日期:2017-07-20 13:23



I know that even in the United States
我知道 即使在美国
when you have someone like Donald Trump, I know
that there is a lot of elitist liberal reaction.
Like here we see the limit of democracy but in the wrong sense, in the sense that you
我们在此得以见识到民主的局限性 但却是以错误的方式
see stupid ordinary people are seduced and so on and so on.
我们看到愚蠢的普通民众被诱导 诸如此类
Well, although Noam Chomsky doesn't like me very much,
I admire him sincerely and I must admit that I like his term.
但我却诚挚地欣赏他 我必须承认我喜欢他所使用的措辞
I think it's not just a journalistic term,
it's a concept, which he took over from American
还是一个概念 是他取自美国传统
tradition even mainstream right wing liberal of manufacturing consent.
You know, democracy is not only formal rules of elections.
如君所知 民主不仅仅是关于选举的正式规则
Democracy is an entire thick network of how political consensus is built; a lot of unwritten rules.
更是关于如何建立政治共识的一整套缜密网络 有很多不成文的规则
And now I think the United States are at a very important moment, at the moment when
现在我认为美国处在一个非常关键的时刻 因为此刻
this machine to build consensus has broken down.
Now these are moments which can be catastrophic.

In such moments direct fascism can take over, but this can be also moments when the left,
在这时法西斯主义有可能会长驱直入 也可能是左翼
or whatever would be the new left, provides a new answer.
So my first reaction to those elitists liberals who claim you see the stupid rednecks, white
trash or whatever are voting for Trump, yes but it's your responsibility.
白人垃圾等等 我的第一反应就是: 说得对! 但都是你们造成的!
One moment of truth in all those enraged people
who vote for Trump is that they nonetheless so clearly (know) that
this traditional machine of manufacturing consent no longer works.
To put it in this slightly bombastic and exaggerated Marxist term,
the ruling ideology uses, mobilizes certain machinery
统治阶级的意识形态使用 调动了某种机器
to keep people in check, to control the excesses and so on.
来约束民众 控制过激行为等等
That machinery no longer works.
And here I'm not just a pessimistic, in contrast to liberals for whom Trump is the ultimate
在此 跟那些视特朗普为超级恶魔与噩梦的自由主义者相比 我不仅仅是悲观主义者
devil, it's a nightmare and so on, I claim it's much more complex.
Of course Trump is almost but not quite proto fascist phenomenon,
but it's because they, the liberal centrist mainstream because they failed.
And that's why, not that I like in anyway Trump,
而那就是原因 不是因为我喜欢特朗普
Trump is scum, trash and so on, but my but is this one,
他就是人渣 垃圾 但是我的"但是"是在于
first Trump nonetheless if you are a leftists you should admire him sincerely.
He did something wonderfully.
He almost single-handedly destroyed the Republican Party.
What I mean you have two main vaguely orientations,
the Christian fundamentalists in the party, hardliners and this
党内的基督原教旨主义者 奉行强硬路线者 遭遇到了
Republican liberal enlightened big business elite.
Both of them are more or less horrified of Trump.
And Trump is vulgar, but in his very vulgarity you can see a common human baseness, opportunism,
特朗普很粗俗 但是在他的粗鄙中你可以看到人类共有的劣根性–投机主义
now I will say something horrible, but for me
现在我要讲些可怕的事 但对我来说
people like Ted Crews or you remember eight years ago Rick Santorum,
像泰德·克鲁斯一类人 或是你还记得八年前的里克·桑托勒姆
there's something much worse.
Trump is a dirty disgusting human being,
do you really think that Rick Santorum is a human being?
I think that they are aliens.
There's something so monstrous about them. That's my first one.
他们非常怪异 这是我要说的第一点
My second point is that I never trusted this absolute obsession with Trump.
Oh now we should be all together just to stop Trump,
for this we sacrificed Bernie Sanders. This is how Hillary got us.
我们因此牺牲掉了伯尼·桑德斯 这就是希拉里打动我们的方式
Hillary is not just LBGT rights, a little bit more progressive, Hillary is today the
希拉里不只是拥护LBGT群体的权利 更进步一点的是 希拉里是今天
vote of the establishment even of the Cold War establishment.
的当权者选举出来的 甚至可以说是冷战格局的结果
Do you know that most of the big names of......
你知道吗 大部分的大人物
come from the area of George Bush, Paul and so on? They moved to Hillary now.
Hillary is not only the voice of the liberal establishment,
希拉里不仅仅是自由主义当权者的代表 也是
she's also the voice of–let's call it Cold War establishment.
Now in the last days there was some propaganda against Trump
saying oh but can we trust this guy? He will bring us into a new world war.
No, I'm much more afraid that Hillary will do this.
不尽然 我倒是更担心希拉里会
So again, in no way I am for Trump.
所以 再次声明 我绝不支持特朗普
He personifies what I was talking about
this disintegration of public values, of public manners
this obscene situation where you can talk about whatever you want.
Again, things which years ago were unthinkable as part of a public debate
再一次地 若干年前公共讨论无法想象的一些事情
are now normalized, open racism and so on.
现在都变得正常化了 比如公开的种族主义 诸如此类不一而足
And here I think political correctness doesn't work.
Because political correctness is a desperate attempt
when public mores all these unwritten rules which tell you what is this and what is not, break down,
Political correctness tries directly to legislate.
This expression is to be used, that expression is to be used and so on and so on.
这话该说那话不该说 等等等等
What makes me afraid of these this procedure is the following:
do you remember how to years ago or even three or four when all this debate about torture began, waterboarding and so on?
你还记得两年前 也可能是三四年前当关于刑讯逼供的讨论开始时 水刑之类的
The U.S. Army did something very nice, they no longer talked about torture but about–
美军干了件非常漂亮的事 他们不再说"逼供" 但
I think the term was enhanced interrogation technique.
And this is for me establishment version of political correctness.
You put a nice her name like I can well imagine that ten years from now, and it's not a joke I claim,
你用了个更动听的词 就如同我可以想象从今往后十年里–我这不是说着玩的–
rape will be called well why not enhanced seduction technique.
"强奸"也可以被叫得很动听 比如为啥不叫"加强版勾引技术"呢
Like this basic politically correct idea that you use words which will not hurt the others,
I totally subscribe to this when we are dealing
我完全买账 尤其是处理
with all this marginal sexual identities which can traumatize you and so on.
But I absolutely don't think that this is any kind of universal right,
not to be called in a way which hurts you.
Let's take a big criminal corporation boss
举个例子 一个犯罪集团的大老板
who maybe also wants to see him as a humanitarian.
No! He should be publicly called with words which will hurt him and that's the whole point
that he should be hurt and so on and so on.
而重点就在于他应该被伤害 诸如此类
So again, I don't like this narcissistic idea of...
所以 我不喜欢这种自恋的想法
you know, the ultimate horizon do you feel hurt,
are you wounded or not and so on and so on.
I mean this is a very ambiguous topic.
Of course you can in this way defend gay rights, the exclusion of LGBT people and so on,
当然你可以以这种方式维护同性恋权利 或排挤LGBT人群 等等
but then what would prevent white Arians or whatever, white power people to say
但 是什么让白种雅利安人或白种权势者无法直说
sorry guys but we are hurt if you attack us like that and so on.
抱歉啊同志们 如果你们那样攻击我们 我们真的很受伤 云云
No, in politics we have authentic enemies.
不行! 在政治里我们有真正的敌人
Everyone should not be respected in politics and so on.
Politics is a real struggle of life and death.
