Step by Step 3000 第4册 Unit11:Lateral or Vertical(1)
日期:2017-06-17 10:30


Part 2. Lateral or Vertical?
lateral thinking, vertical thinking.
lateral thinking, vertical thinking, dwarf, assumption, botanically, ubiquitous, distinct, discard, complementary.
A. Listen to a riddle and guess. Try to find the solution.
A man worked in a tall office building.
Each morning he got into the lift on the ground floor, pressed the lift button to the 11th floor.
Got out of the lift and walked up to the 16th floor.
At night, he would get into the lift on the 16th floor, and get out on the ground floor. What was the reason for this?
Now here is the solution, did you guess right?
The man was a dwarf, and couldn't reach higher than the 11th floor button.
