there are 47 prefectures in Japan,
however, it's such a shame that most people are only visiting the main areas.
然而,可惜的是大部分人都只知道去一些主要的景点 。
with this series, I hope to show you more the unknown areas,
encourage you to take a step off the beaten path and discover a different side of Japan
Take a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature,
challenge yourself to new experiences,
broaden your perspective through meeting others
God, it's so hot
Talk to the locals and learn about the history and culture
cherish and appreciate the hospitality and service
and of course indulge yourself in the food.
当然,还有尽情享用当地的美食 。
so let's explore discover and experience more and more of the unknown Japan together.
那,我们一起去探索、体验更多不为人知的日本吧 。
So, our series starts off at Akita Prefecture, and the Tohoku region of northern Honshu, the main island of Japan.
本期视频就从秋田说起,秋田在本州北部的东北地区,而本州是日本最大的岛屿 。
but first let's see how we can get there from here...Tokyo.
但我们还是先看看从这里……也就是东京怎么去那儿吧 。
Take the JR Akita-Komachi bullet train from Tokyo Station or Ueno station.
在东京站或上野站坐JR秋田-小町线 。
It's a four-hour ride to Akita, but stops along the way at other stations such as Sendai and Morioka,
However, we're going to get off at Kakunodate,
and let me show you what you can do from there,
让我来告诉你从那儿怎么走 。
so if you take the Nairiku Line,
you can enjoy the scenic views that change every season,
and my favorite thing about this local train is that they have a guide with you, explaining and taking you through the whole ride
而我最喜欢这趟慢车的一点在于他们会给你配一个导游,全程陪同、讲解 。
they even slow down at the major lookout points to let you enjoy the view and maybe take some photos
他们甚至会在一些主要的景点停下来,方便你观光或者拍照 。
Okay, so I finally arrived at Akita and I've got some friends to show me around. So come on in guys.
好了,我终于到秋田了,而且有几个朋友会带我四处转转 。小伙伴儿们快进来吧 。
Yeah and tell everyone your name.
耶,大家打个招呼吧 。
my name is Colin
我是柯林 。
my name is Sally
我是萨利 。
my name is Akiko
我是秋子 。
and who is she (Asuka, yeah)
and Colin, what things are there to do around Akita
Well, there's a lot to see and do in Akita,
but my favorite thing is to play with the Akita dogs
但我最喜欢的是跟秋田犬一起玩 。
they call Odate their home
大馆是它们的故乡 。
Also, so let's go play for this.
那我们去玩儿吧 。
let's go (Come on, let's go)
Odate is the birthplace of the Akita dog breed
大馆是秋田犬的原产地 。
so you will probably see a lot of these dogs around the area.
所以,你很可能在这里看到很多秋田犬 。
And Colin will be the main person showing me around the area
接下来主要是科林带我去周围转转 。
Okay, so am i a part of the Akita Prefecture community now? (you're in)
Another thing to see is the Hachiko statue in front of Odete station
hatchico is the loyal dog who waited for his owner every day until he passed away
八公是一只非常忠诚的狗够,它每天都去等他的主人回来,一直到它去世 。
It's also honored here in Adate, his birthplace.
not only statues you will also see the Akita dogs on quite a few other things too
除了雕像,你还能看到很多秋田犬,还有很多别的东西 。
So you would think that this kind of natural waterfall would be deep inside some kind of mountain
however it's actually just located on the side of the main road.
但是,它实际上是在一条主干道的道路旁边 。
Akita is surrounded by beautiful nature everywhere you go
So I think this is the best way to see the waterfall, because it is just so close.
我觉得这是看瀑布最好的地方了,因为实在是太近了 。
and I don't think I can be this close to a waterfall, so it's really cool.
我从未想过自己会如此靠近一个瀑布,太赞了 。
And you might go inside, it's really cool in summer.
夏天的时候你可以到水里去,会很凉爽 。
Next we are going to hit up the largest volcano-created lake in Hongshu.
Over here is where all the beautiful leaves are
It's a great place to come in autumn
and not only coming up to the top is the best,
it's about the journey so when we came up on the car
it's really nice, it was really nice ride.
非常棒,真的是非常棒 。
you can see all the trees and you're just surrounded by nature,
and then now we're at the lookout point
and you can see the beautiful lake
能够看到这个漂亮的湖 。
and the funny thing is it's in the Creator right
it seems to be one giant volcano until a thousand years ago when it erupted and blew off the top
好像1000多年前这里还是一个大火山,之后火山爆发,山顶就没了 。
and now in the crater is the lake.
原来的火山口就成了现在的湖 。