The only thing that I don't like about our next guest is that he's not here every day
我有一点不喜欢接下来的嘉宾 因为他不经常来我们这儿做客
Please welcome the ridiculously talented Justin Timberlake
See, if you were here everyday, you'll get that everyday
看 只要你天天来 你天天可以享受这样热烈的欢迎
I should be here everyday, that's amazing, thank you
太热烈了 看来我每天都得来这 谢谢大家
Yep, well they love you as much as I love you
是的 他们跟我一样喜爱你
Leave your addresses, uh, your cheque will be in the mail
留下你们的地址 呃 你会在你的邮箱中收到支票
Last time you were here, you were here for our 2000th show
That's right That was a fun show. That was a surprise for me
是的 那是一场非常有意思的秀 让我感到非常惊喜
You've done a lot of shows! That was...At least 2000!
你已经主持过太多的秀了 大概……至少2000场了吧
At least 2000! I have not counted since then, but it was a fun show
至少2000场了!从那场以后我就没有数过了 但那场绝对是有意思的秀
It was a fun show! Let's see the clip
Uhh... No there is... No clip?
呃……没有…… 没有剪辑?
There is no clipOkay, sorry, thought I was Ellen for a second
是的 好吧 不好意思 我反客为主了
You wanna come co-host with me someday? You can. Then you can call for a clip. But you have to be a co-host. Sure.
你想来和我一起主持节目吗?那时候你就可以调出剪辑了 前提是你必须得来和我一起主持 当然愿意了
Okay, let's see the clipNo it's too late
好了 我们来看剪辑吧 不行 太迟了
No, but that was like my--Yea, I know, you can't do it without being a co-host
不是吧 那就像我的……你必须和我一起才能主持这个节目
Okay. Well then, I'll come... I'll come co-hostYea, just, just follow the rules
好吧 那行 我会来的……一起主持 行 没问题 一切按规矩来就好
See, if you were here more often, you'd know the rules
看到了吧 如果你经常来的话 慢慢地就知道规则了
I feel like this is taking the turn
I came out and you were playing my song and--I know. And--
我一出来 你放着我的歌……我知道……
It was like beautiful and--Now I'm attacking you
Now you're yelling at meNo, I'm not
现在你开始对我大喊大叫了 我没有
How is your precious little boy Silas?
I have a boy? Yes you do
Uhh, he's amazingYou and Jessica both have one
呃 他很神奇 你和杰西卡都有一个神奇的孩子
Wha- Yes, she has two. She married one and here we have
什么……好吧 她有两个 一个是她丈夫 另一个只他们的儿子
He's, he's amazing. Oh yeah. He's playing golf!
他很神奇 哦耶 他在打高尔夫!
That is him on the 4th of July At the uh, at our golf course
那是他在七月四号的时候 在……呃 在我们的高尔夫课上
Can he, uh putt or anything yet?
他能 呃 打高尔夫或一些其他的事吗?
Uh, he sort of likes to just chase the ball down when I've putted it, yeah
呃 在我放下球的时候他喜欢追着球跑
And their Halloween pictures that was uh - did he love their Halloween?
这是他们万圣节的照片 那是……他喜欢万圣节吗?
He loves Trolls, he loves the movie
他喜欢巨魔 他喜欢电影
I'm sure he doesI was able to uhh--
我肯定他是喜欢的 我能 呃……
Yea, but he was not feeling his wigNo
是的 但他感受不到他的假发 没有感受到
He didn't want to keep his wig on
He doesn't need a wig, he's got a--
他不需要假发 他已经有了……
He's got a lot of hairA lot of hair
他已经有了一头浓密的头发 浓密的头发
He does have a huge set of hair. Yea--
他头发已经够多了 是的
That's not really what I meant thereYou should let me co-host!
我并不是故意这样的 你应该让我和你一起主持的
What's he doing as far as musically? Cause he's gotta be some kind of crazy talent from you.
在音乐方面他表现的怎么样? 毕竟他从你那得到了这方面的天赋
I mean, he dances around the house, and he--
我觉得 他在房子周围跳舞 还有他……
That's it? Just dances around the house?
I mean, he's 18 months, I don't know anyone like--
我觉得 他只有18个月 我不能从他身上看出些……
I want him to like singing or something at this point.No no no, he--
我想他喜欢唱歌什么的 不不不 他……
He keeps up with all the words to "Can't stop the feeling", um--I love that song. It's kinda crazy.
它能够跟上"Can't stop the feeling"这首歌的节奏 嗯…… 我喜欢那首歌 有点难以置信
I don't know. I feel I'm like that guy who's just bragging of his kid on national television
我不清楚 但我很喜欢那个在电视上吹嘘他儿子的人
But you're suppose to.But he's pretty rad.
你应该喜欢他 但他相当的帅气
So, does he really know the words to that song?He's, okay, he's kind of smart--
那么 他真的懂那首歌的含义吗? 他可以的 他有点聪明
He's got two smart parentsHe didn't get that part from me
毕竟他有聪明的爸妈 他的智慧不是从我那里得到的
Yes he did, yes he did
是的 确实如此
You know how much I love that song
Uh, well thank you. Yeah I--
嗯 ?谢谢你喜欢我的歌 我……
I sent you a video of me singing that song and...That's true, that's true
我发给你我唱那首歌的视频吧 是的 你发货过
There was no tequila involved No, no for sure
里面没有喝龙舌兰酒的片段 没有 当然没有
Let's see the clip! No-- You don't have that clip?
