日期:2017-07-17 14:20



In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to take a look at the question: Is the Flap T really a D sound?
It's not unusual for people to ask my why I say the flap T is a D sound.They will say it's not the same as a D sound in, for example, "day."
My answer to them: you're right.But, the Flap T, or T between vowels, is the same as a D between vowels.
So basically what I'm saying is that a D between vowels is not the same sound as the D in other cases, though they both use the same IPA symbol.
Let's take a look at an example word: "dad."For that beginning D, there is a stop: "dd, dd."
让我们来看一下示例单词:“dad”。对于这个词首的D,有一处停顿:"dd, dd."
D is a stop consonant, so I let air build up a little bit in my throat -- "dd, dd, dd, dd" -- and then release it.
D是一个停顿辅音,所以我让气流在我的喉咙里聚积了一下——"dd, dd, dd, dd"——然后再释放出来。


It's the same with a D at the end of the word, though a little more subtle."Dd, dd, Dad-d-d", but you can still hear, "dad-d-d", there is a stop.
它和词尾的D是一样的,但是要更模糊一点。"Dd, dd, Dad-d-d",但是你仍然能够听到,"dad-d-d",有一处停顿。
Well, let's take a slightly different word, "Daddy."Now we have a D sound between two vowels."Daddy, Daddy."
好了,让我们来看一个稍微不同的单词,“Daddy”。现在,这个D音在两个元音中间。"Daddy, Daddy."
I'm going to stretch out the vowel sound before and after to make that D more noticeable.
"Daaaaaadyyyy."Did you hear a stop?There wasn't one."Daaaaaadyyyy."
Between vowels, or after an R and before a vowel, it's a different sound, because there isn't a stop.
If I pronounced both D's with a stop, it would sound like this: "dad-dy, dad-dy."
如果我发这两个D音的时候都停顿一下,它听起来就像这样:"dad-dy, dad-dy."
But it doesn't. It sounds like "daddy, uhh", no stop in the airflow.This is true of the Flap T as well.
但它不是这样的。它听起来像"daddy, uhh",气流中没有停顿。这同样适用于闪音T。
As I said before, if you look up the word "daddy" in a dictionary, both of the D sounds, though different, will have the same symbol.
This is why I have chosen to say that Flap T is just like the D sound -- it is like one kind of D sound, the D between vowels.
So, "matter" equals "madder". Pronounced the same way.When we pronounce a T or D this way, it smooths out speech.
It takes out a stop, which is why you'll hear so many Americans flap their T's.
We love to smooth out the line.So, this was a long explanation about why I use the (d) symbol for a Flap T.
The most important thing to take from this video, though, is that both the T and D between vowels, or after an R and before a vowel, don't have a stop component.
They do not interrupt the flow of the line, they smooth out the speech.One last comment.
Sometimes, regarding the Flap T, I'll get a comment from a student.That sounds like an R sound to me. It is an R sound?
Well, depending on your native language, yes, it is.The alveolar flap is in many languages, usually represented by the letter R.
For example, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, to name a few.So you may ask, why don't I use that IPA symbol?
Two reasons: you won't see that symbol in a dictionary of American English.
And, I'm not fluent enough in any of those languages to say: yes, definitely, I know it is absolutely the exact same movement of the tongue,
touching exactly the same spot at the roof of the mouth.
So whether it is exactly the same sound or just very close, it may be very useful for you to think of the Flap T or D between vowels as the R sound from your native language.
But, just keep in mind that it is not at all related to the R sound in American English.
"RRRR", where you can hold out that sound, and the front part of the tongue must not touch the roof of the mouth.
That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.
这次的学习就到这里,非常感谢使用Rachel's English。
