日期:2017-06-01 17:47



What we found in the ACE study involving seventeen and a half thousand middle-class adults was
that life experiences in childhood that are lost in time
and then further protected by shame and by secrecy and by social taboos against inquiry into certain realms of human experience,
但那些由于羞耻 保密和社会禁忌等原因不愿意被人盘问的经历反而会被保护从而遗留在人的记忆的某个角落
that those life experiences play out powerfully and proportionately a half century later
in terms of emotional state,in terms of biomedical disease, in terms of life expectancy.
In 1985, I first became interested in developmental life experiences in early childhood really by accident.In the major obesity program we were running,a young woman came into the program.
在我们着重研究的肥胖问题中 一个年轻姑娘来到我们这


She was twenty-eight years old, and weighed 408 pounds,
她28岁 重达408磅
and asked us if we could help her with her problem.
And in fifty-one weeks, we took her from 408 to 132.
在接下来的51周中 我们帮她从408磅减到132磅
And we thought, well my god, we’ve got this problem licked.
我们想 谢天谢地 终于解决这个问题了
This is going to be a world-famous department here!
She maintained her weight at 132 for several weeks,
and then in one three-week period regained 37 pounds in three weeks,which I had not previously conceived as being physiologically possible.
That was triggered by being sexually propositioned at work by a much older man,as she described him.
That was triggered by being sexually propositioned at work by a much older man,as she described him.
And in short order, she was back over 400 pounds faster than she had lost the weight.
很快 她就就增肥到400磅 比她减重快多了
I remember asking her why the extreme response.
After initially claiming not to have any understanding of why the extreme response,
she told me of a lengthy incest history with her grandfather from age 10 to age 21.
后来 她告诉了我 祖父对她漫长的乱伦经历从10岁直到21岁
Ultimately it turned out that fifty-five percent of the people in our obesity program
最终得到证实 在我们这项对肥胖研究中有55%的人
acknowledged a history of childhood sexual abuse.
I mean that obviously is not the only issue going on but it was where we began.
我想说 显然问题不止一个但我们就是从那个问题起步的
And as we went down that trail, then we discovered other forms of abuse
随着我们的继续追查 发现在很多机能失调家庭(或其他家庭)中
also growing up in massively dysfunctional households, etc.
the ACE study was really designed to see whether these things existed at all in the general population,
and if so, how did they play out over time?
果真如此 那它们(指侵害)又如何随着时间的推移造成影响?
We studied 10 categories of adverse life experiences
that were chosen because of their prevalence in the weight program
childhood sexual abuse, heavy-duty childhood physical abuse
这些包括童年性侵 严重的童年身体伤害
I'm not talking spanking—
um, major emotional abuse, recurrent humiliation, two categories of neglect
还有严重的情感伤害 经常性的精神羞辱 以及两类忽视
growing up in a home
where one of the members of the household,
uh, was chronically depressed, suicidal, mentally ill, or in the state hospital;
长期抑郁 自杀 患精神疾病 或长期住院的家庭环境中
growing up in a home without both biological parents;
或者是 没能与亲生父母生活在一起
growing up in a home where, um, one of the members of your household was alcoholic or a drug user;
或者是 有家人嗜酒或吸毒
growing up in a home where mother was beaten;
或者是 妈妈被家暴
growing up in a home where one of the members of your household was imprisoned during your childhood or adolescence.
Those were the 10 categories.
In a middle-class population, one in 11 people has experienced six or more of those adverse life experiences in childhood.
中产阶级群体中 每11人中就有一人经历过以上六类或更多
So this is very common totally unrecognized.
It was difficult for us to accept their commonness.
But on the other hand, these are issues that most people never touch.
但另一方面 大多数人从未接触过这些问题
And so who would know without routinely asking?
But at a so-called ACE score of six, experiencing any six of the ten categories that we studied,
但在ACE六类测评分中 (如果一个人)经历了我们研究得出的10类中的任何六类
that person was 4,600% more likely to become an IV drug user than a person
who had experienced none of those ten categories.
Okay? Now, you know,
好吧 现在 你知道了
you think, you read the newspaper, the latest cancer scare of the week,
你想 你看报纸 本周最新的癌症恐慌
you think, you read the newspaper, the latest cancer scare of the week,
你想 你看报纸 本周最新的癌症恐慌
prostate cancer or breast cancer increases 30%, and everyone goes nuts.
前列腺癌或乳腺癌上升了30% 每个人就都不淡定了
I’m talking 4,600% increase.
The same ACE score of six produces a likelihood of attempting suicide
同样的 ACE研究也暗示了这些人的潜在自杀可能性
that is between 3,100% and 5,000% greater than the likelihood of suicide attempts in someone with none of those life experiences.
So the power of this relationship is enormous.
So ultimately the question arises: how do life experiences in childhood end up with
那么 最后 问题来了 童年的阴影是如何
with disease states a half century later?
There are at least two big categories to account for that.
One is through the use of various coping devices.
One smokes to feel better;
one overeats to feel better; one drinks to relax, etc..
通过暴食 喝酒 等等
And those things carried out in heavy amounts have major destructive patterns,
even though they may be immediately beneficial.
The other broad category has to do with
the effect of chronic major unrelieved stress on the workings of one’s brain and central nervous system.
In recent years, this is relatively new,
近年来 这些研究不断发展
it’s become clear that chronic major unrelieved stress
can produce the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in a person’s body,
and also can suppress immune system function.
Of the ten categories that we studied,
any six of them produces a shortening in life expectancy of almost twenty years.
The magnitude of this problem is so huge,
and the complexity of dealing with it after the fact is so huge,
that realistically, the only serious approach is going to have to involve primary prevention.
No one knows how to do that, but it’s the right question to focus on.
没有人知道如何做 但我们仍需关注它

  • magnituden. 大小,重要,光度,(地震)级数,(星星)等级
  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发
  • recurrentadj. 再发生的,周期性的,循环的
  • extremeadj. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,极限
  • conceivedv. 构思;设想(conceive的过去式)
  • likelihoodn. 可能性
  • complexityn. 复杂,复杂性,复杂的事物
  • emotionaladj. 感情的,情绪的
  • lengthyadj. 冗长的,漫长的
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,