然我们来看剪辑吧! 不…… 你没有那段视频剪辑吗?
It's, it's when the song first came out
When the first song first came out and I had some friends over and Portia and I and--
当第一首歌刚响起的时候 我当时和朋友在一起?Portia和我 还有……
We were all dancing and Justin was-- Not drinking
我们都在跳舞 没有喝酒
Kind enough to send me the tequila that he makes that we did not have any of
Right And um we were singing and dancing and--
是的 我们一起唱歌 跳舞
I decided to send him a video of me singing--
It's really high when it does "can't stop the feeling"
当唱到?"can't stop the feeling"的时候感觉音调非常高
It is, it's high
是的 很高
And my favorite was you're like "just electric, just electric, just electric"
我最喜欢的部分是你唱到"just electric, just electric, just electric"的时候
I was like 'That's, that's not the word' That's-- No
事实上歌词并不是那样的 不是吗
Just electric, those are the words!
Although I've... should have written it's "just electric"
虽然我本应该……写成"just electric"的
What is it? I always thought it was "just electric", what is it?
那歌词到底是什么 我一直都觉得是"just electric" 到底是什么啊
It pretty clearly says "just imagine", but...
歌词分明清楚的写道?"just imagine" 但……
Really? Did you all know that?
I swear!
Listen Let's... Let's roll the clip No, I--
认真听 让我们来看剪辑 不行 我……
Did anyone think it was "just electric" besides me? Alright--
除了我以外还有人听成的是?"just electric"的 吗 你看
Move, Well You Already Know
So Just Imagine, Just Imagine, Just Imagine
尽情畅想 感受这节拍 随心而动
Nothing I Can See But You When You Dance Dance Dance And--
--Creeping Up On You So Just Dance Dance Dance--
……不知不觉间向你涌来 尽情舞动
See I was like "just electric" Pretty clearly says "just imagine"
看 我说是?"just electric"吧 歌词明显是"just imagine"
Alright, well I'm glad to see some other people thought it was "just electric" and now--
好吧 我还是很高兴看到有其他人和我一样以为是"just electric" 现在……
I don't think anyone raised their hand.
That's sympathy! They don't--No it's not!
他们只是不想让你难堪 他们根本……不是 不是同情我
Some people raised their hand at first being honest and the other people were too scared to
最开始有些人举起手是真的这样认为的 后来举手是被我吓的举手的
Anyways, now we gotta take a break but it sounds that you should change the--
无论如何 我们先休息一会 不过感觉你要改一下歌词了
Let's just change it. We'll change it.Alright. We'll be right back.
没问题 ?我们会改的 好吧 马上会来 不要走开哟
So you're that guy... And that was Anna Kendrick right? Yes Yes
所以你配音的是布兰……安娜·肯德里克配音的是波比公主 对吗?是的 没错
Uh, the movie (Trolls) is fantastic and as you've said your son loves it-- which is great -- to do a movie that he can see.
嗯 电影(魔发精灵)非常好看 你也说过你儿子喜欢它 能参与制作一部电影给儿子看这真的很棒
One of the perks of doing this film was I got to stream it early - advanced screening - for my son
He already knows all the characters, I mean, he knows like 12 different characters. He's a genius
他已经知道所有的角色 差不多12种不同的角色 他简直是个天才
He really is, you can clap for him
他真的是个天才 你们应该为他鼓掌
You know, it's seriously it is nice to have--
And the audience saw it. It's a great movie, right? You guys saw it?!
观众们已经看过这部电影了 是一部很棒的电影吧?你的孩子们看过了吗?
Before you go, you have to tell us if you're doing new music any time soon
在你走之前 想问你一下你的新歌快出来了吗?
Because I know you're in the studio with PharrellI am in the studio with Pharrell.
因为我听说你最近和法瑞尔待在录音棚里 我是和法瑞尔
And Tim and Max and his whole crew.
I've always been this way you know... Um, you're leaning in--
我做事一直都是这样的 你懂的 你更倾向于……
I know how you areYou do know how I am
你知道我的为人 你确实懂我
So it could come out tomorrow for all we know. You just don't talk about it.
也许新歌明天发布了 你只是在发布之前不想谈论它
I just don't know until it's done, you know, you want it to be right, you want it to be something you love
You may need a cowbell in it, you may need one more thing in it.
也许你需要牛铃音 或者别的音乐元素在里面
Maybe. Well, what? Cowbell? You never know!
也许吧 牛铃元素 有可能 ?谁知道了
People don't use cowbells enough Yea
人们并没有充分利用牛铃 是的
Seriously, bring it back will you? Because if you bring cowbell back, everyone will start using. I looove cowbell
说真的 你会把这种元素带回到音乐中吗? 如果你用的话 大家都会开始用 我特别喜欢牛铃发出的声音
I'm in, more cowbell