So today I'm in Azabu Juban, and it's in the center of Tokyo.
今天我来到了麻布十番,这里是东京的中心 。
And today I'm going to try some of the popular Japanese sweets sold here.
这次我要尝一些这儿很受欢迎的日式甜点 。
And I've also got a few gifts on my video today. So come on in, guys.
今天的视频还有几个小福利,出来吧朋友们 。
Yo Ho! So this is …Shin, this is…Aiko. This is...Daddy. Dad? Yeah, haha...(Greg).
耶,这是……信,这是……爱子 。 这是....爸爸 。爸爸? 哈哈哈,(他叫Greg 。)
And you guys also have a YouTube channel, right? (Yeah) What's it called, Shin?
Sing Game! No, that's Shin's channel and our channel (Yeah), our family's channel is Life Where I'm From.
Sing Game!-不,那是信的频道,我们家的频道,我们家的频道叫 Life Where I'm From.
And daddy's channel is Life Where I'm From Ex. (Oh, that's right ya.)-
爸爸的频道叫Life Where I'm From Ex 。(对,没错 。)
Yes, and they have really cool channel, so go checking them out.
嗯,他们的频道很酷,去看看吧 。
But are you guys hungry? You hungry, Akio? (a little bit.) A little bit,?
话说回来,你们饿吗?爱子你饿吗?(嗯,有点儿) 有点儿?
OK. You guys are hungry? (Shin, you hungry? ) You hungry, Shin? (Yeah)
好的,那你们呢?信,你饿吗? 你饿吗,信? (嗯)
Yeah? Ok! Let's go, let's go try some sweets then. (Yeah! I like sweeets) Yeah.
饿?好的!那我们走吧,去吃点儿甜点吧 。(耶!我喜欢甜点)耶 。
So Azabu Juban is in the center of Tokyo next to Roppongi.
麻布十番是东京的市中心,离六本木不远 。
It's a trendy neighborhood, and often many Japanese celebrities live or visit this area.
这里是时髦的商业街,经常有日本名人住这里或来这儿 。
Even though it's in the center of Tokyo, I love this slow pace to this neighborhood, and of course the local shops in this area.
这里虽然是东京的市中心,但这里的节奏很慢,我很喜欢,当然,我也喜欢这里的小店 。
And for you Sailormoon fans out there, this was also one of the main places the series were sit in.
而如果你是《美少女战士》的粉丝,这里也是该剧主要的取景点之一 。
So let's go to the first shop to try some Japanese sweets.
现在,让我们去第一家店尝点儿日式甜点吧 。
When you think of Japanese street food sweets, Taiyaki is definitely at the top of the list.
提起日本街头的甜品,鲷鱼烧绝对是首选 。
There are so many Taiyaki shops in Japan now, however, this one is a little bit different.
现在日本有很多鲷鱼烧店,但这一家不太一样 。
Naniwaya has been running for all them 100 years now.
浪花屋是一家百年老字号了 。
Look at, look at the make it. You can see you have what making it .
我们来看一下它是怎么制作的,你可以看到它是由什么做成的 。
At this shop each Taiyaki is made individually using a special plate made only for the shop,
while like other stores they bake several Taiyakis at once.
而其他店都是一次做好几个 。
The red bean paste which is stuffed in Taiyaki takes 8 hours to make and is made fresh everyday here.
这家店制作鲷鱼烧里的红豆馅就要8个小时,并且都是当天制作 。
The pastry here is also thinner and crispier than other Taiyaki shops.
外面包的皮也比其他鲷鱼烧店里的更薄更酥脆 。
This is also one of the top three Taiyaki shops in Tokyo.
这家也是东京最好的三大鲷鱼烧店之一 。
This is a very popular shop amongst the locals, so it maybe better order first, then have a look around the streets and come back.
它在当地相当有名,所以最好是先点餐,然后去周围逛逛再回来取 。
So this is what the Taiyaki looks like and this is me struggling trying to show you guys what does it look like on the inside.
鲷鱼烧就长这样,我努力地想要展示给大家里面的样子 。
Is it like a belly?
No, it looks awesome, cause you crack them in a funny way, but... (Ok, Ok)
I want to crack it. (Ok)
我也想掰 。(好)
You wanna crack it? Ok, crack it.
你也要掰吗? 好吧,掰吧
Oh, he actually did a better job than me.
啊,他掰得比我好 。
It's very crispy. How do you like it, Shin?
How do you like it, Shin?
Hello, if the Shin...
How do you like it?
Do you like the pastry outside? Do you like the red bean? Yeah.
I like how it is crispy.
我喜欢它脆脆的感觉 。
It's cool we both are wearing hats.
我们都有灰色的帽子,好酷啊 。
And now we are off to the next shop,
The next shop sells the roundshape cakes with different feelings inside.
这家店卖各种夹心的蛋糕 。
You can watch them make it in front you and also eat it freshly made.
你可以看着他们现做并趁热吃 。
In Japanese, it's called Imagawayaki.
在日语里,这个叫今川烧 。
They also serve three flavors here, cheese, custard and red bean
有三种口味:奶酪味、奶油味,还有红豆味 。
What did you get, Shin? (Custard cream)
Custard cream? All three? (Yeah, all three.)
奶油味? 三个都是吗?(嗯,都是)
All three custard cream? (Here, one custard for, to you.)
Aiko, how was it? (Yummy!)
Haven't got inside it? (Mm... Yummy!)
还没吃到馅吧? (嗯……好吃!)
Oh, look at you. You first selfie.
哇,看看,你第一次自拍耶 。
Hey, Shin, come selfie Ok, selfie. Wow...
So next we have this bakery and if you coming to Azaba Juban, you probably won't miss this bakery because you can smell from miles away.
之后我们来到了这家面包店,如果你要来麻布十番的话,你绝不会错过这家店,因为老远就能闻到它的香味儿了 。
This bakery has delicious French and Japanese pastries both savoury and sweet.
这家店有美味的法式点心,日式的点心,有甜的也有咸的 。
I just love Japanese bread and this bakery offers some pretty unique pastries, so you have to come here if you ever in the aera.
我超爱日式面包,这家店还有一些独特的小点心,来附近的话一定要来这家店 。
It's also very popular amongst local as well.
当地人也非常喜欢 。
So you're gonna get that one? Ok, let's get it out. Where can we get a tray? Let's get a tray. Go get a tray
所以你要拿那个是吗?好的,拿那个,去哪儿拿托盘呢?我们去拿个托盘,拿个托盘 。
Look at! How big it!
Let's hear a little bit more about the shop from the staff.
让我们听听店员对这家店的介绍吧 。
So the next shop we are going to sells beans and nuts, so let's go inside and take a look.
接下来我们要去的店是专门买豆子和坚果的,我们进去看看吧 。
So this shop has over 90 different flavors of nuts and beans,
and you can find sweet ones or salty ones,
and you can even find these unique flavors like coffee.
甚至还有一些很特别的口味,比如咖啡味儿的 。
And of course they also sell crackers.
当然他们也卖饼干 。
Mm... It's really cracked. It really tastes fresh because you know they make it from there.
嗯 确实很脆,刚出炉的味道,因为,看见了吗,他们就是在那儿做的 。
So I hope you enjoy the video and I look forward to all your comments.
and please let me know the down below which one of these you guys want to like to try the most.
请在视频下方告诉我你们最想吃上面的哪一种 。
What're you doing? Oh, God, it's dangers.
I told you. You gonna fall slow later.
你看,你迟早会摔倒的 。