Voice 1: Recently, Spotlight released a program called "Hitting Children." In this program we told about a new law in a town in New Zealand. This law says that parents cannot punish their children by hitting them.
声音1:重点报道最近播出的节目是《打孩子》 。在这期节目中,我们介绍了新西兰一座城镇新出台的一项法律 。新法规定父母不能用殴打的方式惩罚孩子 。
Voice 2: Many parents there do not agree with the new law. They believe that hitting children is a good and effective form of punishment.
声音2:新西兰有许多父母不同意这项新法律 。他们认为打孩子是一种有用又有效的惩罚方式 。
Voice 1: Other parents and some family groups agree with the law. They say there are better ways to deal with children. And it seems like Spotlight listeners also agree with the new law! We shared one e-mail in the last listener mail program. But this week, Augusto and Evelin also wrote to Spotlight about "Hitting Children". Augusto wrote:
声音1:其他父母和一些家庭组织支持新法律 。他们认为有更好的方法解决孩子们的问题 。看起来重点报道节目的听众朋友也支持这项新法律!上期听众来信节目我们分享了一封邮件 。本周,奥古斯托和埃夫琳也写信分享了他们听完《打孩子》这期节目后的看法 。奥古斯托写道:
Voice 3: "My opinion about the program is that I support the new law. It is important the children do not receive hits for a punishment. In my country, Ecuador, you cannot hit children but nearly all parents do this kind of punishment. It is horrible. This program was very interesting."
声音3:“我听了这期节目,我支持这项新法律 。重要的是要确保孩子不会因为惩罚而挨打 。在我的祖国厄瓜多尔不能打孩子,但是几乎所有的父母都会这样来惩罚孩子 。这太可怕了 。这期节目值得深思 。”