日期:2017-06-06 18:03



You work at the college library.
You're in the middle of a quiet afternoon when suddenly a shipment of 1,280 different books arrives.
The books have been dropped of in one long straight line, but they're all out of order,
and the automatic sorting system is broken.
To make matters worse, classes start tomorrow,
更糟糕的是 明天就开学了
which means that first thing in the morning, students will show up in droves looking for these books.
How can you get them all sorted in time?
One way would be to start at one end of the line with the first pair of books.
If the first two books are in order, then leave them as they are.
如果这两本书已经按顺序排好了 那就不要再动它们了
Otherwise, swap them.
否则 就把它们调换一下
Then, look at the second and third books, repeat the process,
之后 看看第二本 第三本如此进行下去
and continue until you reach the end of the line.
At some point, you'll come across the book that should be last,
有时候 你可能会遇到应该排在最后的那本书
and keep swapping it with every subsequent book,
moving it down the line until it reaches the end where it belongs.
不停地向后调换 直至调到最后它该呆的地方
Then, start from the beginning and repeat the process to get the second to last book in its proper place,
然后从头开始 重复这一过程把第二本和剩下的书都依次合适地摆放
and keep going until all books are sorted.
This approach is called Bubble Sort.
It's simple but slow.
You'd make 1,279 comparisons in the first round,then 1,278, and so on, adding up to 818,560 comparisons.
第一轮下来你一共要进行1279次对比然后是1278次 这样依次下去完成整个过程一共要进行818560次对比


If each took just one second, the process would take over nine days.
如果每次比较花一秒 完成整个过程需要超过9天的时间
A second strategy would be to start by sorting just the first two books.
Then, take the third book and compare it with the book in the second spot.
之后 把第三本和第二本进行对比
If it belongs before the second book, swap them,
如果它应该排第二本前面 那就把它们调换一下
then compare it with the book in the first spot, and swap again if needed.
然后再把它和第一本对比如果它应排第一 那就再调换一次
Now you've sorted the first three books.
Keep adding one book at a time to the sorted sub-line,
comparing and swapping the new book with the one before it
将这本新加入的书与其前一个对比 调换
until it's correctly placed among the books sorted so far.
This is called Insertion Sort.
Unlike Bubble Sort, it usually doesn't require comparing every pair of books.
不像上推分类法 这种方法不需要把所有的书两两对比
On average, we'd expect to only need to compare each book to half of the books that came before it.
平均来说 我们估计只需要将每本书与排在前面的一半的书进行对比
In that case, the total number of comparisons would be 409,280, taking almost five days.
You're still doing way too many comparisons.
Here's a better idea.
First, pick a random book.
首先 随机抽取一本书
Call it the partition and compare it to every other book.
Then, divide the line by placing all the books that come before the partition on its left
and all the ones that come after it on its right.
You've just saved loads of time by not having to compare any of the books on the left to any of the ones on the right ever again.
这样你就能节省很多时间 因为左边的书不用再跟其右边的书再进行一一对比了
Now, looking only at the books on the left, you can again pick a random partition book
现在只看左边的书 然后你从里面再拿出一本书作为分割参照物
and separate those books that come before it from those that come after it.
You can keep creating sub-partitions like this until you have a bunch of small sub-lines,
each of which you'd sort quickly using another strategy, like Insertion Sort.
这时你就可以将每个小段的书用其他方法排好了 比如 插入排序法
Each round of partitioning requires about 1,280 comparisons.
If your partitions are pretty balanced,
dividing the books into 128 sub-lines of ten would take about seven rounds,or 8,960 seconds.
把这些书以10本为一段 一共分128段 大概需要7轮能分好也就是8960秒
Sorting these sub-lines would add about 22 seconds each.
All in all, this method known as QuickSort could sort the books in under three and a half hours.
总而言之 这种方法被叫做快速分类法排好这些书不超过三个半小时
But there's a catch.
Your partitions could end up lopsided, saving no time at all.
如果选取的参照物非常不对称 则根本无法节约时间
Luckily, this rarely happens.
幸运的是 这种情况很少发生
That's why QuickSort is one of the most efficient strategies used by programmers today.
They use it for things like sorting items in an online store by price,
or creating a list of all the gas stations close to a given location sorted by distance.
In your case, you're done quick sorting with time to spare.
至于你 你已经快速分好类而且还有剩余时间
Just another high-stakes day in the library.

  • bubblen. 气泡,泡影 v. 起泡,冒泡
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • insertionn. 插入,插入物
  • strategyn. 战略,策略
  • partitionn. 分割,隔离物 vt. 区分,隔开,分割
  • efficientadj. 效率高的,胜任的
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • approachn. 接近; 途径,方法 v. 靠近,接近,动手处理
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • shipmentn. 装船,货物,出货