ESL杰夫的一天(MP3+字幕) 第2期:起床讲解(1)
日期:2017-05-11 18:02



Our story begins by me describing how much I do not like getting up. To get up means to get out of your bed, to stand up after you have been lying down on a bed. I say that, "The worst part of my day is when I have to get up. Waking up, that I can handle?" To wake up, "wake up," (two words) means that you are sleeping and you stop sleeping and now you are awake. The verb is to wake up. So, you can wake up while you are in bed, and then, you get up--you stand up after lying down.
故事的开始是我在描述我有多么讨厌起床noyC9v*H@,rzaf%CUN0C。起床的意思就是离开床,即在床上躺了一段时间以后站起来Vj]ISWgW;hYe。我说的是“对我来说,一天中最糟糕的事情莫过于起床了L997D.~P%O。醒来,我倒是可以+(RbyV*)~Sigzi=s。”v+y6Z6=%wxCj#-。醒来,“wake up”(两个单词)的意思是你在睡觉,然后你停止睡觉,这样你就醒着了S#k11.0@iB]K+b。动词表达是醒来K15wL1rCH6vSIjqOu&U。所以,你在睡觉的时候会醒来,然后你就会起床——躺下一段时间后站起来h#]&HPcDa[C2a%
I said that "waking up" is something "that I can handle" To handle, "handle," here means to be able to control--something that I can manage--something that I can accept; it's not a problem. Another expression would be something I can deal with. To deal, "deal," with something is the same, in this case, as to be able to handle something.


