 。
Additionally, it is famous for being the city where many musicians got their start,
including Elvis, Aretha Franklin and Robert Johnson,
whose music has influenced many aspiring blues players for decades.
数十年来,约翰逊的音乐影响了几代布鲁斯音乐人 。
The Council for Community and Economic Research has ranked it on the list "Top Ten Most Affordable Places to Live."
“地区和经济研究委员会”将它评为“十大最便宜居住地”之一 。
The cost of living is 14.6 percent below the national average,
and this is particularly notable in such a large city.
这在孟菲斯是非常明显的 。
The average cost of home is 180,375 dollars and the median income is 36,817 dollars.
平均房价为18万0375美金,平均收入为3万6817美金 。
Since it is near the Mississippi River, Memphis is a hub for shipping and transportation.
因靠近密西西比河,这里也是航运和交通枢纽 。
Major companies, including FedEx and Autozone, are also based here.
包括联邦快递和“Autozone”等大公司都将这里设为总部所在地 。
Once the metro area with the highest poverty rate, that number is now declining.
孟菲斯曾经的贫困率很高,如今这一数字正在下降 。
Four: McAllen, Texas.
McAllen, Texas has made the Council for Community and Economic Research's list several times
as one of the cheapest places to live in the U.S.
它多次被评为“全美最便宜居住地”之一 。
It is located on the Rio Grande River across from Reynosa, Mexico.
它位于里奥格兰德河,这条河还横跨墨西哥雷诺萨市 。
Commerce across the border is a major industry.
边境贸易往来是它的主要产业 。
It has a 16.2 percent cheaper cost of living than the national average with an average home cost of 178,000 dollars.
生活费较全国平均值低16.2%,平均房价为12万8000美金 。
A two-bedroom apartment rents for an average of just over 700 dollars.
两居室公寓月租金才700多美金 。
The median income is 33,641 dollars for a household.
家庭平均收入为3万3641美金 。
Unfortunately, the metro area does have a high poverty rate.
但这里房产税较高 。
Health is also a problem as McAllen was found to be the most obese metro area in the nation in 2012.
市民健康也是一大问题,2012年它被评为全美肥胖人数最多的城市 。
The population of the metro area is 774,769.
人口为77万4769人 。
McAllen's property tax rates rank among the lowest in the Rio Grande, averaging 500 dollars annually.
较其他奥格兰德河城市,这里的房产税率是最低的,平均每年500美金 。