Voice 1: Befrienders.org is an Internet website designed to help people with thoughts of suicide. This website translates into many different languages. It also helps people to find suicide helplines. Helplines connect people by telephone to trained individuals who are willing to listen. These helplines exist in many different countries. Within this system people living anywhere can receive help. You can find a link to befrienders.org on the Spotlight website. Look on the page for this script.
声音1:Befrienders.org这个网站成立的目的是帮助有自杀想法的人群 。这家网站提供多种语言 。它还帮助人们寻求自杀求助热线的帮忙 。自杀求助热线用电话将自杀人群同愿意倾听的专业人士连接起来 。许多国家都有这种自杀求助热线 。依靠这个体系,生活在任何地方的人都可以得到帮助 。大家可以在重点报道节目的官网上找到befrienders.org网站的链接 。链接标注在本期节目的文本里 。
Voice 2: Suicide is a very permanent way to solve a problem. But remember that there are always other ways to solve problems. One good way is to depend on Jesus. Jesus is a friend who always listens and can always be trusted. It may be hard to believe but he cares for you deeply. In the Bible, Jesus says, "Come to me, all of you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest." You can take comfort in these words.
声音2:自杀是是解决问题的一劳永逸的方式 。但是要记住,总有其他方法来解决问题 。其中一个好的方法就是依靠耶稣 。耶稣是一直会倾听而且值得信任的朋友 。虽然很难相信,但耶稣真的非常关心你 。耶稣在《圣经》中说,“凡劳苦担重担的的人,可以到我这里来,我就使你们得安息” 。这些话语会使你得到安慰 。